#include "functions.inc" #include "rand.inc" #include "screen.inc" Set_Camera_Location (<0,1,-10>) Set_Camera_Look_At (<0,0,0>) Set_Camera_Sky(vrotate(y,z*10)) #declare rs=seed(3457+4); // play with this to get varying backgrounds #macro random_bar() #local n=VRand_On_Sphere(rs); #local nx=n.x; #local ny=n.y; #local nz=n.z; #local c=rand(rs)*2-1; #local w=rand(rs)*0.2+0.0; // change this to vary the width distribution of the stripes #local frq=int(rand(rs)*6)+1; #local phs=rand(rs)*2*pi; ((nx*x+ny*y+nz*z)>c-w/2 & (nx*x+ny*y+nz*z)] [0.5 color rgb <0.1,0.2,1>] [1 color rgb 1] } } sky_sphere { pigment { P_bg } } #local grid=10; // grid spacing #local line=0.06; // line width plane { y,-10 texture { pigment { boxed translate <1,0,1> scale grid/2 translate -10*y warp { repeat grid*z } warp { repeat grid*x } rotate y*34 color_map { [line rgb <1,0.2,0.05>] [2*line rgb <1,0.6,0.4>*0.05] } } finish { ambient 1 reflection {0,1} } } } #declare textobject=text { ttf "computerfont regular.ttf" // You may have to replace the font, or google it up! "l33t haXX0r" 0.01,0 pigment { gradient -y scale 0.61 // matched for the used font translate -y*0.06 // ------ " --------- color_map{ // this is the "Chrome" effect colormap [0 rgb <0.4,0.4,0.45>*0.7] [0.6 rgb <0.9,0.9,0.99>] [0.61 rgb <0.5,0.4,0.3>*1] [0.99 rgb <0.9,0.89,0.87>] } } finish { ambient 1} scale <0.15,0.1,0.1>*1.2 } Screen_Object(textobject,<1,0>,<0.1,0.03>,true,0.1) light_group{ // The shiny sphere is is the only object, that gets lit by a real light source... light_source { <-1,1,-2>*10000 color rgb 1 } sphere { <-20,8.5-10+0.5,50>,8.5 texture { pigment { color rgb <0.5,0.50,0.55>} finish { ambient 0.0 diffuse 1 reflection { 0.2,0.7} phong 0.5 phong_size 2 } } } } // Have fun!