// POV-Ray 3.7 Include File "gradients.inc"
// author : Ingo Janssen
// date : 2009-09-23
// rev. : 2012-11-19, functions from iquilezes.org
// rev. : 2018-12-17, rewrite and scene added, still rather unordered
// sources : Various, but mainly,
// Golan Levin : http://www.flong.com/texts/code/
// Inigo Quilez: http://www.iquilezles.org/www/articles/functions/functions.htm
#version 3.7;
#include "math.inc"
#declare eps=0.00001; // a predefined epsilon in POV-Ray would be nice ;)
// clip to range zero-one
// A: input value 0-1
#declare clipzo = function(A){clip(A,0,1)};
// clip to range zero-one +/- epsilon
// A: input value A>0 A<1
#declare clipzo_eps = function(A){clip(A,0+eps,1-eps)};
//fraction of value
#declare fract = function(x){x-floor(x)}; //something for math.inc
// #0
// a noisy function
#declare Noise_sin = function{fract((sin(x)+sin(y)+sin(z))*10000000)};
// #1
// exponential
// P: power
#declare G_expo = function(x,P){pow(x,P)};
// #2
// exponential step funtion
// K:
// N:
#declare G_exp_step = function(x,K,N){exp(-K*pow(x,N))};
// #3
// impulse function, usefull for animation
// K: stretch the impulse width, reaches max 1.0 @ x=1/k
#declare G_impulse = function(x,K){(K*x)*exp(1-(K*x))};
// #4
// from 0 to one with circular transition
#declare G_circ_ease_in = function(x){1-sqrt(1-pow(x,2))};
// #5
// from 1 to zero with circular transition
#declare G_circ_ease_out = function(x){sqrt(1-pow((1-x),2))};
// #6
// approximation to the Raised Inverted Cosine curve but faster to compute
// less than 0.1% error in range 0-1
// use, approximate sin or cos trig functions
#declare G_Blinn_Wyvill = function(x){4/9*pow(x,6)-17/9*pow(x,4)+22/9*pow(x,2)};
// #7
// sigmoid like clamping/clipping function
// x: value
// y: min value
// z: max value
#declare G_smoothstep = function(x,y,z){
// #8
// smoother version by K.Perlin
// x: value
// y: min value
// z: max value
#declare G_smootherstep=function(x,y,z){
( 6*pow(clipzo((x-y)/(z-y)),5))-
// #9
// Remap the range 0-1 to 0-1 setting the corners at 0 and the centre at 1
// K: power
#declare G_parabola = function(x,K){pow(4.0*x*(1.0-x),K)};
// #10
// Two cubic curves meet with a horizontal inflection point
// at the control coordinate (A,B), within the unit square
#declare G_double_cubic_seat = function(x,A,B){
clipzo(B)-clipzo(B)*pow(1-x/clipzo_eps(A), 3.0)
// #11
// A: location of inflection on the 0-1 diagonal of unit square
// B: the amount of blend with the identity function, tilt of plateau
#declare G_double_cubic_seat_linear_blend = function(x,A,B){
/(1-clipzo_eps(A)), 3.0))
*(1-pow(1-x/clipzo_eps(A), 3.0))
// #12
// A:
// B: A,B vicinity of plateau
// N: flattness, breath of plateau, integer 1-20
#declare G_double_odd_polynomial_seat = function(x,A,B,N){
// #13
// A: ease out 0-0.5, ease in 0.5-1.
#declare G_expo_ease_in_out = function(x,A){
(clipzo_eps(A)< 0.5),
pow(x, 1.0/(1-(2*(clipzo_eps(A)-0.5)))),
// #14
// usefull for adjusting contrast
// A: 0-1
#declare G_double_expo_sigmoid = function(x,A){
(x<= 0.5),
// #15
// has a very natural rate of change
// A: slope or growth rate.
