// Sample scene. // 'yuqk triangles.pov +w100 +h100 +p +mv3.8 +kfi1 +kff6' global_settings { assumed_gamma 1.0 } #declare VarOrthoMult = 3.0/max(image_width/image_height,image_height/image_width); #declare Camera01z = camera { orthographic location <0,0,-2> direction z right VarOrthoMult*x*max(1,image_width/image_height) up VarOrthoMult*y*max(1,image_height/image_width) } // default { finish { ambient 1.0 } } // default { finish { emission 1.0 } } // #if (1) #declare N = <0,0,-1>; #else #declare N = <0,0,+1>; #end #if (frame_number=1) // ccw RED (generated -z normal) triangle { <-1,-1,0>, <1,-1,0>, <0,1,0> #end #if (frame_number=2) // cw GREEN (generated +z normal) triangle { <-1,-1,0>, <0,1,0>, <1,-1,0> #end #if (frame_number=3) // ccw RED(-z) GREEN(+z) smooth_triangle { <-1,-1,0>,N, <1,-1,0>,N, <0,1,0>, N #end #if (frame_number=4) // cw RED(-z) GREEN(+z) smooth_triangle { <-1,-1,0>,N, <0,1,0>,N, <1,-1,0>,N #end #if (frame_number=5) // ccw Negate 1 or 2 N and BLACK ? smooth_triangle { <-1,-1,0>,-N, <1,-1,0>,+N, <0,+1,0>,+N #end #if (frame_number=6) // cw Negate 1 or 2 N and BLACK ? smooth_triangle { <-1,-1,0>,+N, <0,+1,0>,-N, <1,-1,0>,+N #end texture { pigment { rgb <1,0,0> } //finish { emission 1 } } interior_texture { pigment { rgb <0,1,0> } //finish { emission 1 } } //finish { emission 1 } // Doesn't update interior_texture! // Must push finish statements into // both above. //finish { emission 1 } //interior_texture { finish { emission 1 } } // Turns white } camera { Camera01z }