@com. @com.============================================================ @mt1.incs @com.============================================================ @com. @com.------------------------------ @mt2.coil //Following section lists parameters to be set when using Chris Colefax' "Coil.inc"-file //"must_be_declared" parameters ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ #declare coil_point1 = <0, 0, 0> #declare coil_point2 = <0, 10, 0> //"can_be_declared" parameters ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ //----------OPTION ---------- DEFAULT -- DESCRIPTION --------------------------- //#declare coil_type = 3 // Sets the style of the coil // (choose from 1:balls, 2:balls+cyl, // or 3:half_torii) //#declare coil_radius = 2 //Sets the radius of the coil at point1 //#declare coil_radius2 = 2 //Sets the radius of the coil at point2 //#declare coil_thickness = 0.2 //Sets the thickness of the coil at point1 //#declare coil_thickness2 = 0.2 //Sets the thickness of the coil at point2 //#declare coil_revolutions = 5 //Sets the number of revolutions in the coil (+:clocwise; -:anti-clockwise) //#declare coil_smoothness = 36 //Sets the smoothness of coil types 1 and 2 //invocation of coil.inc ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ object {#include "Coil.inc" texture {MyTexture} rotate y * clock * 360} @com. @mt2.link //Following section lists parameters to be set when using Chris Colefax' "link.inc"-file //"must_be_declared" parameters ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ #declare link_point1 = <-100, 50, -45> #declare link_point2 = <50, -100, 30> //"can_be_declared" parameters~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ //----------Option----------------Default------------Description //#declare camera_sky = <0, 1, 0> //specifies the direction of the sky, which controls how //the link hangs between link_point1 and link_point2. //#declare link_looseness = 1 //controls how loose (or tight) the link between link_point1 and //link_point2 is //#declare link_object = cylinder {<-.55, 0, 0>, <.55, 0, 0>, .25 pigment {rgb <1, 1, 1>}} //In the line above there may be #declared any other object //basically it should be a) orientated along the x-axis //b) unit sized in length //c) centred on the origin //#declare link_count = 20 //how many of the link objects you wish to join //together to create the link between the two points //#declare link_size = not set //specifies directly the size //of the link objects you want to use //#declare link_twist = 0 //controls how much the link objects are twisted, //around their own axis //declare total_ink_twist = not set //controls the total amount of twist for the entire link //declare link_size_turb = 0 //adds a certain amount of randomness to the size //of each individual link_object //declare link_twist_turb = 0 //adds a certain amount of randomness to the twist //applied to each link_object //declare link_seed = 0 //controls the random seed number used when you specify values //other than 0 for link_size_turb and/or link_twist_turb //declare scale_links = true //set this option to false to specify that the link objects //should not be automatically scaled //declare rotate_links = true //set this option to false to specify //that the link objects should not be rotated //invocation of Link.inc ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ #include "LINK.INC" //default, or if you want to apply texture to each //link_object individually; or alternativly //object {#include "LINK.INC" texture {MyTexture}} //applies MyTexture to the link as a whole @com. @mt2.bend //Following section lists parameters to be set when using Chris Colefax' "Bend.inc"-file //"must_be_declared" parameters ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ #declare bend_object = //here you have to #declare the object you want to bend //"can_be_declared" parameters~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ //----------Option----------------Default------------Description //#declare object_axis1 = -y //The two axis parameters are vectors which indicate the axis of the //#declare object_axis2 = y //bend_object. //#declare bend_angle = 45 //This is the angle (measured in degrees) that the object will be bent by. //#declare bend_direction = x //This vector specifies the direction in which to bend the object. //#declare bend_smootheness = 100 //controls how smooth the bent object will be //#declare bend_start = 0 //use this option to only bend a partial section of the bend_object //#declare bend_finish = 1 //also allows you to partially bend an object //invocation of Bend.inc ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ #include "Bend.inc" @com. @mt2.galaxy @com. @mt3.common //Following section lists parameters to be set when using Chris Colefax' "Galaxy.inc"-file //"can_be_declared" parameters~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ //----------Option----------------Default------------Description //#declare galaxy_seed = 0 //is the random number seed used for all random aspects of the Galaxy //include file package //#declare galaxy_colour = <1, 1, 1> //Use this option to change the overall colour of the galaxy scene. //#declare galaxy_colouration = 0.5 //Use this option to increase of decrease the amount of colour in the galaxy //scene. //#declare galaxy_colour_turb = 0.2 //Use this option to alter the amount of colour variation between different //elements of the galaxy scene. //#declare galaxy_intensity = 1 //Use this option to increase or decrease the overall visibility of the //galaxy scene. //#declare galaxy_rotate = <0, 0, 0> //This option is a vector that is used to rotate the galaxy scene as a whole. //#declare galaxy_distance = 10000 //The size of the sphere, all the objects in a galaxy scene are arranged around //#declare galaxy_origin = <0, 0, 0> //The centre of the sphere, All the objects in a galaxy scene are arranged around //#declate galaxy_bg = true //Use this option to disable the elements of the galaxy scene created by the //Galaxy Backgrounds File (Galaxy.bg). //#declare galaxy_objects = true //Use this option to disable the elements of the galaxy scene created by the //Galaxy Objects File (Galaxy.obj). //#declare galaxy_starfields = true //Use this option to remove the starfield objects in a galaxy scene created by //the Galaxy Starfield File (Galaxy.sf). //#declare options_only = false //Setting this option to true will cause Galaxy.inc to declare all the options //it uses for