#declare G_logistic_sigmoid = function(x,A){
// #16
// two circular arcs with seat
// A: curves inflection point along the diagonal of unit box
#declare G_double_circ_seat = function(x,A){
// #17
// two circular arcs with vertical joit, sigmoid
// A: curves inflection point along the diagonal of unit box
#declare G_double_circ_sigmoid = function(x,A){
// #18
// A,B: two elliptic arcs meet at within the unit square
#declare G_double_elliptic_seat = function(x,A,B){
- pow(x-(clipzo_eps(A)),2))
(clipzo(B)/(clipzo_eps(A))) * sqrt(pow((clipzo_eps(A)),2)
- pow(x-(clipzo_eps(A)),2))
// #19
// A,B: two elliptic arcs meet at within the unit square
#declare G_double_elliptic_sigmoid = function(x,A,B){
clipzo(B)*(1 - (sqrt(pow((clipzo_eps(A)),2)
// #20
// quadratic bezier with a single spline control point
// starts at 0,0 ends at 1,1
// A,B : coordinates of the control point
#declare G_quadratic_bezier = function(x,A,B){
// #21
// S-shape with flat tangents at 0 and 1
// N: steepness of the curve ~1-~10
#declare G_symm_double_poly_sigmoid = function(x,N){
select((x<=0.5),-1,1+pow(2*(x-1),floor(N))/2,pow(2*x,floor(N))/2)//odd poly
select ((x<=0.5),-1,1-pow(2*(x-1),floor(N))/2,pow(2*x,floor(N))/2)//even poly
// #22
//symmetric around y-axis x -1,1 got no names? http://www.kynd.info
#declare G_one_ease_in = function(x,P){1-pow(abs(x),P)};
// #23
#declare G_one_ease_out= function(x,P){1-pow(abs(1-x),P)};
// #24
#declare G_two_ease_in = function(x,P){pow(cos(pi*x/2),P)}
// #25
#declare G_two_ease_out= function(x,P){pow(cos(pi*(1-x)/2),P)}
// #26
#declare G_three= function(x,P){1-pow(abs(sin(pi*x/2)),P)}
// #27
#declare G_four= function(x,P){pow(min(cos(pi*x/2),1-abs(x)),P)}
// #28
#declare G_five= function(x,P){1-pow(max(0,abs(x)*2-1),P)}
// #29
// Won't change an input value unless too small
// M = above this threshold there is no change, below a smooth change
// N = replaces a zero value
#declare G_almost_identity = function(x,M,N){
// #30
// smoothest step version by K.McDonald
// x: value
// y: min value
// z: max value
#declare G_smootheststep=function(x,y,z){
// #31
// Remapping range 0-1 to 0-1, corners are remapped to 0
// Curve max at 1.0
// A:
// B:
#declare G_power_curve_k=function(x,A,B){
// #32
// Remapping range 0-1 to 0-1, corners are remapped to 0
// Curve max defined by S
// A:
// B:
// S: set peak on y
#declare G_power_curve=function(x,S,A,B){
// #33
// K=1 identity curve (in = out)
// K<1 gain shape
// K>1 S-shaped
#declare G_gain = function(x,K){
// #34
// C: centre of the curve
// W: half width of the curve
#declare G_cubic_pulse = function(x,C,W){
// #35
// smoother but more expensive than cubic
// A: 0-1
#declare G_double_expo = function(x,A){
1.0 - (pow(2.0*(1.0-x), 1-clipzo_eps(A)))/2.0,
(pow(2.0*x, 1-clipzo_eps(A)))/2.0
// test scene
//+a0.1 +w400 +h400
global_settings {assumed_gamma 1.0}
#default{ finish{ ambient 1 diffuse 0}}
camera {
location <0.5,0.5,-.1>
look_at <0.5,0.5,0>
right x*image_width/image_height
#declare Gradient=0;
#declare Pigm=pigment{function{Noise_sin(x,y,x)}};
#declare P=3;
#declare Pigm=pigment{function{G_expo(x,P)}}
#declare Curve=function(I){G_expo(I,P)};
#declare K=10;
#declare N=1;
#declare Pigm=pigment{function{G_exp_step(x,K,N)}}
#declare Curve=function(I){G_exp_step(I,K,N)}
#declare K=10;
#declare Pigm=pigment{function{G_impulse(x,K)}};
#declare Curve=function(I){G_impulse(I,K)};
#declare Pigm=pigment{function{G_circ_ease_in(x)}};
#declare Curve=function(I){G_circ_ease_in(I)};
#declare Pigm=pigment{function{G_circ_ease_out(x)}};
#declare Curve=function(I){G_circ_ease_out(I)};
#declare Pigm=pigment{function{G_Blinn_Wyvill(x)}};
#declare Curve=function(I){G_Blinn_Wyvill(I)};
#declare Low = 0.2;
#declare High = 0.3;
#declare Pigm=pigment{function{G_smoothstep(x,Low,High)}};
#declare Curve=function(I){G_smoothstep(I,Low,High)};
#declare Low = 0.2;
#declare High = 0.76;
#declare Pigm=pigment{function{G_smootherstep(x,Low,High)}};
#declare Curve=function(I){G_smootherstep(I,Low,High)};
#declare P = 1;
#declare Pigm=pigment{function{G_parabola(x,P)}};
#declare Curve=function(I){G_parabola(I,1)};
#declare X = 0.1;
#declare Y = 0.7
