#version 3.7; global_settings { assumed_gamma 1.0 } #include "functions.inc" light_source { <-10, 400, 400> color rgb <1, 0.5, 0> * 1.5 } camera { location <0, 10, -15> right x*image_width/image_height up y look_at <0, 0, 10> } light_source {<20, 20, -10> rgb 20+(x+y)*80 parallel point_at <0, 0, 0>} sky_sphere {pigment {rgb 1}} plane {y, 0 pigment {rgb z}} #declare R_x = 15.00; #declare R_y = 12.50; #declare R_z = 17.00; #declare Wall_D = 0.25; #declare epsilon = 0.01; #declare RAD = pi / 180; #declare D = 35/10; // Controls the density of the leopard pattern #declare S = 0.1; // Controls the size (depth) of the holes #declare S2 = S*4; #declare Step = 3; #declare B = blob { threshold S //0.2 #for (Z, -R_z+S2, R_z-S2, Step) #for (X, -R_x+S2, R_x-S2, Step) sphere {, 0.09, 2} #end #end } #declare Ceiling = box {<-R_x, R_y, -R_z>, } #declare Room = union { difference {object {Ceiling} object {B}} box {<-R_x, -R_y, -R_z>, <-R_x+0.001, R_y, R_z>} box {<-R_x, -R_y, R_z>, < R_x, R_y, R_z-0.001>} box {< R_x, -R_y, -R_z>, < R_x-0.001, R_y, R_z>} box {<-R_x, -R_y, -R_z>, < R_x, R_y, -R_z+0.001>} } object {Room texture {pigment {rgb 1}} } sphere {0, 0.1 texture {pigment {rgb y} finish {emission 1}} } box { //<-1000, -1000, -1000>, <1000, 1000, 1000> // Works fine <-1000, -1000, -14>, <1000, 1000, 1000> // Nothing but black //<-R_x, -R_y, -R_z>, hollow interior { media { scattering {1, rgb <1, 0.8, 0.5>*0.125 extinction 0.25 } samples 100 intervals 1 //method 3 method 1 //confidence 0.9999 //variance 1/1000 } } }