// First post in POVRay forumns. Created by Evan Trask // Feel free to modify and render as you please // INCLUDES // DECLARES #default { texture { pigment { color rgb <0.8,0.8,0.8> } finish { ambient 0 diffuse 1 } } } #declare xIteration = 0; #declare yIteration = 0; #declare numColumns = 100; #declare colSpacing = 1.5; // Distance from center to center of each column #declare b = ((numColumns-1)*(colSpacing)+100)/2; // b in y=mx+b // GLOBAL SETTINGS global_settings { radiosity { adc_bailout 1/256 brightness 1.25 count 100 error_bound 0.4 gray_threshold 0 low_error_factor 0.9 minimum_reuse 0.025 nearest_count 5 pretrace_start 0.25 pretrace_end 25/(image_width*image_height) recursion_limit 1 } } // CAMERA camera { location <-3,15,-5> right (image_width/image_height)*x up y look_at <0,10+(sin(degrees(50+50))),0> } // LIGHTS light_source { <0,25,-b> color rgb <1,1,1> area_light <1,0,0>, <0,1,0>, 10, 10 jitter parallel rotate y*(rand(seed(1969))) } // SCENE union { #while ( xIteration < numColumns ) #while ( yIteration < numColumns ) box { <-0.5,0.0001,-0.5> <0.5,10,0.5> translate } #declare yIteration = yIteration + 1; #end #declare yIteration = 0; #declare xIteration = xIteration + 1; #end } sky_sphere { pigment { bozo turbulence 0.25 octaves 7 lambda 9 omega 0 color_map { [ 0.00 color rgb <0.196078,0.196078,0.800000> ] // Medium Blue [ 0.115 color rgb <0.196078,0.196078,0.800000> ] // Medium Blue [ 0.50 color rgb <0.258824,0.258824,0.435294> ] // CornFlower Blue [ 0.80 color rgb <1.000000,0.500000,0.000000> ] // Orange [ 0.99 color rgb <1.000000,0.500000,0.000000> ] // Orange } scale <5,1,1> } } sphere { <0.25,10+(sin(degrees(50+50))),0.25> 0.5 texture { pigment { color rgb <1,1,1> } finish { ambient 0 diffuse 1 reflection { 0.5, 1 fresnel on } } } }