// Persistence of Vision Ray Tracer Scene Description File // File: Rad_Blocks.pov // Desc: Radiosity-Focal Blur scene file // Date: January 2003 // Auth: Andrew Cocker // Run with Screen Ratio 2:1 ie. +w720 +h360 // For Benchmark, use +AM2 +A0.15 +R2 -J +w720 +h360 #version 3.5; #include "rand.inc" #declare Rad_On=on; #declare reflec=on; #declare foc=on; #declare my_dif=0.1; global_settings { assumed_gamma 1.0 max_trace_level 12 //--------------------- #if (Rad_On) radiosity{ pretrace_start 0.16 pretrace_end 0.01 count 300 nearest_count 4 error_bound 0.1 recursion_limit 1 low_error_factor 1 gray_threshold 0.0 minimum_reuse 0.015 brightness 1.2 adc_bailout 0.01/2 media off } #end //----------------- } camera { location <0.0, 4.0, -17>*1.8//<13.0, -16.0, 6.0>*1.2 right x*image_width/image_height look_at <0.0, 0.0, -8.0> angle 65 #if (foc) aperture 0.8 focal_point <0,0.5,0> blur_samples 180 #end } #if (Rad_On) #else light_source { <2000, 3000, 2700> color rgb <1.7, 1.5, 1.2>*0.7 } light_source { <-2000, 3000, 2200> color rgb <1.2, 1.5, 1.9> *0.1 shadowless } #end #declare Amount=1.2; sky_sphere{ pigment{ gradient y poly_wave 2 color_map{ [0 rgb <0.7,0.8,1>*0.5*Amount][0.75 rgb 1*Amount][1 rgb 1*Amount] } translate -y*0.5 scale 2} } // ---------------------------------------- #declare T_Env= texture { pigment { color rgb 1.4} finish { ambient 0.00 diffuse 1 } } #declare TT= seed(7); //---------- #declare Tex= material { interior { ior 1.4} texture { spherical texture_map { [0.0 T_Env finish { ambient 1.2}] [0.3 pigment {rgb <.5,.2,0>} finish {ambient 0 specular 0 diffuse my_dif*8 #if (reflec) reflection {0.3,0.8 fresnel}#end }] [0.5 pigment {rgb 0} finish {ambient 0 specular 0 diffuse my_dif #if (reflec) reflection {0.3,0.8 fresnel} #end}] [0.675 T_Env finish {#if (reflec) reflection {0.2,0.4 fresnel} #end}] [0.775 T_Env finish {diffuse 1}] } } scale 20 } //---------- plane { y, -2 interior {ior 1.2} texture { T_Env }} #declare LR=40; #declare IO=40; union { #declare CO=1; #while (CO<=LR) #declare CI=1; #while (CI<=IO) box {, //pigment { rgb } rotate translate } #declare CI=CI+1; #end #declare CO=CO+1; #end material {Tex} }