// Persistence of Vision Ray Tracer Scene Description File // File: swivelstool.inc // Vers: 3.6 (POV-Ray syntax version) // Desc: A common style of swivel stool sitting at origin along the positive Y axis. Units are in inches. It lacks bolts. // Desc: This is a very old file which was originally modeled with R/H z-up coordinates, but the individual components // Desc: have now been rotated and flipped to L/H y-up coordinates. // Date: Last Update: Mar 27, 2008 // Auth: Charles Coyle // This file is licensed under the terms of the CC-LGPL #local SwivelStool_Temp_Vers = version; #version 3.6; // This version of this line is for complete lib.povray.org compliance: #ifdef(SwivelStool_View_POV_Include_Stack) #debug "including swivelstool.inc\n" #end // but this line might be more functional if used alongside POV-Ray distro files: // #ifdef(View_POV_Include_Stack) #debug "including swivelstool.inc\n" #end // This file can be rendered independently or used as an include. Declaring a string variable Main_Scene_File containing // the name of the primary file to render is one way to let "swivelstool.inc" know whether to render a demo scene. // // To use this file as intended, uncomment the following line. It can be left that way. It is distributed commented-out // for complete lib.povray.org compliance. Either choice will not affect this file's use as an include file if // Main_Scene_File or certain common variables (Red) are defined prior to including "swivelstool.inc". // //#ifndef(Main_Scene_File) #declare Main_Scene_File = "swivelstool.inc" #ifdef(Red)#declare Main_Scene_File="\nRed already defined\n"#end #ifdef(camera)#declare Main_Scene_File="\nCamera already defined\n"#end #if(!strcmp(Main_Scene_File,"swivelstool.inc")) #local SwivelStool_Render_Demo_Switch=yes;#end #debug Main_Scene_File #end // // // Uncomment the line above to render this file as a self-rendering demo. // Modifying the line below will work too but is not recomended. #ifndef(SwivelStool_Render_Demo_Switch) #local SwivelStool_Render_Demo_Switch = no; #end //There should be no need to change this to a yes. // ********************************************************************************************************************* // ***************** A Very Few Settings ******************************************************************************* // Note that many dimensions are hard coded. (This is a modified, but very old file.) //If this is no, then default textures won't be created and "metals.inc" won't be needed. #ifndef(SwivelStool_Make_Default_Textures) #local SwivelStool_Make_Default_Textures = yes; #end //If this is no, then pure untextured unions will be created whether textures are defined or not. #ifndef(SwivelStool_Apply_Textures) #local SwivelStool_Apply_Textures = yes; #end // You can spin it if you can see the texture well enough. #ifndef(SwivelStool_Top_Spin_Angle) #local SwivelStool_Top_Spin_Angle = 0; #end #ifndef(SwivelStool_Dome_Height) #local SwivelStool_Dome_Height = 1; #end #ifndef(SwivelStool_Radius) #local SwivelStool_Radius = 7; #end #ifndef(SwivelStool_Leg_Bend_Radius) #local SwivelStool_Leg_Bend_Radius = 5; #end // High values will cause an error. #local SwivelStool_Draw_plane_if_self_demo = no; // ***************** A Very Few Settings ******************************************************************************* // ********************************************************************************************************************* #if(SwivelStool_Make_Default_Textures) //...then build textures using standard POV-Ray includes. #ifndef( T_Chrome_1C ) #include "metals.inc" #end // #ifndef( SwivelStool_Top_Texture ) #declare SwivelStool_Top_Texture = texture { pigment{rgb <.1,.1,.1>} finish{phong .3 ambient 0 specular .3} normal{agate .1 scale .5*<1,1,2>} } //end texture SwivelStool_Top_Texture #end //end #ifndef( SwivelStool_Top_Texture ) // #declare SwivelStool_Metal_Texture = texture{ T_Chrome_1C finish{ambient 0} } // #declare SwivelStool_Foot_Texture = texture{ pigment{rgb <.1,.1,.1>} finish{ambient 0} } #end //end #if(SwivelStool_Make_Default_Textures) // Since this file was originally written for right-hand, z-up coordinates and left-hand are more common, the following // transformation is applied to all components: #local SwivelStool_RH_To_LH_Transform = transform {rotate x * -90 scale <1,1,-1> } //#ifndef(SwivelStool_Dome_Height) #local SwivelStool_Dome_Height = 1; #end //#ifndef(SwivelStool_Radius) #local SwivelStool_Radius = 7; #end #local SwivelStool_B = atan2(SwivelStool_Radius,SwivelStool_Dome_Height); #local SwivelStool_Hyp = sqrt( pow(SwivelStool_Dome_Height,2) + pow(SwivelStool_Radius,2) ); #local SwivelStool_Dist = .5*SwivelStool_Hyp*tan(SwivelStool_B); #local SwivelStool_Dome_Radius = sqrt( pow(SwivelStool_Dist,2) + pow(SwivelStool_Hyp/2,2) ); #declare SwivelStool_Top = union { cylinder { <0,0,0>, <0,0,3+(1/2)> SwivelStool_Radius } torus { SwivelStool_Radius, (3/32) rotate x*90 } torus { SwivelStool_Radius, (3/32) rotate x*90 translate z*(3+(1/2)) } sphere { <0,0,-SwivelStool_Dome_Radius + SwivelStool_Dome_Height + 3+(1/2)>, SwivelStool_Dome_Radius clipped_by{ plane{ z, 3+(1/2) inverse } } #if(SwivelStool_Apply_Textures) texture{SwivelStool_Top_Texture} #end } #if(SwivelStool_Apply_Textures) texture {SwivelStool_Top_Texture} #end translate z*(25+(3/4)) rotate <0,0,SwivelStool_Top_Spin_Angle> transform {SwivelStool_RH_To_LH_Transform} } //end union SwivelStool_Top //#ifndef(SwivelStool_Leg_Bend_Radius) #local SwivelStool_Leg_Bend_Radius = 5; #end #local SwivelStool_Half_Distance_Between_Arc_Centers = sqrt( pow(11+(1/2)-3-(3/4),2) + pow( 7+SwivelStool_Leg_Bend_Radius - (9+(5/8)-SwivelStool_Leg_Bend_Radius),2) ) /2; #local Half_Lenth_Of_Tangent_Piece = sqrt( pow(SwivelStool_Half_Distance_Between_Arc_Centers,2)-pow(SwivelStool_Leg_Bend_Radius,2) ); #local SwivelStool_Slant_Angle_In_Rad = atan2( 11+(1/2)-3-(3/4), (7+SwivelStool_Leg_Bend_Radius) - (9+(5/8)-SwivelStool_Leg_Bend_Radius) ) + atan2(SwivelStool_Leg_Bend_Radius,Half_Lenth_Of_Tangent_Piece); #local SwivelStool_Slant_Angle_In_Deg = SwivelStool_Slant_Angle_In_Rad * 180/pi -90; #declare SwivelStool_Foot = cone { <9+(5/8),0,0>, 5/8, <9+(5/8),0,7/8>, 17/32 #if(SwivelStool_Apply_Textures) texture {SwivelStool_Foot_Texture} #end transform {SwivelStool_RH_To_LH_Transform} } //end cone SwivelStool_Foot #declare SwivelStool_Single_Leg = union{ cylinder { <0,0,24+(1/2)>, <4,0,24+(1/2)>, 1/2 } //top horizontal piece cylinder { <7,0,21+(1/2)>, <7,0,11+(1/2)>, 1/2 } //upper vertical piece cylinder { <9+(5/8),0,3+(3/4)>, <9+(5/8),0,0>, 1/2 } //lower vertical piece cylinder { <SwivelStool_Leg_Bend_Radius,0,0>, <SwivelStool_Leg_Bend_Radius,0,Half_Lenth_Of_Tangent_Piece*2>, 1/2 rotate y*(-SwivelStool_Slant_Angle_In_Deg) translate <9+(5/8)-SwivelStool_Leg_Bend_Radius,0,(3+(3/4))> } torus { 3, 1/2 clipped_by { plane{z, 0 inverse} } clipped_by { plane{x, 0 inverse} } translate <4,0,21+(1/2)> }//end torus torus { SwivelStool_Leg_Bend_Radius, 1/2 clipped_by { plane{z, 0 rotate y*(-SwivelStool_Slant_Angle_In_Deg) } } clipped_by { plane{z, 0 inverse} } translate <9+(5/8)-SwivelStool_Leg_Bend_Radius,0,3+(3/4)> //pigment{Green} }//end torus torus { SwivelStool_Leg_Bend_Radius, 1/2 clipped_by { plane{z, 0 inverse rotate y*(-SwivelStool_Slant_Angle_In_Deg) } } clipped_by { plane{z, 0 } } translate <7+SwivelStool_Leg_Bend_Radius,0,11+(1/2)> //pigment{Green} }//end torus #if(SwivelStool_Apply_Textures) texture { SwivelStool_Metal_Texture } #end transform {SwivelStool_RH_To_LH_Transform} } //end union SwivelStool_Single_Leg #declare SwivelStool_Lower_Rung = torus { 8, 1/2 rotate x*90 translate z*(11+(1/2)) #if(SwivelStool_Apply_Textures) texture { SwivelStool_Metal_Texture } #end transform {SwivelStool_RH_To_LH_Transform} } //end torus SwivelStool_Lower_Rung #declare SwivelStool_Upper_Rung = torus { 6, 1/2 rotate x*90 translate z*(19+(1/2)) #if(SwivelStool_Apply_Textures) texture { SwivelStool_Metal_Texture } #end transform {SwivelStool_RH_To_LH_Transform} } //end torus SwivelStool_Upper_Rung // All individual components have been converted to left-hand y-up coordinates, so that's what the following // is working in: #declare SwivelStool = union{ object {SwivelStool_Single_Leg } object {SwivelStool_Single_Leg rotate y*90 } object {SwivelStool_Single_Leg rotate y*180 } object {SwivelStool_Single_Leg rotate y*270 } object {SwivelStool_Foot } object {SwivelStool_Foot rotate y*90 } object {SwivelStool_Foot rotate y*180 } object {SwivelStool_Foot rotate y*270 } object {SwivelStool_Top} object {SwivelStool_Lower_Rung} object {SwivelStool_Upper_Rung} } //end union SwivelStool // Note that the following are ONLY parsed if this file is rendered directly, or if this file has been modified. // The following therefore cannot contribute to namespace polution and this file should be lib.povray.org compliant. // // ********************************************************************************************************************* #if (SwivelStool_Render_Demo_Switch) // Do the following if "swivelstool.inc" is the main scene file. // ********************************************************************************************************************* // light_source { <500, 500, 500> rgb <1,1,1> } object{ SwivelStool } camera { location <60,70,102> look_at <0,12,0> direction <0,0,3.2> sky y up y right x*image_width/image_height} light_source { <60,70,102> rgb 1 } // camera light light_source { <-60,70,-102> rgb 1 } // to pick up some glare from the top of the seat // #if (SwivelStool_Draw_plane_if_self_demo) plane {y, 0 texture{ pigment{ checker rgb <1,1,1> rgb <.25,0,0> scale 10 } finish{ diffuse .8 ambient 0 reflection 0 } } //end texture }//end plane #else //else make the background color white background{rgb 1} #end //end #if(SwivelStool_Draw_plane_if_self_demo) // // //Returns a union. Usage E.g. #local ClearRefAxis = Define_Reference_Axis(3); #object{ClearRefAxis scale 5} // #macro Define_Reference_Axis(Ref_Axis_Textype) #switch (Ref_Axis_Textype) #case (1) //SOLID: #local Xtex = texture{ pigment{rgb x} } #local Ytex = texture{ pigment{rgb y} } #local Ztex = texture{ pigment{rgb z} } #break #case (2) //TRANSPARENT: #local Xtex = texture{ pigment{rgbt <1,0,0,.7>} finish{ambient 0} } #local Ytex = texture{ pigment{rgbt <0,1,0,.7>} finish{ambient 0} } #local Ztex = texture{ pigment{rgbt <0,0,1,.7>} finish{ambient 0} } #break #case (3) //TRANSPARENT 0 diffuse, with ambience: #local Xtex = texture{ pigment{rgbt <1,0,0,.7>} finish{diffuse 0 ambient .5} } #local Ytex = texture{ pigment{rgbt <0,1,0,.7>} finish{diffuse 0 ambient .5} } #local Ztex = texture{ pigment{rgbt <0,0,1,.7>} finish{diffuse 0 ambient .5} } #end //end #switch (Ref_Axis_Textype) // union{ //sphere{<0,0,0> .09 pigment{Black} } //origin cylinder {<0,0,0>, <.7,0,0> .05 texture{Xtex} } //x-axis cylinder {<0,0,0>, <0,.7,0> .05 texture{Ytex} } //y-axis cylinder {<0,0,0>, <0,0,.7> .05 texture{Ztex} } //z-axis cone{<.7,0,0>, .1, <1,0,0>, 0 texture{Xtex} } //x-axis cone{<0,.7,0>, .1, <0,1,0>, 0 texture{Ytex} } //y-axis cone{<0,0,.7>, .1, <0,0,1>, 0 texture{Ztex} } //z-axis #if(file_exists("crystal.ttf")) text { ttf "crystal.ttf", "X", .2, 0 scale <.5,.5,.5> texture{Xtex} translate <1.2,-.15,-.05> } //x-axis text { ttf "crystal.ttf", "Y", .2, 0 scale <.5,.5,.5> texture{Ytex} translate <1.2,-.15,-.05> rotate z*90 } //y-axis text { ttf "crystal.ttf", "Z", .2, 0 scale <.5,.5,.5> texture{Ztex} translate <1.2,-.15,-.05> rotate z*90 rotate x*90 }//z-axis #end //end #if(file_exists("crystal.ttf")) no_shadow } #end //end #macro Define_Reference_Axis(Ref_Axis_TexType) // #local Reference_Axis = Define_Reference_Axis(2); object{Reference_Axis scale 10} // // ********************************************************************************************************************* #end // Do the preceding if "swivelstool.inc" is the main scene file. // ********************************************************************************************************************* #version SwivelStool_Temp_Vers; // Restore previous version