// Persistence of Vision Ray Tracer Scene Description File // File: TexturesExtra.inc // Vers: 3.5 // Date: 26 July 2005 (Last update) // Auth: From Texture Magic, with addition of others: // Auth: Thomas de Groot: all TdG_* names // Auth: Charles Fusner: all CF_* names // Auth: Ch. Gerber: all CG_* names // Auth: Nicolas Rougier: all NR_* names // Auth: Sean Day: all SD_* names // Auth: tek: all tek_* names //==========VERSION and INCLUDES=========== #version 3.5; #include "Colors.inc" /* CONTENTS: (*) also in Moray version (*.mtx) EFFECTS TEXTURES GLASS TEXTURES GRANITE TEXTURES(*) METAL TEXTURES Geod Green_Glass MohoganyPol1 SilverTex Fire_Map Glass MohoganyPol2 Rough_Gold Shiny_Orb Plexiglass MohoganyFro Stupendous Asteroid Lead_Glass ImpalaPol1 Brushed Blue_Plasma ImpalaFro Liquid_Mercury Fire COLORED GLASSES IndiaBPol1 TM_Chrome_Metal Jelly_Fish TdG_Red_Glass IndiaBFro TM_Brass_Metal Electricity TdG_Green_Glass NAPPol1 TM_Gold_Metal Fire_Ball TdG_Blue_Glass NAPFro TM_Bronze_Metal Orb TdG_Yellow_Glass CanPPol1 TM_Copper_Metal Funky_Metal TdG_BlueViolet_Glass CanPFro TM_Silver_Metal Amber TdG_SkyBlue_Glass SGrayPol1 TM_Polished_Chrome Russ_Bright TdG_DarkGreen_Glass SGrayFro TM_Polished_Brass Wierd_Rings TdG_Orange_Glass MGrayPol1 TM_New_Brass Bouncy_Ball TdG_OrangeRed_Glass MGrayFro TM_Spun_Brass Cloud_Water TdG_LimeGreen_Glass StAndGPol1 TM_Silver1 Ripples TdG_GreenYellow_Glass StAndGFro TM_Silver2 Cool TdG_DarkPurple_Glass TM_Silver3 Green_Bumpy_Leopard TdG_Ruby_Glass TM_Brass_Valley TM_Rusty_Iron TdG_Glimmer SKY TEXTURES TM_Rust TdG_GreenSnot Blue_Sky4 TM_Liquid_Metal TdG_Celadon TdG_SummerSky TM_Rusty_Chrome CG_Gold TEXTILE TEXTURES(*) GEOLOGICAL TEXTURES(*) tek_metallicGloss(pPigment,fMetallic) CG_Leather CF_RoughStone Redish_Leather CG_Sand CG_Tissue CG_Rock CG_BTex CG_Sandstone CG_PolishedStone WOOD TEXTURES SD_RockTex_dry NR_Wood (macro) SD_RockTex_wet SD_RockTex */ //==========EFFECTS TEXTURES=========== // By Bradley Gawthrop - Like the inner walls of some kinds of // geods really nice, PLAY WITH THE TURBULENCE you'd be amazed // what neat new effects can be gained by doing so. #declare Geod = texture { pigment { onion turbulence 0.6 color_map { [0.00 color rgb<0.000, 0.000, 0.000>] [0.10 color rgb<0.827, 0.788, 1.000>] [0.20 color rgb<0.627, 0.620, 0.827>] [0.30 color rgbf<0.459, 0.439, 0.647, 1.000>] [0.40 color rgb<0.286, 0.267, 0.478>] [0.50 color rgbf<0.110, 0.110, 0.298, 1.000>] [0.60 color rgb<0.247, 0.239, 0.376>] [0.70 color rgbf<0.408, 0.369, 0.459, 1.000>] [0.80 color rgb<0.569, 0.486, 0.537>] [0.90 color rgbf<0.729, 0.620, 0.620, 1.000>] [1.00 color rgb<0.886, 0.749, 0.698>] } } finish { specular 0.2 } } //------------------------------------------------------- // This texture is rather difficult to use since you should // scale it to fit your object exactly. #declare Fire_Map = texture { pigment { wood turbulence 0.2 omega 0.8 color_map { [0.00 color rgb<1.000, 1.000, 1.000>] [0.08 color rgbf<0.980, 1.000, 0.016, 0.078>] [0.29 color rgbf<1.000, 0.737, 0.012, 0.400>] [0.53 color rgbf<1.000, 0.157, 0.008, 0.667>] [0.79 color rgbf<1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000>] [1.00 color rgbf<1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000>] } scale <3.0, 7.5, 3.0> } finish { ambient 1.0 } translate <0.0, -3.25, 0.0> } //------------------------------------------------------- #declare Shiny_Orb = texture { pigment { bozo turbulence 0.4 color_map { [0.00 color rgbf<0.376, 0.678, 0.839, 0.776>] [1.00 color rgb<1.000, 1.000, 1.000>] } } normal { waves 1.0 turbulence 0.4 octaves 5 omega 0.7 lambda 1.0 frequency 10 scale <4.0, 4.0, 7.0> } finish { diffuse 0.75 specular 0.6 reflection 0.2 } } //------------------------------------------------------- // This is a good asteroid texture. #declare Asteroid = texture { pigment { bozo turbulence 0.6 omega 0.8 lambda 3.0 color_map { [0.00 color rgb<0.510, 0.510, 0.510>] [1.00 color rgb<1.000, 1.000, 1.000>] } } normal { bumps 1.0 turbulence 0.6 octaves 5 omega 0.65 lambda 3.0 scale <0.75, 0.75, 1.0> } finish { ambient 0.15 specular 0.2 } } //------------------------------------------------------- // Blue Plasma texture by Iain Young #declare Blue_Plasma = texture { pigment { marble turbulence 0.5 color_map { [0.00 color rgbf<1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000>] [0.40 color rgbf<1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000>] [0.40 color rgbf<0.400, 0.400, 1.000, 1.000>] [0.50 color rgb<0.898, 0.898, 1.000>] [0.60 color rgbf<0.400, 0.400, 1.000, 1.000>] [0.60 color rgbf<1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000>] [1.00 color rgbf<1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000>] } scale <2.0, 2.0, 2.0> } finish { ambient 1.0 } } //------------------------------------------------------- // This texture is rather difficult to use since you should // scale it to fit your object exactly. #declare Fire = texture { pigment { gradient y turbulence 0.2 omega 0.8 color_map { [0.00 color rgb<1.000, 1.000, 1.000>] [0.08 color rgbf<0.980, 1.000, 0.016, 0.078>] [0.29 color rgbf<1.000, 0.737, 0.012, 0.400>] [0.53 color rgbf<1.000, 0.157, 0.008, 0.667>] [0.79 color rgbf<1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000>] [1.00 color rgbf<1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000>] } scale <3.0, 7.5, 3.0> } finish { ambient 1.0 } translate <0.0, -3.25, 0.0> } //------------------------------------------------------- #declare Jelly_Fish = texture { pigment { leopard color_map { [0.00 color rgbf<0.937, 0.929, 0.769, 0.388>] [1.00 color rgb<1.000, 1.000, 1.000>] } frequency 5 } normal { ripples 1.0 frequency 10 } finish { ambient 0.3 diffuse 0.8 