#declare Pigm=pigment{function{G_double_cubic_seat(x,X,Y)}};
#declare Curve=function(I){G_double_cubic_seat(I,X,Y)};
#declare A = 0.3;
#declare B = 0.9;
#declare Pigm=pigment{function{G_double_cubic_seat_linear_blend(x,A,B)}};
#declare Curve=function(I){G_double_cubic_seat_linear_blend(I,A,B)};
#declare X = 0.5;
#declare Y = 0.6;
#declare Breath = 2;
#declare Pigm=pigment{function{G_double_odd_polynomial_seat(x,X,Y,Breath)}};
#declare Curve=function(I){G_double_odd_polynomial_seat(I,X,Y,Breath)};
#declare Pigm=pigment{function{G_expo_ease_in_out(x,0.8)}};
#declare Curve=function(I){G_expo_ease_in_out(I,0.8)};
#declare Pigm=pigment{function{G_double_expo_sigmoid(x,0.6)}};
#declare Curve=function(I){G_double_expo_sigmoid(I,0.6)};
#declare Pigm=pigment{function{G_logistic_sigmoid(x,0.8)}};
#declare Curve=function(I){G_logistic_sigmoid(I,0.8)};
#declare Pigm=pigment{function{G_double_circ_seat(x,0.5)}};
#declare Curve=function(I){G_double_circ_seat(I,0.5)};
#declare Pigm=pigment{function{G_double_circ_sigmoid(x,0.3)}};
#declare Curve=function(I){G_double_circ_sigmoid(I,0.3)};
#declare Pigm=pigment{function{G_double_elliptic_seat(x,0.3,0.7)}};
#declare Curve=function(I){G_double_elliptic_seat(I,0.3,0.7)};
#declare Pigm=pigment{function{G_double_elliptic_sigmoid(x,0.7,0.5)}};
#declare Curve=function(I){G_double_elliptic_sigmoid(I,0.7,0.5)};
#declare Pigm=pigment{function{G_quadratic_bezier(x,0.94,0.3)}};
#declare Curve=function(I){G_quadratic_bezier(I,0.94,0.3)};
#declare Exponent = 3;
#declare Pigm=pigment{function{G_symm_double_poly_sigmoid(x,Exponent)}};
#declare Curve=function(I){G_symm_double_poly_sigmoid(I,Exponent)};
#declare Exponent = .5;
#declare Pigm=pigment{function{G_one_ease_in(x,Exponent)}};
#declare Curve=function(I){G_one_ease_in(I,Exponent)};
#declare Exponent = .5;
#declare Pigm=pigment{function{G_one_ease_out(x,Exponent)}};
#declare Curve=function(I){G_one_ease_out(I,Exponent)};
#declare Exponent = .5;
#declare Pigm=pigment{function{G_two_ease_in(x,Exponent)}};
#declare Curve=function(I){G_two_ease_in(I,Exponent)};
#declare Exponent = .5;
#declare Pigm=pigment{function{G_two_ease_out(x,Exponent)}};
#declare Curve=function(I){G_two_ease_out(I,Exponent)};
#declare Exponent = .5;
#declare Pigm=pigment{function{G_three(x,Exponent)}};
#declare Curve=function(I){G_three(I,Exponent)};
#declare Exponent = 0.5;
#declare Pigm=pigment{function{G_four(x,Exponent)}};
#declare Curve=function(I){G_four(I,Exponent)};
#declare Exponent = 0.5;
#declare Pigm=pigment{function{G_five(x,Exponent)}};
#declare Curve=function(I){G_five(I,Exponent)};
#declare M = 0.2;//threshold |Extreme example values to show result
#declare N = 0.1;//if x is zero |M=0.05 N=0.01 or N=eps may make more sense
#declare Pigm=pigment{function{G_almost_identity(x,M,N)}};
#declare Curve=function(I){G_almost_identity(I,M,N)};
#declare Low = 0.2;
#declare High = 0.76;
#declare Pigm=pigment{function{G_smootheststep(x,Low,High)}};
#declare Curve=function(I){G_smootheststep(I,Low,High)};
#declare A = 2;
#declare B = 5;
#declare S = 30;
#declare Pigm=pigment{function{G_power_curve_k(x,A,B)}};
#declare Curve=function(I){G_power_curve_k(I,A,B)};
#declare A = 2;
#declare B = 5;
#declare S = 50;
#declare Pigm=pigment{function{G_power_curve(x,S,A,B)}};
#declare Curve=function(I){G_power_curve(I,S,A,B)};
#declare K = .2; //#declare K = 5;
#declare Pigm=pigment{function{G_gain(x,K)}};
#declare Curve=function(I){G_gain(I,K)};
#declare C = .4; //centre of curve
#declare W = .2; //half width of curve
#declare Pigm=pigment{function{G_cubic_pulse(x,C,W)}};
#declare Curve=function(I){G_cubic_pulse(I,C,W)};
#declare A = .3; //0-1
#declare Pigm=pigment{function{G_double_expo(x,A)}};
#declare Curve=function(I){G_double_expo(I,A)};
box {0,1 texture {pigment {Pigm}}}
#for (I,0,1,0.001)
sphere{,0.005 pigment{rgb <.5,0,0>}}
// Splines are nice to define al kind of curves, but handing/control
// with functions is a tad cumbersome. Best defined per use case.
#declare S= 0.5;
#declare G = function{
0, 0
S, 0.5
1, 1
box {
<0, 0, 0>, <1, 1, 1>
texture {
pigment {
finish {
ambient 1.0
diffuse 0.0
#for (I,0,1,0.001)
sphere{,0.005 pigment{rgb x}}