/* IMPORTANT INFORMATION ! * This file was created using an interactive text editor created specifically * for POVRAY and AUTOCAD. It allows the direct input of AUTOCAD information, * while inside the drawing construct, into the text file. It also supports a * series of macro add-on functions such as versions of WORM, CTDS, LATHE objects * SOR objects. * (C) Nathan G B O'Brien 1996 */ #declare Beam3= cylinder {<0,0,0><0,200,0>,0.75 pigment{Beam_pigment} no_shadow} ; #include "logotex.inc" #declare LDEPTH = 20 ; //DLM no trihy font - change text below to use myfont variable //#declare myfont="trihy.ttf"; #declare myfont="cyrvetic.ttf"; #declare NCENTURY = text { ttf myfont, "CENTURY", (LDEPTH - 1.4), 0} #declare NPOV = text { ttf myfont, "POV", (LDEPTH - 1.4), 0} #declare N1 = text { ttf myfont, "1", (LDEPTH - 1.4), 0} #declare N3 = text { ttf myfont, "3", (LDEPTH - 1.4), 0} #declare NT = text { ttf myfont, "t", (LDEPTH - 1.4), 0} #declare NH = text { ttf myfont, "h", (LDEPTH - 1.4), 0} #declare LOGO = union { box {<-8.00,-10.90,0.20><8.00,0.00,LDEPTH> texture{Logo_lower}} box {<-8.20,0.00,0.00><8.20,0.40,LDEPTH> texture{Logo_lower}} box {<-7.60,0.40,0.60><7.60,1.30,LDEPTH> texture{Logo_lower}} box {<-7.80,1.30,0.40><7.80,1.70,LDEPTH> texture{Logo_lower}} box {<-7.20,3.00,1.00><7.20,3.40,LDEPTH> texture{Logo_upper}} box {<-7.20,5.40,1.00><7.20,5.80,LDEPTH> texture{Logo_upper}} box {<-7.20,7.30,1.00><7.20,7.70,LDEPTH> texture{Logo_upper}} box {<-8.00,7.70,0.20><8.00,8.10,LDEPTH> texture{Logo_upper}} difference { box {<-7.20,1.70,1.00><7.20,3.00,LDEPTH> texture{Logo_lower}} box {<-10,-10,0><10,10,-10> rotate <17,0,0> translate <0,1.7,1> texture{Logo_lower}} box {<0,-10,-10><10,10,(LDEPTH + 5)> rotate <0,0,17> translate <7.2,1.7,0> texture{Logo_lower}} box {<0,-10,-10><-10,10,(LDEPTH + 5)> rotate <0,0,-17> translate <-7.2,1.7,0> texture{Logo_lower}} } object {NPOV scale <6.84,2.86,1> translate <-6.86,3.40,1.40> texture{Logo_upper}} object {NCENTURY scale <2.79,2.16,1> translate <-6.83,5.80,1.40> texture{Logo_upper}} object {N1 scale <12.98,8.87,1> translate <-8.00,8.10,1.40> texture{Logo_upper}} object {N3 scale <13.12,8.68,1> translate <-2.74,8.10,1.40> texture{Logo_upper}} object {NH scale <2.36,5.11,1> translate <5.44,8.10,1.40> texture{Logo_upper}} object {NT scale <2.30,3.76,1> translate <4.70,8.10,1.40> texture{Logo_upper}} #include "arch1.inc" object {Arch scale .5 translate <8.00,-5,3> texture{Logo_lower}} #include "platform.inc" object {Platform translate <4,-7,0> texture{Logo_lower}} #include "platform2.inc" object {Platform2 translate <0,3,0> texture{Logo_lower}} light_source { <-4, -1, -10> color rgb <1,1,1> spotlight point_at <-3, 7, 1> radius 60 tightness 50 falloff 20 //DLM atmosphere off } object {Beam3 translate <-5,-20,10>} object {Beam3 rotate <0,0,-25> translate <-10,-20,25>} }