// Caption: Planetarium // Version: 1.0 alpha // Authors: Michael Horvath // Website: http://isometricland.net // Created: 2018-09-13 // Updated: 2018-09-13 // This file is licensed under the terms of the CC-LGPL. // http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl-2.1.html #include "CIE.inc" // http://www.ignorancia.org/en/index.php?page=Lightsys #include "lightsys.inc" // http://www.ignorancia.org/en/index.php?page=Lightsys #include "math.inc" #include "transforms.inc" #declare PlanetsNumber = 8; #declare StartDate = 2455376.5; // days #declare DateRange = 5000; // days #declare Today = StartDate + clock * DateRange; // days #declare ReferenceDate = 2455376.5; // days #declare SunRadius = 696000; // km #declare AU = 149597870.691; // km #declare EccentricityMulti = 1; #declare InclinationMulti = 1; #declare MeanRadiusMulti = 1000; #declare MultiSunRadius = SunRadius / AU * MeanRadiusMulti / 100; // km #declare Hidden = true; #declare Constructs = true; #declare PlanetName = array[PlanetsNumber] {"Mercury", "Venus", "Earth", "Mars", "Jupiter", "Saturn", "Uranus", "Neptune"} // string #declare MeanRadius = array[PlanetsNumber] {2439.00000000000, 6051.80000000000, 6371.00000000000, 3389.90000000000, 69911.0000000000, 58232.0000000000, 25362.0000000000, 24624.0000000000} // km #declare Eccentricity = array[PlanetsNumber] {0.205620000000000, 0.00681000000000001, 0.0174500000000000, 0.0933100000000001, 0.0487700172393226, 0.0543567124395717, 0.0474181287155161, 0.00867613156526848} // 0..1 #declare PeriapsisDistance = array[PlanetsNumber] {0.307500000000000, 0.718400000000001, 0.981800000000001, 1.38155607491481, 4.94428800019439, 9.02556880140891, 18.2765360029404, 29.8027416187573} // AU #declare Inclination = array[PlanetsNumber] {7.00437000000001, 3.39449000000000, 0.00265000000000000, 1.84890000000000, 1.30471529390000, 2.48627960990000, 0.772208056400001, 1.77363184250000} // deg #declare LongitudeOfAscendingNode = array[PlanetsNumber] {48.3175000000001, 76.6503600000001, 125.106850000000, 49.5243100000001, 100.512620913600, 113.580108269500, 73.9887836759001, 131.812865345800} // deg #declare ArgumentOfPerifocus = array[PlanetsNumber] {29.1531600000000, 54.8862100000001, 338.168880000000, 286.588600000000, 273.863659279900, 339.012583100900, 97.0984503626001, 274.763059227300} // deg #declare TimeOfPeriapsis = array[PlanetsNumber] {2455372.93755000, 2455333.42831000, 2455200.63690000, 2455630.00590000, 2455636.98729551, 2452815.05701155, 2470111.02681989, 2468542.30107738} // Julian Date #declare MeanMotion = array[PlanetsNumber] {4.09235000000000, 1.60214000000000, 0.986730000000001, 0.524010000000001, 0.0831087186000001, 0.0334340072000000, 0.0117349026000000, 0.00598274880000001} // deg/day #declare MeanAnomaly = array[PlanetsNumber] {14.5787800000000, 69.0069800000001, 173.530063432941, 227.160840000000, 338.351234669700, 85.6393031936001, 187.091762213400, 281.232319787200} // deg #declare TrueAnomaly = array[PlanetsNumber] {22.4135700000000, 69.7378700000001, 173.750630000000, 219.916960000000, 336.166514350700, 91.8700282165001, 186.458277094000, 280.255135189300} // deg #declare SemiMajorAxis = array[PlanetsNumber] {0.387100000000000, 0.723330000000001, 0.999240000000001, 1.52373948563770, 5.19778401627436, 9.54436934110015, 19.1863151650114, 30.0635771696034} // AU #declare ApoapsisDistance = array[PlanetsNumber] {0.466690000000000, 0.728260000000001, 1.01667932374362, 1.66592289636059, 5.45128003235434, 10.0631698807914, 20.0960943270823, 30.3244127204495} // AU #declare OrbitalPeriod = array[PlanetsNumber] {87.9690017344257, 224.699143682606, 364.840045525330, 687.012184509975, 4331.67549980859, 10767.4799006351, 30677.7150878657, 60173.0097300372} // days #declare ColorR = array[PlanetsNumber] {115, 