specular 0.7 } } //------------------------------------------------------- #declare Electricity = texture { pigment { gradient y turbulence 0.6 lambda 2.25 color_map { [0.00 color rgbf<1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000>] [0.30 color rgbf<1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000>] [0.30 color rgb<0.149, 0.000, 1.000>] [0.50 color rgb<1.000, 1.000, 1.000>] [0.70 color rgb<0.149, 0.000, 1.000>] [0.70 color rgbf<1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000>] [1.00 color rgbf<1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000>] } scale <1.25, 1.0, 1.0> } finish { ambient 0.4 diffuse 0.8 } } //------------------------------------------------------- #declare Fire_Ball = texture { pigment { bozo turbulence 0.6 color_map { [0.00 color rgbf<1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000>] [0.19 color rgbf<1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000>] [0.50 color rgb<1.000, 0.000, 0.000>] [0.76 color rgb<1.000, 1.000, 0.000>] [1.00 color rgbf<1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000>] } } normal { wrinkles 0.5 turbulence 0.6 lambda 2.5 } finish { ambient 0.15 diffuse 0.75 specular 0.6 } } //------------------------------------------------------- #declare Orb = texture { pigment { bozo turbulence 0.4 color_map { [0.00 color rgbf<0.376, 0.678, 0.839, 0.776>] [1.00 color rgb<1.000, 1.000, 1.000>] } } normal { waves 1.0 turbulence 0.4 octaves 5 omega 0.7 lambda 1.0 frequency 10 scale <4.0, 4.0, 7.0> } finish { ambient 0.3 diffuse 0.8 specular 0.6 } } //------------------------------------------------------- #declare Funky_Metal = texture { pigment { wood turbulence 0.02 octaves 4 omega 1.0 lambda 1.0 color_map { [0.00 color rgbf<1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000>] [0.36 color rgbf<0.000, 1.000, 1.000, 0.129>] [1.00 color rgb<0.000, 0.000, 1.000>] } } finish { ambient 0.15 diffuse 0.8 specular 0.9 roughness 0.1 metallic } } //------------------------------------------------------- // Nice amber by David Anjo #declare Amber = texture { pigment { marble turbulence 0.11 color_map { [0.00 color rgb<0.949, 0.718, 0.047>] [0.80 color rgbf<1.000, 0.498, 0.498, 0.898>] [0.80 color rgb<1.000, 0.800, 0.800>] [1.00 color rgbf<1.000, 0.647, 0.647, 0.898>] } } } //------------------------------------------------------- // Looks neat with a light source in the center of it and // appropriately rotated 'round. By David Anjo. #declare Russ_Bright = texture { pigment { marble turbulence 0.2 color_map { [0.00 color rgbf<1.000, 0.000, 0.486, 0.800>] [0.20 color rgbf<1.000, 0.498, 0.000, 0.800>] [0.20 color rgbf<1.000, 1.000, 0.000, 0.800>] [0.40 color rgbf<1.000, 0.000, 0.498, 0.800>] [0.40 color rgbf<1.000, 1.000, 0.000, 0.800>] [0.50 color rgbf<0.800, 0.498, 0.200, 0.800>] [0.60 color rgbf<1.000, 0.498, 0.000, 0.800>] [0.60 color rgbf<1.000, 1.000, 0.000, 1.000>] [1.00 color rgb<1.000, 0.498, 0.000>] } } finish { specular 0.85 reflection 0.55 } } //------------------------------------------------------- // Purple and red rings. Nice special effect! #declare Wierd_Rings = texture { pigment { leopard turbulence 0.1 lambda 1.0 color_map { [0.00 color rgbf<0.498, 0.000, 1.000, 0.376>] [0.16 color rgb<0.000, 0.498, 0.498>] [0.16 color rgbf<1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000>] [0.37 color rgb<1.000, 0.000, 0.000>] [0.53 color rgbf<1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000>] [0.73 color rgbf<0.000, 0.000, 0.498, 1.000>] [1.00 color rgbf<1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000>] } frequency 5 rotate <30.0, 0.0, 0.0> } normal { ripples 0.8 turbulence 0.2 lambda 2.5 frequency 10 } finish { ambient 0.25 diffuse 0.7 specular 0.71 metallic } } //------------------------------------------------------- // Looks like one of those balls that you play with as a kid. #declare Bouncy_Ball = texture { pigment { gradient y turbulence 0.75 color_map { [0.00 color rgb<1.000, 0.000, 0.000>] [0.39 color rgb<1.000, 1.000, 0.000>] [0.78 color rgb<1.000, 1.000, 1.000>] [1.00 color rgb<0.000, 0.000, 0.000>] } rotate <-45.0, 0.0, 0.0> scale <1.0, 3.0, 1.0> } normal { ripples 0.6 turbulence 0.2 lambda 1.5 frequency 10 } finish { ambient 0.15 diffuse 0.8 specular 0.15 } } //------------------------------------------------------- // Water with the reflection (simulated) of clouds! #declare Cloud_Water = texture { pigment { bozo turbulence 0.8 color_map { [0.00 color rgb<0.000, 0.000, 1.000>] [1.00 color rgb<1.000, 1.000, 1.000>] } } scale <6.0, 1.7, 2.0> } texture { pigment { colour rgbf<1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000> } normal { waves 1.0 frequency 5 scale <1.0, 1.0, 1.5> } finish { specular 0.8 } } //------------------------------------------------------- #declare Ripples = texture { pigment { colour rgbf<1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000> } normal { waves 1.0 frequency 5 scale <1.0, 1.0, 1.5> } finish { specular 0.8 } } //------------------------------------------------------- // Wierd Texture! #declare Cool = texture { pigment { agate color_map { [0.00 color rgbf<0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000>] [0.30 color rgbf<0.000, 0.000, 0.298, 1.000>] [0.30 color rgbf<0.000, 0.000, 0.286, 1.000>] [1.00 color rgb<0.000, 0.000, 1.000>] } } finish { ambient 0.2 diffuse 0.8 specular 0.6 metallic } } texture { pigment { leopard color_map { [0.00 color rgbf<1.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.400>] [0.04 color rgbf<1.