// Persistence of Vision Ray Tracer Scene Description File // File: Base Scene for some particle-tests // Vers: 3.5 // Date: 16.2.04 (dd.mm.yy) // Auth: Tim Nikias Wenclawiak // Last Update: 26.2.04 (dd.mm.yy) //Homepage: // www.nolights.de //Email: // Tim.Nikias(@)nolights.de //Notes //The amount of time the animation is meant to pass is 18 seconds, with my //original setup that were 450 frames divided by 25 fps. //Original particles started in a sphere at <-2,3,0> with radius of .1, //no inital velocity. They get emitted during the first 2 seconds, 5 per frame. In //the animation the rate of falling due to gravity was <0,-9.81,0> which gets added //to the particle's velocity according to the timestep in my particle system. #default{finish{ambient 0}} global_settings{ assumed_gamma 1 max_trace_level 7 } sky_sphere{pigment{gradient y color_map{[0 rgb 1][.15 rgb 1][1 rgb z*.3]}scale 2 translate -1}} camera{location <0,2.5,-6> look_at <0,1,0>} light_source{<10,30,-5> rgb 1 parallel point_at <0,0,0> } light_source{<-40,200,-300> rgb <.1,.12,.26> shadowless} light_source{<30,20,30> rgb <.05,.09,.2> shadowless } //The objects the system interacts with. The visible objects are somewhat //smaller so that a particle's center doesn't lie on a visible surface. //Note that there is one extra plane in front of the camera to stop particles //from moving out of the FOV #declare Size=.1; #declare Environment= union{ plane{y,Size} plane{z,-2} plane{<-1,-1,0>,Size translate <3,2,0>} box{<-3,0,3>-Size,<3,5,3.5>+Size} box{<-3.2,0,-3.5>-Size,<-3,5,3>+Size} box{<3,0,-3.5>-Size,<3.2,2,3>+Size} sphere{0,.5+Size} torus{.5,.1+Size translate <0,.9,0>} difference{ cylinder{y*(.8-Size),y*(1+Size),1} cylinder{y*(.7-Size),y*(1.1+Size),.5} } torus{1,.1+Size translate <0,.9,0>} difference{ cone{Cone_Dir+vnormalize(Cone_Dir)*Size,.6+Size,-vnormalize(Cone_Dir)*Size,.4+Size} cone{Cone_Dir*1.1+vnormalize(Cone_Dir)*Size,.5-Size,Cone_Dir*-.1-vnormalize(Cone_Dir)*Size,.3-Size} translate y*2.1 } torus{.5,.1+Size translate <0,1.7,0>} pigment{rgb 1 transmit .5} } //Visible Environment #declare Environment2= union{ plane{y,0} box{<-3,0,3><3,5,3.5>} box{<-3.2,0,-3.5><-3,5,3>} box{<3,0,-3.5><3.2,2,3>} sphere{0,.5} torus{.5,.1 translate <0,.9,0>} torus{1,.1 translate <0,.9,0>} difference{ cylinder{y*.8,y*1,1} cylinder{y*.7,y*1.1,.5} } torus{.5,.1 translate <0,1.7,0>} pigment{rgb 1} finish{ specular .7 roughness .01 brilliance 1.5 } } #declare Cone_Dir=<-2,1,0>; difference{ cone{Cone_Dir,.6,<0,0,0>,.4} cone{Cone_Dir*1.1,.5,Cone_Dir*-.1,.3} translate y*2.1 pigment{rgbt <1,1,1,.9>} interior{ior 1.6} finish{ specular 1 roughness .006 brilliance 2 conserve_energy } no_shadow } plane{<-1,-1,0>,0 translate <3,2,0> pigment{ bozo scale <.2,.4,.2> color_map{[0 rgbt 1][1 rgbt <1,.9,.9,.6>]} } interior{ior 1.33} finish{ specular .8 roughness .01 conserve_energy } no_shadow } object{Environment2} #if (frame_number <= 50) #declare A=0; #while (A<5) //Add a particle here #declare A=A+1; #end #end