//Macro by Fabien Mosen (1998) #version 3.1; //#version official 3.1; #include "colors.inc" #include "kmetals.inc" camera {location <0,1,-2> direction z*.8 look_at <0,1,0> } light_source {<10,20,-50> White*<1,1,.8>*1} light_source {<130,290,130> White*<.8,.8,1>*.8 shadowless} light_source {<80,80,45> White*<.8,.8,1>*1} /* #include "Mask.inc" object {Mask //rotate -45*y translate <0.0,1.73,-0.15> pigment {Red} } */ /* #declare Socle=union { cylinder {<0,0,0>,<0,1,0>,3.5 pigment {Feldspar} finish {phong .9}} cylinder {<0,0,0>,<0,1.5,0>,3 pigment {Feldspar} finish {phong .9}} torus {3 .5 pigment {Feldspar} finish {phong .9} translate y*1} cylinder {0,y*19,.15 texture {T_Chrome_5E}} } object {Socle translate <40,70,55>} object {Socle translate <56,70,78>} */ /***************************/ //Parameters for Ocedar.inc /***************************/ //Ocedar turned towards +x! //This is the right scale and translation for 1 POV unit = 1 metre, and putting the feet at y=0.0: #declare OcedarSM = 0.0062; #declare OcedarSF = 0.0060; #declare OcedarTM = 1; #declare OcedarTF = 0.96; // MALE: //Rotation of Ankles: #declare RoChevD = <0,0,0>; // -z = downwards #declare RoChevG = <0,0,0>; // -z = downwards //Rotation of Knees: #declare RoGenD = <-5,0,-1>; // -x = inwards; -z = backward #declare RoGenG = <5,0,-1>; // +x = inwards; -z = backward //Rotation of Hips Joints: #declare RoHanD = <10,5,1>; // +x = lateral out; +z = forward up #declare RoHanG = <-10,-5,1>; // -x = lateral out; +z = forward up //Rotation of Trunk: #declare RoBuste = <0,0,1>; // -z = forward //Rotation of Head: #declare RoTete = <0,0,10>; // -z = forward //Rotation of Shoulders: #declare RoEpD = <30,20,20>; // +x = outwards; +z = forwards #declare RoEpG = <-10,0,70>; // -x = outwards; +z = forwards //Rotation of Elbows: #declare RoCouD = <-10,0,78>; // +x = outwards; #declare RoCouG = <-30,0,58>; // -x = outwards; //Rotation of Wrists: #declare RoPoiD = <0,90,0>; // -z = downwards #declare RoPoiG = <0,0,-10>; // -z = downwards #include "ocedar.inc" //#declare Male = object {Ocedar_Male scale OcedarSM rotate <0,90,0> translate <0,OcedarTM,0> } // FEMALE: //Rotation of Ankles: #declare RoChevD = <0,0,-30>; #declare RoChevG = <0,0,-30>; //Rotation of Knees: #declare RoGenD = <0,0,-15>; #declare RoGenG = <0,0,-15>; //Rotation of Hips: #declare RoHanD = <5,0,20>; #declare RoHanG = <-5,0,-20>; //Rotation of Trunk: #declare RoBuste = <10,-35,10>; //Rotation of Head: #declare RoTete = <0,-45,15>; //Rotation of Shoulders: #declare RoEpD = <110,0,-10>; #declare RoEpG = <-35,0,-20>; //Rotation of Elbows: #declare RoCouD = <90,0,0>; #declare RoCouG = <0,0,35>; //Rotation of Wrists: #declare RoPoiD = <0,180,20>; #declare RoPoiG = <0,0,-40>; #include "ocedar.inc" //object {Ocedar_Female scale OcedarSF rotate <0,0,0> rotate <0,0,0> translate <0.6,OcedarTF,0>} //Yardstick (2 m): cylinder {<-1,0.0,0>,<-1,0.5,0>,0.05 pigment {Red}} cylinder {<-1,0.5,0>,<-1,1.0,0>,0.05 pigment {White}} cylinder {<-1,1.0,0>,<-1,1.5,0>,0.05 pigment {Red}} cylinder {<-1,1.5,0>,<-1,2.0,0>,0.05 pigment {White}} //Ground surface: box {<-1,-0.5,-1>,<1,0,1> pigment {Green} } //Step for staircase: //box {<-1,-0.1,-0.4>,<1,0.2,-0.2> pigment {Red} } /* Values for step: RoChev. = <0,0,0> RoGen. = <0,0,-59> RoHan. = <0,0,59> */ //Box for bench: //box {<-0.5,-0.1,-0.4>,<-0.2,0.44,0.4> pigment {Red} } //Stick: //cylinder {<0.2,0,0>,<0.2,1,0>,0.01 pigment {Red}} /*union{ object {Male} //Ball in hands sphere {<0,1.25,0>,0.2 pigment {Red}} rotate 90*y }*/