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000>] [0.40 color rgb<0.000, 0.984, 0.000>] [1.00 color rgb<1.000, 0.000, 0.000>] } } normal { ripples 1.0 frequency 5 } finish { diffuse 0.65 specular 1.0 reflection 0.35 } } //------------------------------------------------------- #declare Green_Bumpy_Leopard = texture { pigment { leopard color_map { [0.00 color rgbf<1.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.400>] [0.04 color rgbf<1.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000>] [0.40 color rgb<0.000, 0.984, 0.000>] [1.00 color rgb<1.000, 0.000, 0.000>] } } normal { ripples 1.0 frequency 5 } finish { diffuse 0.65 specular 1.0 reflection 0.35 } } #declare TdG_Glimmer = material { texture { pigment { bozo color_map { [ 0.0 rgbft <0.6, 0.6, 0.6, 0.0, 0.0> ] [ 0.5 rgbft <0.7, 0.7, 0.7, 0.0, 0.0> ] [ 1.0 rgbft <0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 0.0, 0.0> ] } } normal { bump_size 1.0 } normal { bozo , 1.0 bump_size 0.5 turbulence 5.0 ramp_wave } finish { ambient 0.1 diffuse 0.5 brilliance 0.1 phong 0.2 specular 0.007167 roughness 0.789467 reflection 0.09 irid { 0.5 thickness 0.6 turbulence <2.0, 2.0, 2.0> } crand 0.05 } } } #declare TdG_GreenSnot = texture { pigment { color rgbf <.9,.9,.79,.7> } finish { phong .5 phong_size 20 } normal { bozo scale 0.3 } } #declare TdG_Celadon = material { texture { pigment { bozo pigment_map { [0.0 color rgb <0.762025, 0.883775, 0.762025>] [0.2 color rgb <0.855688, 0.935979, 0.855688>] [0.5 color rgb <0.728519, 0.896481, 0.728519>] [0.8 color rgb <0.937467, 1.000000, 0.937467>] [1.0 color rgb <0.548054, 0.722746, 0.548054>] } } finish { ambient 0.1 reflection 0.05 } } } //==========GLASS TEXTURES=========== // Glass Interior: #declare I_Glass= interior { ior 1.5 } // Glasses: #declare Green_Glass = texture { pigment { colour rgbf<0.800,1.000,0.949,0.898> } finish { diffuse 0.1 specular 0.8 roughness 0.01 phong 1.0 phong_size 400 reflection 0.1 } } //------------------------------------------------------- #declare Glass = texture { pigment { colour rgbf<1.000,1.000,1.000,0.698> } finish { ambient 0.0 diffuse 0.0 specular 1.0 reflection 1.0 } } //------------------------------------------------------- // Plexiglass #declare Plexiglass = texture { pigment { colour rgbf<1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000> } finish { ambient 0.0 diffuse 0.0 phong 0.3 phong_size 60 reflection 0.5 } } //------------------------------------------------------- // An excellent lead crystal glass! #declare Lead_Glass = texture { pigment { colour rgbf<0.976,0.976,0.976,0.898> } finish { diffuse 0.1 specular 0.8 roughness 0.01 phong 1.0 phong_size 400 reflection 0.1 } } //==========GRANITE TEXTURES=========== // Mohogany granite - polished surface #declare MohoganyPol1 = texture { pigment { granite turbulence 0.4 color_map { [0.00 color rgb<0.000, 0.000, 0.000>] [0.25 color rgb<0.059, 0.059, 0.059>] [0.25 color rgb<0.086, 0.027, 0.059>] [0.35 color rgb<0.118, 0.118, 0.078>] [0.35 color rgb<0.200, 0.137, 0.110>] [1.00 color rgb<0.769, 0.329, 0.298>] } } finish { ambient 0.5 brilliance 1.5 phong 0.9 phong_size 80 } } texture { pigment { granite turbulence 0.2 color_map { [0.00 color rgbf<0.200, 0.200, 0.200, 0.149>] [0.25 color rgbf<0.200, 0.200, 0.200, 0.949>] [0.25 color rgbf<1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000>] [1.00 color rgbf<1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000>] } } finish { ambient 0.5 brilliance 1.5 phong 0.9 phong_size 80 } translate <20.0, 20.0, 33.0> rotate <0.3, 0.2, 0.0> } //------------------------------------------------------- // Quartz bits #declare MohoganyPol2 = texture { pigment { granite turbulence 0.2 color_map { [0.00 color rgbf<0.200, 0.200, 0.200, 0.149>] [0.25 color rgbf<0.200, 0.200, 0.200, 0.949>] [0.25 color rgbf<1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000>] [1.00 color rgbf<1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000>] } } finish { ambient 0.5 brilliance 1.5 phong 0.9 phong_size 80 } translate <20.0, 20.0, 33.0> rotate <0.3, 0.2, 0.0> } //------------------------------------------------------- // Mohogany granite - frosted surface #declare MohoganyFro = texture { pigment { granite turbulence 0.7 color_map { [0.00 color rgb<0.200, 0.200, 0.200>] [0.25 color rgb<0.259, 0.259, 0.259>] [0.25 color rgb<0.388, 0.329, 0.357>] [0.50 color rgb<0.420, 0.420, 0.376>] [0.50 color rgb<0.400, 0.337, 0.310>] [1.00 color rgb<0.769, 0.659, 0.639>] } } normal { bumps 0.1 scale <0.2, 0.2, 0.2> } finish { ambient 0.5 diffuse 1.0 crand 0.25 } } //------------------------------------------------------- // Impala granite - polished surface #declare ImpalaPol1 = texture { pigment { granite turbulence 0.7 color_map { [0.00 color rgb<0.000, 0.000, 0.000>] [0.45 color rgb<0.078, 0.039, 0.067>] [0.45 color rgb<0.286, 0.329, 0.357>] [1.00 color rgb<0.157, 0.118, 0.129>] } scale <1.2, 1.2, 1.2> } finish { ambient 0.5 brilliance 1.5 phong 0.9 phong_size 80 } } texture { pigment { granite turbulence 0.2 color_map { [0.00 color rgbf<0.659, 0.659, 0.698, 0.149>] [0.25 color rgbf<0.498, 0.498, 0.549, 0.949>] [0.25 color rgbf<1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000>] [1.00 color rgbf<1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000>] } translate <33.0, 20.0, 0.0> rotate <0.3, 0.2, 0.3> } finish { ambient 0.5 brilliance 1.5 phong 0.9 phong_size 80 } } //------------------------------------------------------- // Impala granite - frosted surface #declare ImpalaFro = texture { pigment { granite turbulence 0.7 color_map { [0.00 color rgb<0.298, 0.298, 0.298>] [0.45 color rgb<0.376, 0.337, 0.369>] [0.45 color rgb<0.486, 0.529, 0.557>] [1.00 color rgb<0.357, 0.318, 0.329>] } scale <1.2, 1.2, 1.2> } normal { bumps 0.1 scale <0.2, 0.2, 0.2> } finish { ambient 0.5 diffuse 1.0 crand 0.25 } } //------------------------------------------------------- // India Black granite - polished surface #declare IndiaBPol1 = texture { pigment { granite turbulence 0.7 color_map { [0.00 color rgb<0.000, 0.000, 0.000>] [0.45 color rgb<0.008, 0.020, 0.008>] [1.00 color rgb<0.008, 0.020, 0.008>] } scale <1.2, 1.2, 1.2> } finish { ambient 0.5 brilliance 1.5 phong 0.9 phong_size 80 } } texture { pigment { granite turbulence 0.2 color_map { [0.00 color rgbf<0.200, 0.200, 0.200, 0.149>] [0.25 color rgbf<0.200, 0.200, 0.200, 0.949>] [0.25 color rgbf<1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000>] [1.00 color rgbf<1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000>] } } finish { ambient 0.5 brilliance 1.5 phong 0.9 phong_size 80 } } //------------------------------------------------------- // India Black granite - frosted surface #declare IndiaBFro = texture { pigment { granite turbulence 0.7 color_map { [0.00 color rgb<0.298, 0.298, 0.298>] [0.45 color rgb<0.298, 0.318, 0.318>] [0.45 color rgb<0.286, 0.329, 0.357>] [1.00 color rgb<0.298, 0.318, 0.318>] } } normal { bumps 0.1 scale <0.2, 0.2, 0.2> } finish { ambient 0.5 diffuse 1.0 crand 0.25 } } //------------------------------------------------------- // North American Pink granite - polished surface #declare NAPPol1 = texture { pigment { granite turbulence 0.8 color_map { [0.00 color rgb<0.380, 0.200, 0.247>] [0.50 color rgb<0.698, 0.463, 0.337>] [0.50 color rgb<0.675, 0.506, 0.455>] [1.00 color rgb<0.922, 0.843, 0.804>] } } finish { ambient 0.5 brilliance 1.5 phong 0.9 phong_size 80 } } texture { pigment { granite turbulence 0.8 color_map { [0.00 color rgbf<1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000>] [0.60 color rgbf<1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000>] [0.60 color rgbf<0.098, 0.078, 0.078, 0.498>] [1.00 color rgb<0.047, 0.039, 0.039>] } translate <20.0, 20.0, 0.0> rotate <30.0, 30.0, 30.0> scale <0.5, 0.5, 0.5> } finish { ambient 0.5 brilliance 1.5 phong 0.9 phong_size 80 } } //------------------------------------------------------- // North American Pink granite - frosted surface #declare NAPFro = texture { pigment { granite turbulence 0.8 color_map { [0.00 color rgb<0.576, 0.435, 0.482>] [0.50 color rgb<0.635, 0.506, 0.455>] [0.50 color rgb<0.675, 0.506, 0.455>] [0.72 color rgb<0.961, 0.863, 0.843>] [0.72 color rgb<0.275, 0.275, 0.275>] [1.00 color rgb<0.196, 0.196, 0.196>] } } normal { bumps 0.1 scale <0.2, 0.2, 0.2> } finish { ambient 0.5 diffuse 1.0 crand 0.25 } } //------------------------------------------------------- // Canadian Pink granite - polished surface #declare CanPPol1 = texture { pigment { granite turbulence 0.8 color_map { [0.00 color rgb<0.380, 0.200, 0.247>] [0.50 color rgb<0.761, 0.486, 0.361>] [0.50 color rgb<0.675, 0.506, 0.455>] [1.00 color rgb<0.804, 0.588, 0.533>] } } finish { ambient 0.5 brilliance 1.5 phong 0.9 phong_size 80 } } texture { pigment { granite turbulence 0.8 color_map { [0.00 color rgbf<1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000>] [0.60 color rgbf<1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000>] [0.60 color rgbf<0.098, 0.078, 0.078, 0.498>] [1.00 color rgb<0.047, 0.039, 0.039>] } translate <20.0, 20.0, 0.0> rotate <30.0, 30.0, 30.0> scale <0.5, 0.5, 0.5> } finish { ambient 0.5 brilliance 1.5 phong 0.9 phong_size 80 } } //------------------------------------------------------- // Canadian Pink granite - frosted surface #declare CanPFro = texture { pigment { granite turbulence 0.8 color_map { [0.00 color rgb<0.576, 0.435, 0.482>] [0.50 color rgb<0.635, 0.506, 0.455>] [0.50 color rgb<0.675, 0.506, 0.455>] [0.80 color rgb<0.961, 0.863, 0.843>] [0.80 color rgb<0.275, 0.275, 0.275>] [1.00 color rgb<0.196, 0.196, 0.196>] } } normal { bumps 0.1 scale <0.2, 0.2, 0.2> } finish { ambient 0.5 diffuse 1.0 crand 0.25 } } //------------------------------------------------------- // Southern Gray granite - polished surface #declare SGrayPol1 = texture { pigment { granite turbulence 0.9 color_map { [0.00 color rgb<0.941, 0.941, 0.941>] [0.20 color rgb<0.784, 0.784, 0.784>] [1.00 color rgb<0.471, 0.471, 0.471>] } } finish { ambient 0.5 brilliance 1.5 phong 0.9 phong_size 80 } } texture { pigment { granite turbulence 0.8 color_map { [0.00 color rgbf<1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000>] [0.50 color rgbf<1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000>] [0.50 color rgbf<0.200, 0.157, 0.157, 0.498>] [1.00 color rgb<0.000, 0.000, 0.000>] } translate <33.0, 20.0, 0.0> rotate <0.3, 0.2, 0.3> scale <0.2, 0.2, 0.2> } finish { ambient 0.5 brilliance 1.5 phong 0.9 phong_size 80 } } //------------------------------------------------------- // Southern Gray granite - frosted surface #declare SGrayFro = texture { pigment { granite turbulence 0.9 color_map { [0.00 color rgb<0.980, 0.980, 0.980>] [0.60 color rgb<0.745, 0.745, 0.745>] [0.60 color rgb<0.345, 0.345, 0.345>] [1.00 color rgb<0.549, 0.549, 0.549>] } } normal { bumps 0.1 scale <0.2, 0.2, 0.2> } finish { ambient 0.5 diffuse 1.0 crand 0.25 } scale <0.25, 0.25, 0.25> } //------------------------------------------------------- // Medium Barre Gray granite - polished surface #declare MGrayPol1 = texture { pigment { agate color_map { [0.00 color rgb<0.961, 0.961, 0.961>] [0.50 color rgb<0.863, 0.863, 0.863>] [0.50 color rgb<0.510, 0.510, 0.510>] [1.00 color rgb<0.314, 0.314, 0.314>] } } finish { ambient 0.5 brilliance 1.5 phong 0.9 phong_size 80 } scale <0.12, 0.12, 0.1> } texture { pigment { granite turbulence 0.9 color_map { [0.00 color rgbf<1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000>] [0.60 color rgbf<1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000>] [0.60 color rgbf<0.200, 