222, 280, 135, 255, 204, 153, 102} // 0..255 #declare ColorG = array[PlanetsNumber] {115, 199, 830, 100, 204, 204, 153, 102} // 0..255 #declare ColorB = array[PlanetsNumber] {115, 165, 108, 600, 153, 204, 255, 255} // 0..255 #declare MeanAnomalyToday = array[PlanetsNumber]; #declare TrueAnomalyToday = array[PlanetsNumber]; #declare RadiusVectorToday = array[PlanetsNumber]; #declare XToday = array[PlanetsNumber]; #declare YToday = array[PlanetsNumber]; #declare ZToday = array[PlanetsNumber]; #declare MultiEccentricity = array[PlanetsNumber]; #declare MultiInclination = array[PlanetsNumber]; #declare MultiMeanRadius = array[PlanetsNumber]; #for (i, 0, PlanetsNumber - 1) #declare MultiEccentricity[i] = max(min(Eccentricity[i] * EccentricityMulti, 1), 0); #declare MeanAnomalyToday[i] = ((Today - TimeOfPeriapsis[i]) / OrbitalPeriod[i] * 360); #declare TrueAnomalyToday[i] = MeanAnomalyToday[i] + ((2 * MultiEccentricity[i] - pow(MultiEccentricity[i],3) / 4) * sind(MeanAnomalyToday[i]) + 5 / 4 * pow(MultiEccentricity[i],2) * sind(2 * MeanAnomalyToday[i]) + 13 / 12 * pow(MultiEccentricity[i],3) * sind(3 * MeanAnomalyToday[i])) * 180 / pi; #declare RadiusVectorToday[i] = SemiMajorAxis[i] * (1 - pow(MultiEccentricity[i],2)) / (1 + MultiEccentricity[i] * cosd(TrueAnomalyToday[i])); #declare MultiInclination[i] = Inclination[i] * InclinationMulti; #declare XToday[i] = RadiusVectorToday[i] * (cosd(LongitudeOfAscendingNode[i]) * cosd(TrueAnomalyToday[i] + ArgumentOfPerifocus[i] - LongitudeOfAscendingNode[i]) - sind(LongitudeOfAscendingNode[i]) * sind(TrueAnomalyToday[i] + ArgumentOfPerifocus[i] - LongitudeOfAscendingNode[i]) * cosd(MultiInclination[i])); #declare YToday[i] = RadiusVectorToday[i] * (sind(LongitudeOfAscendingNode[i]) * cosd(TrueAnomalyToday[i] + ArgumentOfPerifocus[i] - LongitudeOfAscendingNode[i]) + cosd(LongitudeOfAscendingNode[i]) * sind(TrueAnomalyToday[i] + ArgumentOfPerifocus[i] - LongitudeOfAscendingNode[i]) * cosd(MultiInclination[i])); #declare ZToday[i] = RadiusVectorToday[i] * sind(TrueAnomalyToday[i] + ArgumentOfPerifocus[i] - LongitudeOfAscendingNode[i]) * sind(MultiInclination[i]); #declare MultiMeanRadius[i] = MeanRadius[i] / AU * MeanRadiusMulti; sphere { MultiMeanRadius[i] pigment {color rgb /255} } #end #declare RWorld_Toggle_Radiosity = true; #declare RWorld_Toggle_Camera_Mode = 1; #declare RWorld_Toggle_Light_Mode = 0; #declare RWorld_Sun_Radius = MultiSunRadius; #declare RWorld_Light_Area_Radius = MultiSunRadius; #declare RWorld_Light_Area_Theta_Num = 6; #declare RWorld_Light_Area_Theta_Dif = 2 * pi/RWorld_Light_Area_Theta_Num; #declare RWorld_Light_Area_Phi_Num = 6; #declare RWorld_Light_Area_Phi_Dif = pi/RWorld_Light_Area_Phi_Num; #declare RWorld_Light_Area_Lumens = 2/RWorld_Light_Area_Theta_Num/RWorld_Light_Area_Phi_Num; #declare RWorld_Light_Area_Temp = Daylight(5800); #declare RWorld_Light_Area_Color = Light_Color(RWorld_Light_Area_Temp,RWorld_Light_Area_Lumens); #declare RWorld_Light_Point_Lumens = 2; #declare RWorld_Light_Point_Temp = Daylight(5800); #declare RWorld_Light_Point_Color = Light_Color(RWorld_Light_Point_Temp,RWorld_Light_Point_Lumens); global_settings { #if (RWorld_Toggle_Radiosity = true) radiosity { always_sample off brightness 0.3 } #end ambient_light 0.01 charset utf8 assumed_gamma 1 } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // CAMERA #switch (RWorld_Toggle_Camera_Mode) #case (1) #declare RWorld_Camera_Vertical = 0; //45; #declare RWorld_Camera_Horizontal = 30; //asind(tand(30)); #declare RWorld_Camera_Aspect = image_height/image_width; #declare RWorld_Camera_Distance = 10; #declare RWorld_Camera_Translate = <0,0,0>; #declare RWorld_Camera_Scale = 1; #declare RWorld_Camera_Rotate = ; #declare RWorld_Camera_Up = +y * 2 * RWorld_Camera_Aspect; #declare