#version 3.7; global_settings{ assumed_gamma 1.0 max_trace_level 200 } background { colour rgb 0 } #include "colors.inc" #include "textures.inc" #include "golds.inc" #include "woods.inc" #declare CamFactor = frame_number/100; #declare CamFactor = 1000; #declare CamAngle = frame_number; #declare Cam0Location = < 0.0 , 1*(1+CamFactor) ,0>; #declare Cam0Location = vrotate(Cam0Location, <0, 0, CamAngle>); #declare Cam0Location = vrotate(Cam0Location, <0, CamAngle, 0>) + (<-3, 3, -3>*(1+CamFactor)); #declare Cam1Location = <8.0 , 1.5 ,5>; /* Declare the illusion camera pointing along the z-axis */ #declare UseIllusionCamera = 1; #if (UseIllusionCamera) camera { location Cam0Location look_at <0.0 , 0.0 , 0.0> direction z * (1+CamFactor) right image_width / image_height * x } #else // Use this camera to see how the wedges work. camera { location Cam1Location look_at 0 // Cam0Location / 2 direction z * 1 right image_width / image_height * x } #end light_source{vrotate(<1500,1500,-2500>,<0, CamAngle, 0>) color White*0.25} light_source{vrotate(<1500,1250,-2500>,<0, 90+CamAngle, 0>) color White*0.5} light_source{vrotate(<1500, 750,-2500>,<0, 270+CamAngle, 0>) color White*0.5} #declare R = 0.25; //radius of the tubes #declare r = 0.25;//0.375; //radius of the spheres #declare CornerPositions = array [2][4] { {<-1,-1,-1>,< 1,-1,-1>,<1,-1, 1>,<-1,-1, 1>}, {<-1, 1,-1>,< 1, 1,-1>,<1, 1, 1>,<-1, 1, 1>} } #declare CubeTexture = texture { pigment { color rgb<0.9, 0.9, 0.9> } finish { ambient 0.2 diffuse 0.7 } }; #declare CubeTexture = texture { T_Wood1 }; #declare BottomCylinders = array [4] { cylinder {CornerPositions[0][0],CornerPositions[0][1],R texture { CubeTexture rotate y * 90}} cylinder {CornerPositions[0][1],CornerPositions[0][2],R texture { CubeTexture rotate y * 0}} cylinder {CornerPositions[0][2],CornerPositions[0][3],R texture { CubeTexture rotate y * 90}} cylinder {CornerPositions[0][3],CornerPositions[0][0],R texture { CubeTexture rotate y * 0}} } #declare VerticalCylinders = array [4] { union { sphere {CornerPositions[0][0],R} cylinder {CornerPositions[0][0],CornerPositions[1][0],R} sphere {CornerPositions[1][0],R} // sphere {CornerPositions[1][0] + < 0, 0.4, 0>,R/4 pigment { Red}} texture { CubeTexture rotate x * 90} } union { sphere {CornerPositions[0][1],R} cylinder {CornerPositions[0][1],CornerPositions[1][1],R} sphere {CornerPositions[1][1],R} // sphere {CornerPositions[1][1] + < 0, 0.4, 0>,R/4 pigment { Red}} // sphere {CornerPositions[1][1] + < 0, 0.5, 0>,R/4 pigment { Red}} texture { CubeTexture rotate x * 90} } union { sphere {CornerPositions[0][2],R} cylinder {CornerPositions[0][2],CornerPositions[1][2],R} sphere {CornerPositions[1][2],R} // sphere {CornerPositions[1][2] + < 0, 0.4, 0>,R/4 pigment { Red}} // sphere {CornerPositions[1][2] + < 0, 0.5, 0>,R/4 pigment { Red}} // sphere {CornerPositions[1][2] + < 0, 0.6, 0>,R/4 pigment { Red}} texture { CubeTexture rotate x * 90} } union { sphere {CornerPositions[0][3],R} cylinder {CornerPositions[0][3],CornerPositions[1][3],R} sphere {CornerPositions[1][3],R} // sphere {CornerPositions[1][3] + < 0, 0.4, 0>,R/4 pigment { Red}} // sphere {CornerPositions[1][3] + < 0, 0.5, 0>,R/4 pigment { Red}} // sphere {CornerPositions[1][3] + < 0, 0.6, 0>,R/4 pigment { Red}} // sphere {CornerPositions[1][3] + < 0, 0.7, 0>,R/4 pigment { Red}} texture { CubeTexture rotate x * 90} } } #declare TopCylinders = array [4] { cylinder {CornerPositions[1][0],CornerPositions[1][1],R texture { CubeTexture rotate y * 90}} cylinder {CornerPositions[1][1],CornerPositions[1][2],R texture { CubeTexture rotate y * 0}} cylinder {CornerPositions[1][2],CornerPositions[1][3],R texture { CubeTexture rotate y * 90}} cylinder {CornerPositions[1][3],CornerPositions[1][0],R texture { CubeTexture rotate y * 0}} } #declare c = 0; #declare ShadowCube = union { #while (c < 4) object { TopCylinders[c]} object { BottomCylinders[c]} object { VerticalCylinders[c]} #declare c = c + 1; #end } /* Macro YWedge() defines the vertical section we need to cut out so that the post in the back becomes visible */ /*******Here's where my problem lies, I need to translate the planes in sucg a way that they are being tracked upon animation*******/ #macro YWedge( Cam, Top, Bottom ) /* The wedge needs to be limited by 2 lines off sight at the top and bottom. */ #local ViewVector = vlength(<0, Top.y , Top.z>-<0, Cam.y, Cam.z>); #local Alpha = degrees(asin((Top.y-Cam.y)/ ViewVector)); #local TopPlane = plane { -y, 0 rotate x * -Alpha } #local ViewVector = vlength(<0, Bottom.y , Bottom.z>-<0, Cam.y, Cam.z>); #local Alpha = degrees(asin((Bottom.y-Cam.y)/ ViewVector)); #local BottomPlane = plane { y, 0 rotate x * -Alpha } #local ViewVector = vlength(<Bottom.x ,0, Bottom.z>-<Cam.x, 0, Cam.z>); #local WedgeLength = vlength(Cam); /* ViewVector is the distance from the camera position to the vertical post that we want to make visible. Distance is calculated along the y = 0 plane. */ #local r = R; #local Alpha = asin(r / ViewVector) * 180 / pi; /* Alpha is the angle between the line that goes through the center of the vertical post and the line that touches the outside of the post */ #declare Plane1 = plane {-x, 0 rotate y*Alpha}; #declare Plane2 = plane { x, 0 rotate y*-Alpha}; /* We declare 2 planes that touch left and right side of the post */ #declare wedge = difference { box {-WedgeLength*1.1, WedgeLength*1.1} object { Plane1 } object { Plane2 } } /* We then create a wedge which starts at the camera view point and covers the post we want to make visible */ #local Xdist = Top.x - Cam.x ; #declare Angle = degrees(asin(Xdist/ViewVector)); /* "Angle" is the angle between the z-axis and the line through the post we want to make visible. */ difference { object { wedge rotate y * Angle } object { TopPlane } object { BottomPlane } translate Cam pigment {Red} } #end #macro XWedge( Cam, Left, Right ) /* The wedge needs to be limited by 2 lines off sight at the left and right. */ #local ViewVector = vlength(< Left.x,0 , Left.z>-<Cam.x, 0, Cam.z>); #local Alpha = degrees(asin((Left.x-Cam.x)/ ViewVector)); #local LeftPlane = plane { x, 0 rotate y * Alpha } #local ViewVector = vlength(< Right.x , 0, Right.z>-<Cam.x, 0, Cam.z>); #local Alpha = degrees(asin((Right.x-Cam.x)/ ViewVector)); #local RightPlane = plane {-x, 0 rotate y * Alpha } #local ViewVector = vlength( <0, Left.y, Left.z> - <0, Cam.y, Cam.z> ); #local WedgeLength = vlength(Cam); #local r = R; #local Alpha = degrees(asin(r / ViewVector)); #declare Plane1 = plane {-y, 0 rotate x *-Alpha}; #declare Plane2 = plane { y, 0 rotate x * Alpha}; /* We declare 2 planes that touch left and right side of the post */ #declare wedge = difference { box {-WedgeLength*1.1, WedgeLength*1.1} object { Plane1 } object { Plane2 } } /* We then create a wedge which starts at the camera view point and covers the post we want to make visible */ #local Ydist = Left.y - Cam.y ; #declare Angle = degrees(asin(Ydist/ViewVector)); /* "Angle" is the angle between the z-axis and the line through the post we want to make visible. */ difference { object { wedge rotate x * -Angle } object { LeftPlane } object { RightPlane } translate Cam pigment {Green} } #end #macro ZWedge( Cam, Front, Back ) #local ViewVector = vlength(< Back.x, 0, Back.z>-<Cam.x, 0, Cam.z>); #local Alpha = degrees(asin((Back.z-Cam.z)/ ViewVector)); #local BackPlane = plane { -z, 0 rotate y * -Alpha } #local ViewVector = vlength(< Front.x , 0, Front.z>-<Cam.x, 0, Cam.z>); #local Alpha = degrees(asin((Front.z-Cam.z)/ ViewVector)); #local FrontPlane = plane { z, 0 rotate y * -Alpha } #local ViewVector = vlength( <Front.x, Front.y, 0> - <Cam.x, Cam.y, 0> ); #local WedgeLength = vlength(Cam); #local D = R; #local Alpha = degrees(asin(D / ViewVector)); #declare Plane1 = plane {-y, 0 rotate z * Alpha}; #declare Plane2 = plane { y, 0 rotate z *-Alpha}; #declare wedge = difference { box {-WedgeLength*1.1, WedgeLength*1.1} object { Plane1 } object { Plane2 } } #local dist = Front.y - Cam.y; #declare Angle = degrees(asin(dist/ViewVector)); difference { object { wedge rotate z * Angle } object { BackPlane } object { FrontPlane } translate Cam pigment {Blue} } #end #declare Wedges = union { YWedge(Cam0Location,CornerPositions[1][2],CornerPositions[0][2]) XWedge(Cam0Location,CornerPositions[0][3],CornerPositions[0][2]) ZWedge(Cam0Location,CornerPositions[0][1],CornerPositions[0][2]) } #if (UseIllusionCamera) #declare TopCylinders[0] = difference { object { TopCylinders[0] } object { Wedges } } #declare TopCylinders[3] = difference { object { TopCylinders[3] } object { Wedges } } #declare VerticalCylinders[0] = difference { object { VerticalCylinders[0] } object { Wedges } } #else #declare TopCylinders[0] = union { object { TopCylinders[0] } object { Wedges } } #end // Assemble all cylinders #declare c = 0; #declare ImpossibleCube = union { #while (c < 4) object { TopCylinders[c]} object { BottomCylinders[c]} object { VerticalCylinders[c]} #declare c = c + 1; #end } object {ImpossibleCube no_shadow } // This is why the shadow will never show the trick. //object {ShadowCube texture { T_Gold_1B } no_image}