0.259, 0.157, 0.600>] [1.00 color rgb<0.000, 0.000, 0.000>] } translate <33.0, 20.0, 0.0> rotate <0.3, 0.2, 0.3> scale <0.3, 0.3, 0.3> } finish { ambient 0.5 brilliance 1.5 phong 0.9 phong_size 80 } } //------------------------------------------------------- // Medium Barre Gray granite - frosted surface #declare MGrayFro = texture { pigment { granite turbulence 0.9 color_map { [0.00 color rgb<0.980, 0.980, 0.980>] [0.70 color rgb<0.863, 0.863, 0.863>] [0.70 color rgb<0.267, 0.306, 0.267>] [1.00 color rgb<0.471, 0.529, 0.471>] } } normal { bumps 0.1 scale <0.2, 0.2, 0.2> } finish { ambient 0.5 diffuse 1.0 crand 0.25 } scale <0.25, 0.25, 0.3> } //------------------------------------------------------- // St. Andre Green granite - polished surface #declare StAndGPol1 = texture { pigment { agate agate_turb 0.7 color_map { [0.00 color rgb<0.000, 0.000, 0.000>] [0.65 color rgb<0.059, 0.027, 0.047>] [0.65 color rgb<0.067, 0.067, 0.047>] [0.85 color rgb<0.118, 0.118, 0.078>] [0.85 color rgb<0.149, 0.157, 0.129>] [0.94 color rgb<0.349, 0.259, 0.200>] [1.00 color rgb<0.369, 0.259, 0.247>] } } finish { ambient 0.5 brilliance 1.5 phong 0.9 phong_size 80 } scale <0.2, 0.2, 0.2> } texture { pigment { granite turbulence 0.4 color_map { [0.00 color rgbf<0.157, 0.157, 0.200, 0.149>] [0.45 color rgbf<0.000, 0.000, 0.047, 0.749>] [0.45 color rgbf<1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000>] [0.50 color rgbf<1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000>] [0.50 color rgb<0.000, 0.000, 0.000>] [0.63 color rgb<0.000, 0.000, 0.000>] [0.63 color rgbf<1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000>] [0.90 color rgb<1.000, 1.000, 1.000>] [0.90 color rgb<0.451, 0.498, 0.451>] [0.91 color rgb<1.000, 1.000, 1.000>] [0.91 color rgbf<1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000>] [1.00 color rgb<1.000, 1.000, 1.000>] } translate <20.0, 20.0, 0.0> rotate <0.3, 0.2, 0.3> } finish { ambient 0.5 brilliance 1.5 phong 0.9 phong_size 80 } } //------------------------------------------------------- // St. Andre Green granite - frosted surface #declare StAndGFro = texture { pigment { granite turbulence 0.7 color_map { [0.00 color rgb<0.098, 0.098, 0.098>] [0.35 color rgb<0.259, 0.259, 0.259>] [0.35 color rgb<0.329, 0.388, 0.357>] [0.54 color rgb<0.420, 0.420, 0.376>] [0.54 color rgb<0.376, 0.337, 0.310>] [1.00 color rgb<0.518, 0.529, 0.498>] } } finish { ambient 0.5 diffuse 1.0 crand 0.25 } } //==========METAL TEXTURES=========== #declare SilverTex = texture { pigment { colour rgb<0.827,0.827,0.827> } finish { ambient 0.25 diffuse 0.65 brilliance 6.0 phong 1.0 phong_size 100 metallic reflection 0.45 } } //------------------------------------------------------- // A gold colored metal texture that uses a ripple bump pattern // which has turbulence. #declare Rough_Gold = texture { pigment { colour rgb<0.937,0.737,0.200> } normal { ripples 0.8 turbulence 0.6 lambda 3.0 frequency 7 scale <1.0, 1.0, 10.0> } finish { ambient 0.25 diffuse 0.65 brilliance 6.0 specular 0.4 metallic reflection 0.35 } } //------------------------------------------------------- // Texture by Edwin van Geelen #declare Stupendous = texture { pigment { bozo turbulence 0.8 octaves 3 omega 0.7 color_map { [0.00 color rgb<0.000, 0.000, 0.000>] [0.10 color rgb<0.400, 0.400, 0.400>] [0.15 color rgb<0.600, 0.600, 0.600>] [0.20 color rgb<0.600, 0.600, 0.600>] [0.50 color rgb<0.000, 0.000, 1.000>] [0.55 color rgb<0.298, 0.298, 0.298>] [0.90 color rgb<0.800, 0.800, 0.800>] [1.00 color rgb<1.000, 1.000, 1.000>] } scale <0.1, 0.1, 0.1> } finish { phong 0.7 phong_size 20 reflection 0.3 } } //------------------------------------------------------- #declare Brushed = texture { pigment { bozo turbulence 1.0 omega 1.0 color_map { [0.00 color rgb<0.698, 0.698, 0.698>] [1.00 color rgb<1.000, 1.000, 1.000>] } scale <30.0, 1.0, 50.0> } finish { ambient 0.15 diffuse 0.65 brilliance 1.5 specular 0.5 roughness 0.03 reflection 0.05 } } //------------------------------------------------------- #declare Liquid_Mercury = texture { pigment { colour rgb<0.827,0.827,0.827> } normal { ripples 0.8 frequency 4 scale <2.0, 2.0, 2.0> } finish { diffuse 0.65 brilliance 6.0 phong 1.0 phong_size 100 metallic reflection 0.65 } } //------------------------------------------------------- //To avoid duplications: TM_ = Texture Magic #declare TM_Chrome_Metal = texture { pigment { colour rgb<0.659,0.659,0.659> } finish { ambient 0.3 diffuse 0.7 brilliance 8.0 specular 0.8 roughness 0.1 reflection 0.15 } } //------------------------------------------------------- #declare TM_Brass_Metal = texture { pigment { colour rgb<0.710,0.647,0.259> } finish { ambient 0.2 diffuse 0.7 brilliance 6.0 phong 0.75 phong_size 80 metallic reflection 0.25 } } //------------------------------------------------------- #declare TM_Gold_Metal = texture { pigment { colour rgb<0.847,0.847,0.098> } finish { ambient 0.2 diffuse 0.7 brilliance 6.0 phong 0.75 phong_size 80 metallic reflection 0.25 } } //------------------------------------------------------- #declare TM_Bronze_Metal = texture { pigment { colour rgb<0.549,0.467,0.137> } finish { ambient 0.2 diffuse 0.7 brilliance 6.0 phong 0.75 phong_size 80 metallic reflection 0.25 } } //------------------------------------------------------- #declare TM_Copper_Metal = texture { pigment { colour rgb<0.718,0.447,0.200> } finish { ambient 0.2 diffuse 0.7 brilliance 6.0 phong 0.75 phong_size 80 metallic reflection 0.25 } } //------------------------------------------------------- #declare TM_Silver_Metal = texture { pigment { colour rgb<0.898,0.910,0.976> } finish { ambient 0.2 diffuse 0.7 brilliance 6.0 phong 0.75 phong_size 80 metallic