#include "colors.inc" background{White} #declare blok= box{0, 1} #declare f=1; #declare cnt=0; #while(cnt<4) #declare balk= #union{ object{blok} object{blok translate <1,0,0>*f} object{blok translate <2,0,0>*f} object{blok translate <3,0,0>*f} } #declare blok= #union{ object{balk translate <1,0,0>*f} object{balk translate <1,0,5>*f} object{balk rotate 90*y translate <0,0,5>*f} object{balk rotate 90*y translate <5,0,5>*f} object{balk translate <1,5,0>*f} object{balk translate <1,5,5>*f} object{balk rotate 90*y translate <0,5,5>*f} object{balk rotate 90*y translate <5,5,5>*f} object{balk rotate 90*z translate<1,1,0>*f} object{balk rotate 90*z translate<1,1,5>*f} object{balk rotate 90*z translate<6,1,5>*f} object{balk rotate 90*z translate<6,1,0>*f} }//einde blok #declare cnt=cnt+1; #declare f=f*6; #end object{blok pigment{LimeGreen} finish{ambient 0.4 reflection 0.1}} // An area light (creates soft shadows) // WARNING: This special light can significantly slow down rendering times! light_source { 0*x // light's position (translated below) color rgb 1.0 // light's color area_light <80/6, 0, 0>*f <0, 0, 80/6>*f // lights spread out across this distance (x * z) 14, 14 // total number of lights in grid (4x*4z = 16 lights) adaptive 0 // 0,1,2,3... //jitter // adds random softening of light circular // make the shape of the light circular orient // orient light translate <40/6, 80/6, 140/6>*f // position of light } camera { orthographic location // position & direction of view look_at right 2*f*x // horizontal size of view up 4/3*f*y // vertical size of view } camera{ location<50/6,5/6,45/6>*(f/6) look_at <0,20/6,20/6>*(f/6) } fog { fog_type 1 distance (100/36)*f color White } plane {y,0 pigment{White} finish{reflection 0.2}}