// Persistence of Vision Ray Tracer Scene Description File // File: dif_phot.pov // Vers: 3.5 // Desc: diffuse photon casting // Date: 21.02.03 (dd.mm.yy) // Auth: Tim Nikias Wenclawiak //Description: // A macro to show how diffuse objects might still reflect photons //Homepage: // www.digitaltwilight.de/no_lights //Email: // Tim.Nikias@gmx.de global_settings{ assumed_gamma 1 photons{spacing .01 autostop 0} } camera{location <0,2,-5> look_at <0,2,0>} light_source{ <-4,3,4> rgb .25 photons{reflection off refraction off} } light_source{ <3,7,-2> rgb .6 spotlight point_at <0,1,3> radius 12 falloff 15 photons{reflection on refraction off} } box{<-8,0,-8><8,8,8> inverse pigment{rgb 1}} plane{x,-5 pigment{rgb x}} plane{-x,-5 pigment{rgb y}} #macro Diffuse_Photons(_Object,_Transform,_Photon_Mat,_Diffuse_Mat) object{ _Object material{_Photon_Mat} transform{_Transform} photons{target reflection on refraction on} no_image } object{ _Object material{_Diffuse_Mat} scale 1.0000001 transform{_Transform} no_shadow } #end #declare Example_Obj=superellipsoid{<.1,.1>} #declare Example_Transform=transform{rotate <14,62,36> translate <0,1,3>} #declare Example_Photon_Material= material{ texture{ pigment{rgb 1} finish{reflection 1} } } #declare Example_Diffuse_Material= material{ texture{ pigment{rgb 1} } } Diffuse_Photons(Example_Obj,Example_Transform,Example_Photon_Material,Example_Diffuse_Material)