//stone test for Orchid XP v3 global_settings { assumed_gamma 1 number_of_waves 10 //^ this controls how many seperate points the ripples radiate from within a unit box at the origin, //so the more we have the more box-shaped the waves should be. I think. } superellipsoid { <.1,.1> pigment { granite poly_wave 1/5 scale 1/30 warp { turbulence .5 octaves 3 } scale 30 scale 2 colour_map { [0 rgb <.4,.1,0>][1 rgb 1] } } finish { diffuse 1 ambient .3 phong .4 phong_size 200 } } plane { y, 0 pigment{rgbt 1} finish{reflection{0,1 fresnel} conserve_energy} interior{ior 1.33 fade_colour<0,.1,.2> fade_power 2 fade_distance 1} normal { pigment_pattern { spherical scale 6 colour_map { [0 rgb 0][5/6 rgb 1] } } poly_wave 2 normal_map { [0 bozo 0] //flat [1 ripples 2 //according to pov's docs ripples start in the <0,0,0> to <1,1,1> box, //but it looks like they're actually <-1,-1,-1> to <1,1,1> which matches my cube! :) frequency 8 ] } } } //sea bed, smooth pebbles plane { y,-1 pigment { crackle solid scale .3 //line up with the normal pigment_map { [0 rgb <1,.9,.7>] [.9 rgb <.7,.5,.3>] [1 rgb <.4,.2,.0>] } } finish { diffuse .7 ambient .3 phong .8 phong_size 100 metallic 1 } normal { crackle -1 form <1,0,0> poly_wave 2 scale .3 } } sky_sphere { pigment { planar poly_wave 2 colour_map { [0 rgb <.1,.2,.4>] [1 rgb <.5,.8,1>] } } } light_source { 9, 1 } camera { translate -z*5 rotate 30*x rotate -30*y }