camera { location <0,20,-20> look_at <0,12,0> } light_source { <100,100,-20> color rgb <1,1,1> } #declare gradx = pigment { gradient x color_map { [0 rgb<0,0,1>] [1 rgb<1,1,1>] } scale 2 translate -x } // sky sphere is blue at horizon, black at very top sky_sphere { pigment { gradx } pigment{ gradient y pigment_map { [0 gradx] [1 color rgb<0,0,0>] }} } // here is our wavy plane.... single wave source off to the right global_settings { number_of_waves 1 } plane { y, 0 texture { pigment { color rgbt<.8,.8,.8,.15> } // change the transmit to 0 normal { waves .1 scale 2 translate 200*x} finish { reflection .3} // change this to 1.0 } interior {ior 1.5 } } // here is a checkered plan 10 units below the wavy plane plane{ y,-10 texture { pigment { checker color rgb<1,0,0> color rgb<0,0,1> } scale 10 } finish { ambient 1 } }