//Basic fractal parameters //Centre, initial zoom factor, final zoom factor (magnification factor 2^zoom) #declare xpos=-0.74715422832175450; #declare ypos= 0.08760084826232911; #declare startzoom=0; #declare endzoom=45; //Min and max "Maximum iterations" - ie in this case the first frame has a max of 500 iterations, final frame uses a max of 32000. #declare miniter=500; #declare maxiter=32000; //I forget why I made it work this way, but obviously a linear increase was not viable. I should learn to comment more :) //iter is the number of iterations used in the current frame #declare iter=(pow(clock,4-(clock*3))*(maxiter-miniter))+miniter; //The following loops make the current frame's zoom factor, accelerating and decelerating at the beginning and end. //No doubt this could be reduced to a single formula, but the computational overhead this way is not exactly enormous anyway. #declare zoom=startzoom; #declare loop=0; #while (loop<(frame_number/final_frame)) #switch (loop) #range (0,0.05) #declare zoom=zoom+((loop/0.05)*((endzoom-startzoom)/final_frame)); #break #range (0.05000001,0.949999999) #declare zoom=zoom+((endzoom-startzoom)/final_frame); #break #range (0.95,1) #declare zoom=zoom+(((1-loop)/0.05)*((endzoom-startzoom)/final_frame)); #break #end #declare loop=loop+(1/final_frame); #end #declare zoom=zoom/0.95; #declare fractalcolours=color_map {[0.00 color rgb<0,0,0>] [0.025 color rgb<1,1,1>] [0.05 color rgb<0,0,0>] [0.10 color rgb<1,0.133,0.114>] //Red [0.15 color rgb<1,0.133,0.114>] [0.20 color rgb<0,0,0>] [0.225 color rgb<1,1,1>] [0.25 color rgb<0,0,0>] [0.30 color rgb<0.667,0.439,0.753>] //Mauve [0.35 color rgb<0.667,0.439,0.753>] [0.40 color rgb<0,0,0>] [0.425 color rgb<1,1,1>] [0.45 color rgb<0,0,0>] [0.50 color rgb<0,0.451,0.808>] //Blue [0.55 color rgb<0,0.451,0.808>] [0.60 color rgb<0,0,0>] [0.625 color rgb<1,1,1>] [0.65 color rgb<0,0,0>] [0.70 color rgb<0,0.808,0.380>] //Green [0.75 color rgb<0,0.808,0.380>] [0.80 color rgb<0,0,0>] [0.825 color rgb<1,1,1>] [0.85 color rgb<0,0,0>] [0.90 color rgb<1,1,0.121>] //Yellow [0.95 color rgb<1,1,0.121>] [1.00 color rgb<0,0,0>] } plane {<0,0,1>,0 pigment {mandel iter interior 0,1 exterior 1,1 color_map {fractalcolours} frequency 1+sqrt(iter/1600)} finish {ambient 1 diffuse 0} hollow} camera {location <0,0,-1> look_at <0,0,0> angle 128/(pow(2,zoom)) rotate <0,0,0> translate }