#include "puzzle10.inc" //The following parameters can be Changed (before calling the macro), when needed #declare fast=off; //rounded edges on/off [on/off] default off #declare party=on; //random colors [on/off] default off #declare textu=off; //textured pieces [on/off] default off #declare texturand=off; //rotate texture by 90 degrees (randomly) [on/off] default off #declare Variation=0.1; //number of small lobs [0..1] default 0.0 #declare TP=texture{pigment{Red} scale 0.1}; //texture (only used when textu=on) default texture{pigment{Green}} #declare C=4; #declare X=4; make_puzzle(C,X,0.05,0.1) //make_puzzle(number_of_Rows,number_of_collums,Radius,Thickness) light_source{10 color White} camera { orthographic location // position & direction of view look_at right 4/3*(max(C,X)+2)*x // horizontal size of view up (max(C,X)+2)*z // vertical size of view }