aero@aerospace:~/povray/life$ povray +Ilife.pov +Olife_dispersio.png +W640 +H480 +D +P Persistence of Vision(tm) Ray Tracer Version 3.5 Unix (.Linux.gcc) This is an unofficial version compiled by: Gentoo Linux - livecd - root The POV-Ray Team(tm) is not responsible for supporting this version. Copyright 1991-2002 POV-Ray Team(tm) Parsing Options Input file: life.pov (compatible to version 3.5) Remove bounds........On Split unions........Off Library paths: /usr/share/povray-3.5 /usr/share/povray-3.5/include Output Options Image resolution 640 by 480 (rows 1 to 480, columns 1 to 640). Output file: life_dispersio.png, 24 bpp PNG Graphic display......On (type: 0, palette: 3, gamma: 2.2) Mosaic preview......Off CPU usage histogram.Off Continued trace.....Off Allow interruption..Off Pause when done......On Verbose messages.....On Tracing Options Quality: 9 Bounding boxes.......On Bounding threshold: 3 Light Buffer.........On Vista Buffer.........On Draw Vista Buffer...Off Antialiasing........Off Animation Options Clock value.... 0.000 (Animation off) Redirecting Options All Streams to console.........Off Debug Stream to console.........On Fatal Stream to console.........On Render Stream to console........On Statistics Stream to console....On Warning Stream to console.......On Parsing.....................File: /usr/share/povray-3.5/include/ L ine: 17 Warning: Due to changes in version 3.1, you must add interior {I_Glass} to all objects ca lling textures and finishes... .............. Warning: This rendering uses the following experimental feature(s): radiosity. The design and implementation of these features is likely to change in future ve rsions of POV-Ray. Full backward compatibility with the current implementation is NOT g uaranteed. Warning: Focal blur is used. Standard antialiasing is switched off. Creating bounding slabs. Scene contains 42 frame level objects; 1 infinite. Creating light buffers........ Displaying... Using 24 bit TrueColor visual... 23:29:42 Rendering line 480 of 480. 0 radiosity samples. Click on window to exit... Done Tracing Statistics for life.pov, Resolution 640 x 480 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pixels: 307850 Samples: 1229450 Smpls/Pxl: 3.99 Rays: 2297961781 Saved: 560780666 Max Level: 20/20 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ray->Shape Intersection Tests Succeeded Percentage ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Box 403066483 985755162 58.72 Cone/Cylinder 1414402541 38559072 96.90 CSG Intersection 782381393 277310149 97.73 Plane 733167581 3871986744 56.11 Sphere 3912470381 162450666 78.98 Sphere Sweep 997407764 133482690 13.38 Bounding Box 4071257007 2496102834 80.13 Light Buffer 961750397 4187927176 70.80 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Roots tested: 1994815566 eliminated: 0 Calls to Noise: 984715804 Calls to DNoise: 814712376 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shadow Ray Tests: 311952783 Succeeded: 756717593 Reflected Rays: 1190047148 Total Internal: 69364783 Refracted Rays: 1106421056 Transmitted Rays: 61685 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Radiosity samples calculated: 6328 (0.00 percent) Radiosity samples reused: 325503269 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Smallest Alloc: 18 bytes Largest: 150016 Peak memory used: 1645411 bytes ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Time For Trace: 23 hours 45 minutes 11.0 seconds (84583 seconds) Total Time: 23 hours 29 minutes 43.0 seconds (84583 seconds)