reflection 0.25 } } //------------------------------------------------------- #declare TM_Polished_Chrome = texture { pigment { colour rgb<0.200,0.200,0.200> } finish { diffuse 0.7 brilliance 6.0 phong 0.8 phong_size 120 reflection 0.6 } } //------------------------------------------------------- #declare TM_Polished_Brass = texture { pigment { colour rgb<0.576,0.420,0.192> } finish { diffuse 0.8 brilliance 6.0 phong 0.8 phong_size 120 reflection 0.4 } } //------------------------------------------------------- #declare TM_New_Brass = texture { pigment { colour rgb<0.698,0.557,0.369> } finish { ambient 0.35 diffuse 1.0 brilliance 10.0 phong 0.41 phong_size 5 } } //------------------------------------------------------- #declare TM_Spun_Brass = texture { pigment { colour rgb<0.698,0.557,0.369> } normal { waves 0.35 frequency 2 scale <0.01, 0.01, 0.01> } finish { ambient 0.35 diffuse 1.0 brilliance 10.0 phong 0.41 phong_size 5 } } //------------------------------------------------------- #declare TM_Silver1 = texture { pigment { colour rgb<0.937,0.929,0.827> } finish { ambient 0.25 diffuse 0.65 brilliance 6.0 phong 1.0 phong_size 1 metallic reflection 0.45 } } //------------------------------------------------------- #declare TM_Silver2 = texture { pigment { colour rgb<0.937,0.929,0.859> } finish { ambient 0.25 diffuse 0.65 brilliance 6.0 phong 1.0 phong_size 1 metallic reflection 0.45 } } //------------------------------------------------------- #declare TM_Silver3 = texture { pigment { colour rgb<0.937,0.929,0.898> } finish { ambient 0.25 diffuse 0.65 brilliance 6.0 phong 1.0 phong_size 1 metallic reflection 0.45 } } //------------------------------------------------------- // Sort of a "Black Hills Gold", black, white, and orange // specks or splotches. #declare TM_Brass_Valley = texture { pigment { granite color_map { [0.00 color rgb<0.820, 0.569, 0.459>] [0.30 color rgb<0.820, 0.569, 0.459>] [0.30 color rgb<0.000, 0.000, 0.000>] [0.60 color rgb<0.847, 0.847, 0.949>] [0.60 color rgb<0.820, 0.569, 0.459>] [1.00 color rgb<0.847, 0.847, 0.949>] } } finish { brilliance 6.0 phong 0.75 metallic reflection 0.75 } } //------------------------------------------------------- #declare TM_Rusty_Iron = texture { pigment { agate color_map { [0.00 color rgb<0.208, 0.098, 0.098>] [0.50 color rgb<0.247, 0.247, 0.008>] [0.50 color rgb<0.247, 0.247, 0.008>] [0.60 color rgb<0.298, 0.098, 0.098>] [0.60 color rgb<0.149, 0.098, 0.098>] [1.00 color rgb<0.149, 0.098, 0.098>] } } } //------------------------------------------------------- #declare TM_Rust = texture { pigment { spotted color_map { [0.00 color rgb<0.886, 0.510, 0.278>] [0.40 color rgb<0.698, 0.129, 0.000>] [0.40 color rgb<0.698, 0.129, 0.000>] [0.50 color rgb<0.686, 0.408, 0.078>] [0.50 color rgb<0.686, 0.408, 0.078>] [0.60 color rgb<0.486, 0.310, 0.278>] [0.60 color rgb<0.486, 0.310, 0.278>] [1.00 color rgb<0.886, 0.510, 0.278>] } } } //------------------------------------------------------- // Combination of water and aluminium by David Anjo. // interior {ior 1.33} to be added to object using this texture #declare TM_Liquid_Metal = texture { pigment { colour rgbf<0.549,0.498,0.447,0.749> } normal { ripples 0.75 frequency 10 } finish { diffuse 0.65 brilliance 1.5 specular 0.85 roughness 0.01 metallic reflection 0.45 } } //------------------------------------------------------- // Rusty Chrome texture by David Anjo #declare TM_Rusty_Chrome = texture { pigment { granite color_map { [0.00 color rgb<0.400, 0.400, 0.400>] [0.70 color rgb<0.498, 0.498, 0.498>] [0.70 color rgb<0.898, 0.518, 0.278>] [0.75 color rgb<0.698, 0.137, 0.000>] [0.80 color rgb<0.698, 0.400, 0.078>] [0.80 color rgb<0.698, 0.439, 0.078>] [0.85 color rgb<0.498, 0.298, 0.278>] [0.85 color rgb<0.498, 0.318, 0.278>] [0.90 color rgb<0.878, 0.498, 0.278>] [0.90 color rgb<0.498, 0.498, 0.498>] [1.00 color rgb<0.400, 0.400, 0.400>] } } finish { brilliance 6.0 phong 0.25 metallic reflection 0.05 } } //------------------------------------------------------- // Gold texture by Ch. Gerber #declare CG_Gold = texture { pigment {color BrightGold} finish {metallic 0.7 ambient 0.3 diffuse 0.9 brilliance 6 reflection 0.35 phong 0.75 phong_size 80} } //------------------------------------------------------- // Metallic texture macro by tek /*Description : Metallic paint. Note that you can control the ambient brightness of these textures using the #default setting. usage: pPigment - whatever pigment you want on your surface; fMetallic - value from 0 (not metallic) to 1 (very metallic). Little tip, try it on a white pigment, it gets a really gorgeous silver-paint effect :)*/ #macro m_tMetallicMatte(pPigment, fMetallic) //base metallic layer texture { pigment { pPigment } finish { diffuse (1-fMetallic) specular fMetallic roughness .1 metallic 1 } } #end #declare tGlossCoat = //gloss coating, this can be layered over anything to give a realistic glossy finish. texture { pigment { rgbt 1 } finish { reflection { 0.08, //adjust this to simulate other glossy materials (glass should be a low number, a mirror would be a high number) 1 //leave this, unless you want a dull looking material, in which case why are you using a gloss coating?! :) falloff 5 //this approximates fresnel reflections, without us needing to guess ior values. } conserve_energy phong 1 phong_size 200 //tune this according to your scene, it won't look perfect because it ignores the reflection falloff. } } #macro tek_metallicGloss(pPigment, fMetallic) m_tMetallicMatte(pPigment, fMetallic) texture { tGlossCoat } #end //=================================================== //========== COLORED GLASS TEXTURES (TdG) =========== //=================================================== #declare