Galaxy.bg, Galaxy.obj, and Galaxy.sf, but these three files will //not be automatically included. //#declare debug_options = false //Setting this option to true will cause Galaxy.inc to output all the random //option values it uses to POVRay's debug stream. //invocation of Galaxy.inc~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ #include "GALAXY.INC" @com. @mt3.background //"can_be_declared" parameters~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ //----------Option----------------Default------------Description //#declare bg_stars = 2 //1 (sparse) to 3 (dense); a mixture of faint and light stars or //4 (sparse) to 6 (dense); mostly composed of bright stars of different colours or //false; no stars at all //#declare galaxy_bgnebula = 6 //This option specifies the type of nebula pigment mapped to the sky_sphere. /* Possible values are: 1 - Default nebula 2 - Light reflection nebula 3 - Nebula criss-crossed by dark gas lanes 4 - Spidery nebula 5 - Dense reflection nebula 6 - Milky Way pattern */ //#declare galaxy_nebula_sphere = 1 //Use this option to create a large sphere (the radius is specified by the //galaxy_distance option) mapped with a nebula pigment. Possible values are //1 to 5, corresponding to the galaxy_bgnebula option, or 'false' (no nebula_sphere at all.) //#declare galaxy_nebula_ambient = <1, 1, 1> //Use this option to change the ambient light value of the nebula sphere. //#declare galaxy_colour1 = <1, 1, 1> //Use this options to set the rgb colour value used to create the galaxy //#declare galaxy_colour2 = not set //background pigments. //#declare galaxy_colour3 = not set //#declare galaxy_star_colouration = 0.2 //This option sets the colour saturation used by the six background star //pigments, and by the Milky Way pigment. //#declare galaxy_pattern_scale = 1 //Use this option to alter the size of the patterns used to create the //galaxy background pigments. //#declare galaxy_pattern_origin = <0, 0, 0> //Use this option to translate the origin of the patterns used to create the //galaxy background pigments. //#declare galaxy_turb_origin = <0, 0, 0> //Many of the galaxy pigments use some sort of turbulence; changing this //option translates the origin of the turbulence before it is applied to the pigment. //#declare galaxy_declare_only = false //Setting this option to true stops Galaxy.bg from actually creating the //sky_sphere or nebula sphere to which the galaxy background pigments are mapped. //invocation of Galaxy.BG~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ //#include "GALAXY.BG" //Has to be uncommented if options_only has been set to 'false' and a background //is to be introduced. @com. @mt3.starfields //"can_be_declared" parameters~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ //----------Option----------------Default------------Description //declare star_count = 1000 //This option sets the number of star objects created. //#declare star_colour = <0.9, 0.9, 0.9> //This option sets the rgb colour value of the stars. //#declare star_type = 1 //Possible values are: /*1 - Plain circular star (default) 2 - Circular star with halo 3 - Circular star with six evenly spaced rays */ //#declare star_scale = 1 //Use this option to increase or decrease the size of the star objects. //#declare star_distance = 20000 //The star objects are arranged around a large sphere; this option sets the //radius of this sphere. //#declare star_spread = 1 //This option sets the difference between the distances to the closest //(largest) star and the fartherest (smallest) star. //#declare star_distribution = 1 //This option sets the ratio of large (close) stars to small (far) stars. //#declare star_color_turb = 0.2 //Use this option to alter the amount of colour variation between different stars. //#declare star_brightness_turb = 0.5 //Use this option to set the amount of brightness variation between different stars. //invocation of Galaxy.SF~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ //#include "GALAXY.SF" //Has to be uncommented if options_only has been set to 'false' and a starfield //is to be introduced. @com. @mt3.objects //"can_be_declared" parameters~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ //----------Option----------------Default------------Description //#declare galaxy_object_name = "Nebula1" //Possible values are (the case of the strings is not important): /*Star1, Star2, Star3, Star4 Nebula1, Nebula2, Nebula3, Nebula4, Nebula5, Nebula6 Galaxy1, Galaxy2, Galaxy3, Galaxy4, Galaxy5 Comet1, Comet2, Comet3 Meteor1, Meteor2 */ //#declare galaxy_object_scale = 1 //Use this option to increase of decrease the size of the galaxy object. //#declare galaxy_object_rotate = 0 //Use this option to rotate the galaxy object. The object is rotated around //the viewing axis, so only one float value is required. //#declare galaxy_object_flatten = 0.2 //Use this option to flatten Galaxy, Comet, and Meteor objects. //#declare galaxy_object_position = <0, 0, 0> //Use this option to move the galaxy object and cluster objects. Read "galaxy.txt" for further details. //#declare galaxy_cluster_name = "Star1" //Use this option to select which object you wish to use for the cluster, using the same selection as //the galaxy_object_name option, or us "" for no cluster at all. //#declare galaxy_cluster_objects = 6 //Use this option to set the number of objects you want to create in the cluster. //#declare galaxy_cluster_scale = galaxy_object_scale/2 //Use this option to increase of decrease the size of the individual objects //in the cluster (not the overall size of the cluster itself). //#declare galaxy_cluster_rotate = galaxy_object_rotate/2 //Use this option to rotate each individual object in the cluster. //#declare galaxy_cluster_spread = 15 //Use this option to increase the amount of space between the individual cluster objects. //#declare galaxy_scale_turb = 0.5 //Use this option to alter the amount of size variation between individual cluster objects. //#declare galaxy_rotate_turb = 0 //Use this option to alter the amount of variation (in degrees) between the //rotations of individual cluster objects. //#declare galaxy_declare_only = false //Setting this option to true stops Galaxy.obj from actually creating the //galaxy object and cluster objects. //invocation of Galaxy.obj~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ //#include "GALAXY.OBJ" //Has to be uncommented if options_only has been set to 'false' and a object //is to be introduced.