RWorld_Camera_Right = +x * 2; #declare RWorld_Camera_Location = -z * RWorld_Camera_Distance; #declare RWorld_Camera_Direction = +z * RWorld_Camera_Distance; #declare RWorld_Camera_LookAt = RWorld_Camera_Location + RWorld_Camera_Direction; #declare RWorld_Camera_Transform = transform { rotate RWorld_Camera_Rotate scale RWorld_Camera_Scale translate RWorld_Camera_Translate } camera { perspective //orthographic up RWorld_Camera_Up right RWorld_Camera_Right location RWorld_Camera_Location direction RWorld_Camera_Direction transform {RWorld_Camera_Transform} } #declare RWorld_Camera_Location = vtransform(RWorld_Camera_Location,RWorld_Camera_Transform); #declare RWorld_Camera_LookAt = vtransform(RWorld_Camera_LookAt,RWorld_Camera_Transform); #break #case (2) camera { perspective sky y location <0,0,-RWorld_Ring_Radius*63/64> look_at <0,0,-RWorld_Ring_Radius> } #break #case (3) camera { perspective sky z location <0,0,-RWorld_Ring_Radius + 0.005> look_at <1,0,-RWorld_Ring_Radius + 0.005> } #break #case (4) camera { perspective sky y location <0,RWorld_Ring_Radius*1/4,-RWorld_Ring_Radius*2/3> look_at <0,0,-RWorld_Ring_Radius> } #break #case (5) camera { spherical angle 360 sky y location look_at <0,RWorld_Ring_Radius*1/16,-RWorld_Ring_Radius> } #break #end //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // MISC GRAPHICAL SETTINGS global_settings { #if (RWorld_Toggle_Radiosity = true) radiosity { always_sample off brightness 0.3 } #end ambient_light 0.01 charset utf8 assumed_gamma 1 } background {color rgb 1/2} /* sky_sphere { pigment { bozo color_map { [0.0 color rgb 1] [0.2 color rgb 0] [1.0 color rgb 0] } scale 1e-4 } } */ //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // SUN #declare RWorld_Sun_Object = sphere { 0, RWorld_Sun_Radius hollow material { texture { pigment {rgbt 1} } interior { media { emission RWorld_Light_Point_Color/RWorld_Sun_Radius density { spherical density_map { [0.0 rgb 0] [0.2 rgb 1] [1.0 rgb 1] } scale RWorld_Sun_Radius } } } } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // LIGHTS #switch (RWorld_Toggle_Light_Mode) #case (1) // old area light code (very slow) // I need a new formula, since right now the lights are concentrated near the poles #declare RWorld_Light_Area_Theta = RWorld_Light_Area_Theta_Dif/2; #for (i, 1, RWorld_Light_Area_Theta_Num) #declare RWorld_Light_Area_Phi = RWorld_Light_Area_Phi_Dif/2; #for (j, 1, RWorld_Light_Area_Phi_Num) #declare RWorld_Light_Area_X = RWorld_Light_Area_Radius * cos(RWorld_Light_Area_Theta) * sin(RWorld_Light_Area_Phi); #declare RWorld_Light_Area_Y = RWorld_Light_Area_Radius * cos(RWorld_Light_Area_Phi); #declare RWorld_Light_Area_Z = RWorld_Light_Area_Radius * sin(RWorld_Light_Area_Theta) * sin(RWorld_Light_Area_Phi); light_source { RWorld_Light_Area_Color } #declare RWorld_Light_Area_Phi = RWorld_Light_Area_Phi + RWorld_Light_Area_Phi_Dif; #end #declare RWorld_Light_Area_Theta = RWorld_Light_Area_Theta + RWorld_Light_Area_Theta_Dif; #end #break #case (2) // new area light code (less slow) light_source { 0 RWorld_Light_Point_Color area_light x * RWorld_Sun_Radius * 2, y * RWorld_Sun_Radius * 2 // lights spread out across this distance (x * z) 5, 5 // total number of lights in grid (4x*4z = 16 lights) adaptive 1 // 0,1,2,3... jitter // adds random softening of light circular // make the shape of the light circular orient // orient light looks_like {RWorld_Sun_Object} } #break #case (3) // point light (not slow) light_source { 0 RWorld_Light_Point_Color looks_like {RWorld_Sun_Object} } #break #end light_source { <-1,+1,+1,> * 100 color rgb 1 rotate -y * 15 parallel point_at 0 shadowless } light_source { <-1,+1,+1,> * 100 color rgb 1 rotate +y * 270 rotate -y * 15 parallel point_at 0 shadowless } object {RWorld_Sun_Object}