pigments.inc, Include file by Samuel Benge (MMartin164@aol.com), 1999 __________ Description: This include file adds all-new pigment types for the superpatch version of povray 3.1. They can be used with any object. __________ Requirements: Superpatch 3.1 (special version of povray available at www.twysted.net) __________ Instructions: Place the .inc file into the include folder within the pov folder. Follow pov's documentation on how to use inc files if necessary. __________ Syntax: All pigments start with a "p." All normals start with a "n." All macros start with a "m." **Example: p_organic for an organic pigment; n_organic for a normal; m_organic for a pigment macro Not all pigments have a macro. Macro pigments may be added to either a pigment or a normal statement without change in name. Specific intructions for macro pigments will be given later. To add a pigment to an object simply follow this as a guide: sphere{<0,0,0>,2 pigment{p_organic} normal{n_organic} } or sphere{<0,0,0>,2 pigment{m_organic(macro items)} normal{m_organic(macro items)} } Simple huh? You just add the pigment into where you would normally add one, just like a standard povray texture. __________ List of pigments in no particular order: p_sine_1 and n_sine_1 Like gradient y, but with a sine wave affecting the x-axis. p_sine_2 and n_sine_2 Like sine 1, but with noise added. m_sine(noise amount) Like sine 1, but by adding a number in the required brackets, you can change the amount of noise. p_checker and n_checker Like the basic checker pattern, but with a color variation inside the squares (this pattern disintegrates if used on flat, zero-positioned surfaces, such as plane(y,0)). p_organic and n_organic A really organic looking pigment. Try it! m_organic(distortion amount) Like the before mentioned organic pigment, but the user can easily define the amount of distortion added. p_strata and n_strata Like gradient y, but the layers appear randomly, not uniform. m_strata(num layers,noise) Like the other strata, but the user can define the amount of randomly placed layers and amount of noise to add. Makes nice sandstone-type pigments. p_weave and n_weave A weave or fabric type of pigment. Strands run in all three directions (x,y,z). p_microbes and n_microbes A strange random-yet-uniform pigment (this pattern disintegrates if used on flat, zero-positioned surfaces). p_blocks_1 and n_blocks_1 Ornate blocks the size of one unit on each side. p_blocks_2 and n_blocks_2 Ornate blocks with distortion added. p_diamond and n_diamond Octahedral (diamond) shape radiating from center. p_box and n_box Box shape radiating from center. Makes 8 perfect hexagons when applied to a sphere.