//Title: Big Blown Blob //Description: // a thin shelled blob of glass spheres // an animation takes a while, but is quite cool (comment out the photons) // set clock to 1.2 for a good still /* Use this as the INI for an animation: [320X240 no AA] -w320 -h240 +ki0 +kf2 +kfi1 +kff60 */ //render to clock = 3.5 for full effect if you want by switching +kf2 to +kf3.5 //change +kff60 to +kff90 if you do this though //Author: Ben Scheele //Date: 12-4-2002 //global_settings { photons{spacing .01}} camera{ ultra_wide_angle location -6.67*z look_at x*2*sin(clock*pi/2) angle 120 } background{ rgb <.77,.99,1.1> } light_source{ 500*y rgb x photons{refraction on}} light_source{ <0,2,-5>*100 rgb 1 photons{refraction on}} #macro twixxler(r,pg) blob{ threshold .6 #declare b = 2.5*clock; #declare st = 1.5+3*clock; #declare X = -10; #declare EndX = 10; #declare Step = 1.5; #while (X <= EndX) #declare rot = 20*X*x+clock*20*y; sphere{ , r, st rotate rot} sphere{ , r, st rotate rot} sphere{ , r, st rotate rot} sphere{ , r, st rotate rot} #declare X = X + Step; #end interior { ior 1.5 caustics 3 fade_distance 1.5 fade_power 20 } pigment{ rgb pg transmit 0.9 } finish { specular 0.7 roughness 0.001 brilliance .004 phong .3 diffuse .8 ambient .05 reflection { 0.2, 0.75 falloff .8 metallic .3 } conserve_energy } photons{target refraction on} } #end difference{ twixxler(1.3, <1,1,0>) twixxler(1, <0,1,1>) }