fog { distance 2000 color rgbt<0.5, 0.55, .65, .5> fog_type 2 fog_offset 10 fog_alt 2 } fog { distance 2000 color rgbt<0.6, 0.65, .75, .5> fog_type 2 fog_offset 15 fog_alt 4 turbulence 0.2 turb_depth 0.2 } fog { distance 16 color rgbt<0.65, 0.45, .45, .65> fog_type 2 up <0,1,0> fog_offset -9.7 fog_alt 2 turbulence 1.7 turb_depth 0.7//0.2 omega 0.35 lambda 1.25 octaves 5 } #end sky_sphere { pigment { gradient y color_map { [0 color rgb <.65,.7,.8>] [1 color rgb <0.2, 0.2, 1>] } } pigment { wrinkles turbulence .5 octaves 6 lambda 5 //3 to 6 omega 0.3 //0.2 to 0.6 color_map { [0 color rgbt <1, 1, 1, 1>] [0.5 color rgbt <0.98, 0.99, 0.99, .8>] [1 color rgbt <1, 1, 1, 1>] } scale <.8, .1, .8> } } //cloud layer 1 plane { y, 900 texture { pigment { bozo turbulence .4 omega .7 color_map { [0 color rgbt <.4,.4,.4,1>] [.5 color rgbt <.4,.4,.4,.6>] [1 color rgbt <.4,.4,.4,.2>] } } finish { ambient .5 diffuse .5 } scale 3000 translate <-500,900,-10000> } hollow } //cloud layer 2 plane { -y,-1200 texture { pigment { bozo turbulence .4 omega .7 color_map { [0 color rgbt <.8,.8,.8,1>] [.5 color rgbt <.8,.8,.8,.6>] [1 color rgbt <.9,.9,.9,.2>] } } finish { ambient .5 diffuse .3 } scale 3000 translate <1500,900,-2000> } hollow }