// The following code produces a red dot over a circular gradient background. // The red dot (sphere) disappears if +uv and +mb0 are used // If either of those are switched off, the scene renders correctly // In either case +ud does not display anything // // Checked in official POV-Ray 3.1g for Windows and MegaPOV 0.6a // // February 12, 2001 // Peter Popov sphere { 0, 0.00025 texture { pigment { red 1 } finish { ambient 1 } } no_shadow } plane { -z, -1 pigment { rgb 1 } } light_source { -5*z color rgb 1 spotlight point_at 0 radius 0.1 falloff 0.5 tightness 75 } camera { location -5*z look_at 0 angle 1 orthographic }