// This is a little (cyclic) animation // with a CD-like thing // These numbers has something with wavelength to do, // but I don't know exactly what. #declare R = 5.0; #declare G = 3.6; #declare B = 2.8; camera { location <1,3,-1> look_at 0 } light_source { 0 color 1 looks_like { sphere { 0, 5 pigment {color rgb 1} finish {ambient 1} } } translate 100*y } sphere { // sphere instead of sky_sphere which causes my pov to crash 0, 1 hollow pigment {spotted} finish {ambient 1 diffuse 0} scale 100 } #declare CDX = // Reflective texture texture { pigment {rgb <0,0,0>} normal {onion 0} finish {ambient 0 diffuse 0 reflection 7} } // the textures CD1 - CD6 controls the different phongs. #declare CD1 = texture { pigment {rgb <1,0,0>} normal {onion +R} finish {ambient 0 diffuse 0 phong 7 phong_size 80 metallic 1} } #declare CD2 = texture { pigment {rgb <0,1,0>} normal {onion +G} finish {ambient 0 diffuse 0 phong 7 phong_size 80 metallic 1} } #declare CD3 = texture { pigment {rgb <0,0,1>} normal {onion +B} finish {ambient 0 diffuse 0 phong 7 phong_size 80 metallic 1} } #declare CD4 = texture { pigment {rgb <1,0,0>} normal {onion -R} finish {ambient 0 diffuse 0 phong 7 phong_size 80 metallic 1} } #declare CD5 = texture { pigment {rgb <0,1,0>} normal {onion -G} finish {ambient 0 diffuse 0 phong 7 phong_size 80 metallic 1} } #declare CD6 = texture { pigment {rgb <0,0,1>} normal {onion -B} finish {ambient 0 diffuse 0 phong 7 phong_size 80 metallic 1} } difference { cylinder {-0.01*y, +0.01*y, 1} cylinder {-y, +y, 0.1} texture { average texture_map { [1 CDX] [1 CD1] [1 CD2] [1 CD3] [1 CD4] [1 CD5] [1 CD6] } scale 2 } rotate sin(clock*2*pi)*20*x }