//scratchfile.inc //to my horror I discovered after writing this that strings.inc had ParseString, which does the same thing! //read the pov docs to find out what it does. //I've kept this version because my one has a debug mode which I find useful. #declare scratchDebug = on; //enable this to echo everything written into the scratch file #declare scratchFileName = "scratch.inc"; #if ( !scratchDebug ) #macro Parse(string) #fopen scratchFile scratchFileName write //this implicitly empties the file #write( scratchFile, string ) #fclose scratchFile #include scratchFileName #end #else //debug version, print stuff #macro scratchParse(string) #fopen scratchFile scratchFileName write //this implicitly empties the file #write( scratchFile, string ) #debug " " //indent it to make it stand out from the other debug output. #debug string #debug "\r\f" #fclose scratchFile #include scratchFileName #end #end