Invitation to the POV-Ray Community
The Evolution Goes On!

We're starting to develop a 2nd Generation evolution game, called EVOLUTIONS! , and we invite everyone who has ideas for a great game play or game features or 3D modelling skills to join us!
In opposition to its predecessor (developed by a commercial company), EVOLUTIONS! will be a FreeWare game, and the code will be OpenSource. At the moment, we are inviting interested persons from all across the globe to join us, and to help getting this visionary game off the ground. We believe, only the status of OpenSource can give us the amount of skilled participants we want for a project of that scale.

More at 469

and here is the current game document:!_Structure.pdf< /FONT>

Ready? Please join our forums at
We need:
- Website Developers
- Graphic Artists
- 3D Artists
- Persons with Legal Skills
- Persons with Management/Organizational Skills
- Software Developers (Games)
- Persons with Physical Knowledge
- Music Composers (Soundtracks)
- Promoters
- and everyone with cool ideas and visions!

Welcome aboard!

Sven Littkowski
CEO, Managing Director