#include "colors.inc" #include "metals.inc" #include "golds.inc" #include "sliding.inc" #declare surface = sphere{0,4 inverse} camera{ location <0,5,-15> look_at <0,0,0> angle 45 } light_source{<30,100,-40> color White } light_source{<2,30,-1> color White*.2 } #declare slider=union{ sphere{0,0.5 texture{T_Silver_3B}} cylinder{0,<0,4,0>,0.04 pigment{rgb 1.5}} } /* gravity: */ #declare g=9.81; /* mass: */ #declare m=1; /* time steps - the lower the more accurate the moving */ #declare dt=0.01/2; /* friction coefficient */ #declare f_slide=0.07; #declare TouchSurface=1; place_initial_to(<3.8,0,0>,<0,-1,0>,<4,12,12>) move_in_time_and_place(object{slider pigment{Red}}, 0) plane{y, -5 pigment{White}} plane{z, 10 pigment{White}} //object{surface pigment{rgbt 0.6}} background{Blue} cylinder{<0,0,0>,<0,-10,0>,0.1 texture{T_Brass_3B}}