//Render the image with +KFF99 +KC +FT +A // ==== Standard POV-Ray Includes ==== #include "colors.inc" // Standard Color definitions #include "textures.inc" // Standard Texture definitions #include "functions.inc" // internal functions usable in user defined functions // =========Switches======== #declare Cube_on = 0; #declare MainCam = 1; // =========Settings======== global_settings { assumed_gamma 1 } // ========Camera========== #if (MainCam = 0) //Test Camera camera { location <0, 0, -3> direction z right image_width/image_height*x look_at z*1000 } #else //Main Camera camera { orthographic location <0,0,-1> direction z right image_width/image_height*x look_at z*1000 } #end // ========lights======== #if (MainCam = 0) light_source { <-10, 10, -10> color rgb 1.0 } #end // ========Cube========== #if(Cube_on =1) #declare Cube = union{ cylinder{-0.5*x,0.5*x,.01 translate <0,-.5,-.5> pigment{Red}}//front bottom cylinder{-0.5*x,0.5*x,.01 translate <0,.5,-.5> pigment{Red}} //front top cylinder{-0.5*x,0.5*x,.01 translate <0,-.5,.5> pigment{Red}}//back bottom cylinder{-0.5*x,0.5*x,.01 translate <0,.5,.5> pigment{Red}} //back top cylinder{-0.5*y,0.5*y,.01 translate <-.5,0,-.5> pigment{Red}}//front left side cylinder{-0.5*y,0.5*y,.01 translate <.5,0,-.5> pigment{Red}} //front right side cylinder{-0.5*y,0.5*y,.01 translate <-.5,0,.5> pigment{Red}}//back left side cylinder{-0.5*y,0.5*y,.01 translate <.5,0,.5> pigment{Red}} //back right side cylinder{-0.5*z,0.5*z,.01 translate <-.5,.5,0> pigment{Red}}//top left side cylinder{-0.5*z,0.5*z,.01 translate <.5,.5,0> pigment{Red}} //top right side cylinder{-0.5*z,0.5*z,.01 translate <-.5,-.5,0> pigment{Red}}//bottom left side cylinder{-0.5*z,0.5*z,.01 translate <.5,-.5,0> pigment{Red}} //bottom right side } object{Cube} #end // =========Shape======== #include"Vicky1.inc" #declare Shape = object{Vicky scale .15 // scale down to fit into cube #if(MainCam = 0) texture{pigment{White}} #else texture{pigment{White}finish{ambient 1 diffuse 0}} #end } #declare Min = min_extent(Shape); #declare Max = max_extent(Shape); difference{ object{Shape translate z*Max.z} plane{z , clock/7 inverse} plane{z , (clock/7)-.005 } texture{pigment{White}} finish{ambient 1 diffuse 0} }