/* A very simple example scene of a furry torus created with fur.inc This file also outputs the cones to "furtemp.inc" */ #include "fur.inc" camera{location <4,4,-4> look_at 0} light_source{<0,10,-20> color 1} //Object to be sampled: #declare Obj=torus{1, 0.5} //Create a union of the furs (to apply the texture in one go) union{Fur(Obj, <20,10,20>, 1, 3, 0.3, 0.1, 0.01, -y, 1, 0.1, 0.3, 12345, 1, "furtemp.inc") pigment{rgb <.7,.3,.25>} } //Display the object (not necessary, of course) object{Obj pigment{rgb <1, 0.5, 0.5>}} //When "furtemp.inc" is created, you can comment out the //union above and uncomment the lines below to save parse time; //Remember to delete "furtemp.inc" and comment out the below lines //when you want to generate fur with different settings. /* #include "furtemp.inc" object{FurCSG pigment{rgb <.7,.3,.25>}} */