// Testing two ways of blurred reflection, POV-Ray 3.5. global_settings { assumed_gamma 1 adc_bailout 1/64 max_trace_level 3 } camera { location <-7,9,-12> look_at 0 angle 36 } #declare Sun_Pos=<-100,100,-5>; light_source { Sun_Pos, 3 looks_like { sphere { 0,25 pigment { rgb 1 } finish { ambient 4 } } } } light_source { <200,400,-200>, <0,.3,.5> shadowless } sky_sphere { pigment { spherical pigment_map { [ .3 rgb <.2,.2,1> ] [ .96 rgb <.7,.75,.82>*1.3 ] [ 1 rgb 4 ] } scale 1.5 translate vnormalize( Sun_Pos ) } } plane { y,-1 pigment { checker rgb .25, rgb .1 scale 2 } finish { ambient 0 } } // Uncomment for method one, // and put this in the INI window: +AM2 +A0.0 +R3 -J /* #declare Blur_Texture = texture { pigment { rgb 1 } finish { reflection .2 reflection_exponent .7 diffuse .1 ambient 0 } normal { bumps .15 scale .00001 } } */ // Uncomment for method two, // and anti-alias is not necessary. /* #declare The_Texture = texture { pigment { rgb 1 } finish { reflection .2 reflection_exponent .7 diffuse .1 ambient 0 } normal { bumps .15 scale .00001 } } #declare Blur_Texture = texture { average texture_map { #local Cnt=0; #while (Cnt<1) [ The_Texture translate Cnt*.1 ] #local Cnt=Cnt+1/32; #end }}; */ torus { 2, .5 rotate 90*x texture { Blur_Texture } translate 1.5*y } torus { 2, 1 rotate 90*z texture { Blur_Texture } translate -.5*y } sphere { <-4,0,-1.5>, 1 texture { Blur_Texture } } sphere { <6.5,0,2>, 1 texture { Blur_Texture } }