#version 3.8; global_settings {assumed_gamma 1.0} camera{orthographic //location< 0, 20, 0> // Sweep portion missing //location< 0.0001, 20, 0> // Renders OK location< 0, 20, 0.0001> // Renders OK look_at <0,0,0> direction -y sky z up z * 4 right x * 4} //-------- Equivalent orthographic camera as user_defined camera ------ // #declare OrthoMult = 4.0; // camera { // Proves not related to 'plane' of orthographic camera // user_defined // location { // function { OrthoMult*x*4/3 } // function { 20 } // function { OrthoMult*y } // } // direction { // //function { 0 + 1e-4 } // Renders OK // function { 0 } // Sweep portion missing // function { -1 } // function { 0 } // } // } light_source{<10,10,10>*100000 color srgb 1} #declare green_col = srgb <8, 59, 4 >/256 ; #declare brown_col = srgb <82, 62, 9> / 256 ; #declare T_tent = texture{pigment{ dents color_map{ [0.0 green_col] [0.2 green_col] [0.21 brown_col] [0.99 brown_col] [1.0 green_col] } scale 0.2 rotate 90*x } normal{agate bump_size 0.25} finish{specular 0.1 roughness 0.9 } } #declare Pyramid = prism{ conic_sweep linear_spline 1,0.5, // 5 <-1,1>,<1,1>,<1,-1>,<-1,-1>,<-1,1> 5 <-1,1>,<-1,-1>,<1,-1>,<1,1>,<-1,1> open // Added to eliminate caps sturm rotate 180*x translate 1*y} // Note clockwise point order turns prism inside-out // and interior_texture added below will shows. Also // changes the behavior of your normal {} block above. object{ Pyramid texture{T_tent} interior_texture {pigment {color rgb <1,0,0>} } }