/*=-=-=-=-==-=-=-=-==-=-=-=-==-=-=-=-==-=-=-=-==-=-=-=-==-=-=-=-=*\ Dave's Ring - Version 2 This is my feeble attempt at recreating Henric Wann Jensen's cool"classic cardioid" caustic pattern (http://www.gk.dtu.du/home/hwj/ and http://www.gk.dtu.dk/home/hwj/pictures/metalring.jpg) using Nathan Kopp's Photon Patch for POV-Ray (http://www.nathan.kopp/photons.htm). The problem with the original version was that the default setting for autostop was 0. Nathan kindly informed me that it should be set to 45. Viola! (Yeah, I know. I'm a lousy speller) By the way, I can see why HWJ used a wood-grain table setting. It really does bring out the caustic effect. I just grabbed one of the standard wood textures from the POV includes, but it gives the desired effect. 23-Mar-99 Dave Cook davepc2@netdave.com http://www.netdave.com/~davepc2 \*=-=-=-=-==-=-=-=-==-=-=-=-==-=-=-=-==-=-=-=-==-=-=-=-==-=-=-=-=*/ #include "colors.inc" #include "metals.inc" #include "woods.inc" #declare phd=2; global_settings { assumed_gamma 1.0 // this is a dark scene, make it brighter photons { gather 20,100 radius 0.1*phd,2,0.1*phd autostop 45 } } camera { location <0, 10, -12.5> look_at <0, 0, 0> angle 75 } light_source { <500,350,-100> color rgb <1,1,1> photons { reflection on refraction on } } plane { y, -1 texture { T_Wood35 scale <50, 50, 50> } rotate <0, 45, 0> } #declare Ring = lathe { linear_spline 5, <2, 1>, <2, -1>, <2.03, -1> <2.03, 1>, <2, 1> } object { Ring scale < 3, 1.5, 3> texture { T_Copper_4E } photons { density 0.01*phd reflection on refraction off } }