// Persistence of Vision Ray Tracer Scene Description File // File: shadowed checker illusion.pov // Vers: 3.5 // Desc: checker A is same shade of gray as checker B (or very close), illusion by Edward H. Adelson // Date: 2002.721 // Auth: bob hughes // Mail: omniverse@charter.net // Note: to see the illusion really is just an illusion you could edit the image // using a selection tool, Edit|Copy then Edit|Paste, and move one checker // next to the other. Or if you have a color-picker (eyedropper) you can // compare the RGB values. Even blocking off all but the two labeled checkers // by using a paper with holes in it you can tell they are the same. //cmd:+a0.2 +r2 +am2 #version 3.5; global_settings { radiosity { count 67 error_bound 0.05 recursion_limit 2 } } camera { location <3, 5, -7> right x*image_width/image_height look_at <0,-0.5,0> angle 42 } light_source { -50*z, 1 area_light 10*x,10*y,12,12 jitter adaptive 2 // parallel // point_at <0,0,0> rotate <30,230,0> } plane { y,-0.5 clipped_by { sphere {0,67} } pigment { color rgb 0.75 } finish { ambient 0.15 diffuse 0.667 } } sphere { 0,67 pigment { color rgb 0.75 } finish { ambient 0.15 diffuse 0.667 } } box { -1,1 scale <3,0.25,3>*0.999 translate -0.5*y pigment { checker color rgb 0.4 color rgb 0.645 scale <1,2,1>} finish { ambient .1 diffuse .7 } } intersection { text { ttf "arial.ttf", "A=B", 1, 0 scale 0.667 translate <0.75,1,0> } superellipsoid { <1,0.1> rotate 90*x scale <1.25,1,1.25> translate <1.5,0.75,1.5> } pigment { color rgb <0.7,0.8,0.9> } finish { ambient .2 diffuse .6 } } difference { superellipsoid { <1,0.1> rotate 90*x scale <1.25,1,1.25> translate <1.5,0.75,1.5> pigment { color rgb <0.7,0.6,0.5> } finish { specular 0.7 roughness 0.03 } } text { ttf "arial.ttf", "A=B", 1, 0 scale 0.667 translate <0.75,1,0> pigment { color rgb <0.7,0.8,0.9> } finish { ambient .2 diffuse .6 } } } text { ttf "arial.ttf", "A", 1, 0 scale 0.333 rotate 90*x translate <-0.6,-0.249,-0.6> pigment { checker color rgb 0.63 color rgb 0.41 scale <1,2,1>} finish { ambient .1 diffuse .7 } } text { ttf "arial.ttf", "B", 1, 0 scale 0.333 rotate 90*x translate <1.4,-0.249,-1.6> pigment { checker color rgb 0.63 color rgb 0.41 scale <1,2,1>} finish { ambient .1 diffuse .7 } }