TdG_Red_Glass = texture { Lead_Glass pigment { color rgbf<1, 0, 0, 0.5> } } #declare TdG_Green_Glass = texture { Lead_Glass pigment { color rgbf<0, 1, 0, 0.5> } } #declare TdG_Blue_Glass = texture { Lead_Glass pigment { color rgbf<0, 0, 1, 0.5> } } #declare TdG_Yellow_Glass = texture { Lead_Glass pigment { color rgbf<1, 1, 0, 0.5> } } #declare TdG_BlueViolet_Glass = texture { Lead_Glass pigment { color rgbf<0.62, 0.37, 0.62, 0.5> } } #declare TdG_SkyBlue_Glass = texture { Lead_Glass pigment { color rgbf<0.2, 0.6, 0.8, 0.5> } } #declare TdG_DarkGreen_Glass = texture { Lead_Glass pigment { color rgbf<0.18, 0.31, 0.18, 0.5> } } #declare TdG_Orange_Glass = texture { Lead_Glass pigment { color rgbf<1, 0.5, 0, 0.5> } } #declare TdG_OrangeRed_Glass = texture { Lead_Glass pigment { color rgbf<1, 0.25, 0, 0.5> } } #declare TdG_LimeGreen_Glass = texture { Lead_Glass pigment { color rgbf<0.2, 0.8, 0.2, 0.5> } } #declare TdG_GreenYellow_Glass = texture { Lead_Glass pigment { color rgbf<0.5, 0.8, 0.4, 0.5> } } #declare TdG_DarkPurple_Glass = texture { Lead_Glass pigment { color rgbf<0.5, 0.1, 0.4, 0.5> } } #declare TdG_Ruby_Glass = texture { Lead_Glass pigment { color rgbf<0.9, 0.1, 0.2, 0.5> } } //=================================================== //=============== SKY TEXTURES (TdG) ================ //=================================================== // Very clear Sky with white clouds (TdG98) #declare Blue_Sky4 = texture { pigment { granite turbulence 0.2 color_map { [0.0, 0.3 color rgb <0.3, 0.9, 1.0> color rgb <0.4, 0.8, 1.0>] [0.3, 1.0 color rgb <0.4, 0.8, 1.0> color rgb <1.0, 1.0, 1.0>] } } scale .75 } #declare TdG_SummerSky = texture { pigment { granite color_map { [ 0.0 rgbft <1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0> ] [ 0.096085 rgbft <1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.9, 0.8> ] [ 0.199288 rgbft <1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.8, 0.6> ] [ 0.295374 rgbft <1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.7, 0.4> ] [ 0.398577 rgbft <1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.6, 0.2> ] [ 1.0 rgbft <1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.1, 0.01> ] } turbulence 0.2 ramp_wave } finish { ambient 1.0 diffuse 0.0 } scale <1.0, 0.75, 0.75> } //=================================================== //=============== GEOLOGICAL TEXTURES =============== //=================================================== // This texture was originally designed by Charles Fusner: #declare CF_RoughStone = texture { pigment { granite color_map { [ 0.0 rgbft <0.499564, 0.499564, 0.499564, 0.0, 0.0> ] [ 0.25 rgbft <0.649707, 0.649707, 0.649707, 0.0, 0.0> ] [ 0.5 rgbft <0.499858, 0.499858, 0.499858, 0.0, 0.0> ] [ 0.75 rgbft <0.699587, 0.699587, 0.699587, 0.0, 0.0> ] [ 1.0 rgbft <0.499644, 0.499644, 0.499644, 0.0, 0.0> ] } frequency 100.0 ramp_wave } normal { crackle , 1.0 warp { turbulence <0.500164, 0.500364, 0.499804> omega 0.500404 lambda 1.999712 } } finish { ambient 0.1 diffuse 0.549996 specular 0.100002 roughness 1.0 } } //------------------------------- // Textures by Ch. Gerber (1999): //------------------------------- #declare CG_Sand = texture { pigment { bozo color_map { [0.000 color rgb <0.900, 0.754, 0.600>] [0.356 color rgb <0.899, 0.755, 0.614>] [0.629 color rgb <0.900, 0.757, 0.623>] [1.000 color rgb <0.900, 0.754, 0.600>] } turbulence 1.000 } normal { ripples 0.5000 frequency 2.000 turbulence 0.200 octaves 10 lambda 1.000 scale <0.1000, 0.1000, 1.0000> } finish { diffuse 0.800 ambient 0.200 roughness 0.0500 } scale 3.333 } #declare CG_Rock = texture { pigment { bozo turbulence 0.5 color_map { [0.00 0.29 color Gray80 color Gray85] [0.29 0.31 color Gray85 color Gray80] [0.31 0.43 color Gray80 color White ] [0.43 0.64 color White color Gray65] [0.64 0.69 color Gray65 color Gray95] [0.69 1.00 color Gray95 color Gray80] } scale 20 } finish {ambient 0.3 diffuse 0.8} normal {crackle 2 turbulence 0.5 scale <0.8, 1.6, 0.8>} } texture { pigment { marble turbulence 1.0 color_map { [0.00 0.20 color rgbf <0.79, 0.71, 0.76, 0.5> color rgbf <0.53, 0.39, 0.42, 0.5>] [0.20 0.40 color rgbf <0.53, 0.39, 0.42, 0.5> color rgbf <0.76, 0.66, 0.71, 0.5>] [0.40 0.60 color rgbf <0.76, 0.66, 0.71, 0.5> color rgbf <0.88, 0.76, 0.83, 0.5>] [0.60 0.80 color rgbf <0.88, 0.76, 0.83, 0.5> color rgbf <0.50, 0.40, 0.45, 0.5>] [0.80 1.00 color rgbf <0.50, 0.40, 0.45, 0.5> color rgbf <0.79, 0.71, 0.76, 0.5>] } scale <2, 10, 10> rotate 90*z } finish {ambient 0.3 diffuse 0.8} normal {crackle 2 turbulence 0.5 scale <0.8, 1.6, 0.8>} } #declare CG_Sandstone = texture { pigment { bozo turbulence 0.4 octaves 3 lambda 4 omega 0.7 color_map { [0.000, 0.154 color rgb <0.800, 0.651, 0.457> color rgb <0.796, 0.735, 0.637>] [0.154, 0.308 color rgb <0.796, 0.735, 0.637> color rgb <0.800, 0.651, 0.457>] [0.308, 0.444 color rgb <0.800, 0.651, 0.457> color rgb <0.694, 0.624, 0.504>] [0.444, 0.615 color rgb <0.694, 0.624, 0.504> color rgb <0.800, 0.651, 0.457>] [0.615, 0.812 color rgb <0.800, 0.651, 0.457> color rgb <0.725, 0.655, 0.551>] [0.812, 1.001 color rgb <0.725, 0.655, 0.551> color rgb <0.800, 0.651, 0.457>] } scale 3 } normal { bozo 0.2 turbulence 0.5 slope_map { [0 < 0, 1>] [0.4 < 1, 1>] [0.45 < 0, 0>] [0.5 <-1, 1>] [1 < 0,-1>] } scale 0.2 } finish {ambient 0.15 diffuse 0.9 roughness 0.2 crand 0.02} } #declare CG_PolishedStone = texture { pigment { bozo turbulence 0.4 octaves 3 lambda 4 omega 0.7 color_map { [0.000, 0.154 color rgb <0.800, 0.651, 0.457> color rgb <0.796, 0.735, 0.637>] [0.154, 0.308 color rgb <0.796, 0.735, 0.637> color rgb <0.800, 0.651, 0.457>] [0.308, 0.444 color rgb <0.800, 0.651, 0.457> color rgb <0.694, 