global_settings { hf_gray_16 } //outputs a special format on 16 bits among 24 (uses red and green channels) see documentation #include "" // orthographic projection using parallel camera rays // used to render a planar image map camera { orthographic location <0,10,0> // position & direction of view look_at <0,0,0> right 1.5*x // horizontal size of view up 1.5*y // vertical size of view } plane {y,0 //1st texture to create light spots>>> small rocks texture{ pigment{bozo color_map{ [.7 White*.8] [1 White] } cubic_wave scale .01} finish{ambient 1 diffuse 0} } // 2nd semi-transparent texture to give a general curved shape to the height_field texture{ pigment{cylindrical color_map{ [0 Black] [1 Black transmit 1] } cubic_wave } finish{ambient 1 diffuse 0} //no need of light for this use } }