0.624, 0.504>] [0.444, 0.615 color rgb <0.694, 0.624, 0.504> color rgb <0.800, 0.651, 0.457>] [0.615, 0.812 color rgb <0.800, 0.651, 0.457> color rgb <0.725, 0.655, 0.551>] [0.812, 1.001 color rgb <0.725, 0.655, 0.551> color rgb <0.800, 0.651, 0.457>] } scale 3 } finish {ambient 0.15 diffuse 0.9 phong 0.8 phong_size 100} } //--------------------------------------------------------------- // Textures by Sean Day (2005) IRTC, May/June First Place winner: //--------------------------------------------------------------- #declare rock_base = texture { pigment { granite triangle_wave omega 0.6 lambda 3 turbulence 0.275 color_map { [ 0.0 rgb <0.175, 0.175, 0.175> ] [ 1.0 rgb <0.425, 0.425, 0.425> ] } scale 0.25 } finish { ambient 0 diffuse 0.5 } } #declare rock_tex_1 = texture { pigment { wrinkles turbulence 0.1 omega 0.7 lambda 4 color_map { [ 0.0 rgbt <1, 1, 1, 1> ]// rgbt <0.15, 0.09, 0.015, 0.05> ] [ 0.5 rgbt <1, 1, 1, 1> ]// rgbt <0.15, 0.09, 0.015, 0.05> ] [ 0.5 rgbt <0.15, 0.09, 0.015, 1> ] //rgbt 1 ] [ 0.8 rgbt <0.15, 0.09, 0.015, 0.25> ] //rgbt 1 ] [ 1.0 rgbt <0.15, 0.091, 0.015, 0.1> ] //rgbt 1 ] } scale 25 } finish { ambient 0 diffuse 0.45 specular 0 phong 0 } } #declare rock_tex_2 = texture { pigment { wrinkles scallop_wave turbulence 0.1 omega 0.7 lambda 4 color_map { [ 0.0 rgbt <0.15, 0.09, 0.015, 0.1> ] //rgbt 1 ] [ 0.5 rgbt <0.15, 0.09, 0.015, 0.5> ] //rgbt 1 ] [ 0.75 rgbt <0.15, 0.091, 0.015, 1> ] //rgbt 1 ] [ 0.75 rgbt <1, 1, 1, 1> ]// rgbt <0.15, 0.09, 0.015, 0.05> ] [ 1.0 rgbt <1, 1, 1, 1> ]// rgbt <0.15, 0.09, 0.015, 0.05> ] } scale 15 } finish { ambient 0 diffuse 0.45 specular 0 phong 0 } } #declare rock_tex_3 = texture { pigment { bozo scallop_wave turbulence 0.7 omega 0.7 lambda 4 octaves 10 scale 0.56 color_map { [ 0.0 rgbt 1 ] [ 0.9 rgbt 1 ] [ 0.925 rgbt <0.0075, 0.06, 0.0005, 1> ] [ 0.975 rgbt <0.0075, 0.06, 0.0005, 0.4> ] [ 1.0 rgbt <0.0075, 0.06, 0.0005, 0> ] } } finish { ambient 0 diffuse 0.5 specular 0 phong 0 } scale 20 } #declare rock_tex_4 = texture { pigment { granite turbulence 0.2 omega 0.6 lambda 2.5 color_map { [ 0.0 rgbt 1 ] [ 0.1 rgbt 1 ] [ 0.15 rgbt <0.1, 0.06, 0.01, 1> ] [ 0.3 rgbt <0.1, 0.06, 0.01, 0.1> ] [ 0.45 rgbt <0.1, 0.06, 0.01, 1> ] [ 0.5 rgbt 1 ] [ 0.6 rgbt 1 ] [ 0.65 rgbt <0.0075, 0.06, 0.0005, 1> ] [ 0.75 rgbt <0.0075, 0.06, 0.0005, 0.05> ] [ 0.9 rgbt <0.0075, 0.06, 0.0005, 1> ] [ 0.95 rgbt 1 ] [ 1.0 rgbt 1 ] } scale 0.1 } finish { ambient 0 diffuse 0.45 specular 0 phong 0 } } #declare rock_tex_5 = texture { pigment { gradient y turbulence 0.0085 omega 0.575 lambda 3.0 scale <1, 1, 1> color_map { [ 0.0 rgbt <0.05, 0.01, 0.0001, 0.025> ] [ 0.4 rgbt <0.085, 0.025, 0.0003, 0.075> ] [ 0.65 rgbt <0.125, 0.04, 0.0006, 0.3> ] [ 0.7 rgbt <0.2, 0.15, 0.005, 0.75> ] [ 0.8 rgbt <0.3, 0.25, 0.0125, 1> ] [ 0.8 rgbt <1, 1, 1, 1> ] [ 1.0 rgbt <1, 1, 1, 1> ] } translate <0, 0.4, 0> scale <300, 300, 300> } } #declare SD_RockTex_dry = texture { rock_base scale 10 } texture { rock_tex_1 } texture { rock_tex_2 } texture { rock_tex_3 } texture { rock_tex_4 } texture { rock_tex_5 finish {ambient 0 diffuse 0.45 specular 0 phong 0 } } #declare SD_RockTex_wet = texture { rock_base scale 10 } texture { rock_tex_1 } texture { rock_tex_2 } texture { rock_tex_3 } texture { rock_tex_4 } texture { rock_tex_5 finish {ambient 0 diffuse 0.35 specular 0.5 roughness 0.001 phong 0.5 phong_size 150 } } #declare SD_RockTex = texture { gradient y texture_map { [ 0.0 SD_RockTex_wet scale 0.01 ] [ 0.25 SD_RockTex_wet scale 0.01 ] [ 0.425 SD_RockTex_dry scale 0.01 ] [ 1.0 SD_RockTex_dry scale 0.01 ] } scale 100 } //=================================================== //================= TEXTILE TEXTURES ================ //=================================================== #declare CG_Leather = texture { pigment {color Gray35} normal {wrinkles 0.2 turbulence 0.5 scale 0.001} finish {ambient 0.2 diffuse 0.9} } #declare Redish_Leather = texture { pigment {rgb <0.531, 0.35, 0.35>} normal {wrinkles 0.2 turbulence 0.5 scale 0.001} finish {ambient 0.2 diffuse 0.9} } #declare CG_Tissue = texture { pigment {color rgbt <0.118, 0.757, 0.576, 0.6>} normal {wrinkles 0.5 turbulence 0.5 scale 0.01} finish {ambient 0.2 diffuse 0.9} } #declare CG_BTex = texture { pigment { gradient x turbulence 0.3 octaves 2 omega 0.12 lambda 2.5 color_map { [0.50 color rgb <1.0, 0.7, 0.0>] [1.00 color rgb <0.5, 0.4, 0.3>] } frequency 5 } finish { ambient 0.3 diffuse 0.9 specular 1 metallic reflection 0.15 } rotate z*90 scale <0.15, 0.15, 0.05> } //=================================================== //================== WOOD TEXTURES ================== //=================================================== //============= NR_Wood (2003) ============= #declare wood_grain = pigment { wrinkles warp {cylindrical orientation y dist_exp 1} warp {turbulence 1.25} scale <.5,1,30> warp {turbulence .25} scale <1,1,10> warp { black_hole <0, 0.5, 0>, 1 falloff 2 strength 1.5 repeat 7 turbulence 2 inverse } } #declare wood_normal = function { pigment { wrinkles warp {cylindrical orientation y dist_exp 1} warp {turbulence 1.25} scale <.5,1,30> warp {turbulence .25} scale <1,1,5> color_map {[0 rgb 0.0] [1 rgb 1.0]} } } #macro GammaColor (Color,Gamma) rgb <pow(Color.red,Gamma),pow(Color.green,Gamma),pow(Color.blue,Gamma)> #end #declare rseed = seed(3); #declare h = 1.15+rand(rseed)*.1; #declare woodmap = color_map { [0.00 GammaColor (<0.949, 0.792, 0.514 >,h)] [0.30 GammaColor (<0.855, 0.651, 0.376 >,h)] [0.60 GammaColor (<0.831, 0.596, 0.275 >,h)] [0.90 GammaColor (<0.620, 0.447, 0.204 >,h)] } #declare NR_Wood = texture { pigment {wood_grain color_map {woodmap} ramp_wave} normal {function{wood_normal(x,y,z).grey*.5}} finish {specular .1} }