// Persistence of Vision Ray Tracer Scene Description File // File: .pov // Vers: 3.5 // Desc: Car Names: F15, Metanoic, Nekar, Ray, Shark // Date: 30 October 2001 // Auth: Nekar Xenos //#version unofficial MegaPov 0.7; // change reflections to .2 #declare Anim = off; #declare Qual = on; // low quality: insert +q1 #declare Details = on; #declare Reflections = on; #declare Blur = off; #declare Normals = on; #declare Photons = on; #declare Radiosity = on; #declare HiRad = on; #declare Lighting = on; #declare showBody = on; #declare showWheels = on; #declare showWells = on; #declare showFins = on; #declare showTransparencies = on; #declare showCarLights = on; #declare HeadLightsOn=on; #declare showMirrors = on; #declare showWindows = on; #declare showHoles = on; #declare TempLight = on; #declare showInside = off; #declare Views = 9; // VIEWS: 1=front-left; 2=side; 3=front; 4=back; 5=top; 6=left-back; 7=front-right; 8= back-right; 9=two-cars; 10=all-views; 11=Ten CarF15 #if (Anim) #declare Views = 12; // VIEWS: 1=front-left; 2=side; 3=front; 4=back; 5=top; 6=left-back; 7=front-right; 8= back-right; 9=two-cars; 10=all-views; 11=Ten CarF15; 12=Animation #end #declare Declares=0; //#include "Car F15.inc" #include "Car F16.inc" //#include "Car Stegasus.inc" #if (Radiosity +Photons) #declare Qual = on; #declare Details = on; #declare Reflections = on; #declare Lighting = on; #declare showBody = on; #declare showWheels = on; #declare showWells = on; #declare showFins = on; #declare showTransparencies = on; #declare showCarLights = on; #declare showMirrors = on; #declare showWindows = on; #declare showHoles = on; #declare TempLight = off; #end #include "colors.inc" //#include "Views.inc" global_settings { assumed_gamma 1.0 #if (Qual = off) max_trace_level 5 #end } // radiosity (global illumination) settings // only used if '+qr' option is specified global_settings { #if (Photons) // adding a photon{} block to global_settings activates photon mapping. // photons also need to be adjusted for light sources and objects. photons { //spacing 0.01 // specify the density of photons count 100000 // alternatively use a total number of photons //gather min, max // amount of photons gathered during render [20, 100] //media max_steps [,factor] // media photons //jitter 1.0 // jitter phor photon rays //max_trace_level 5 // optional separate max_trace_level //adc_bailout 1/255 // see global adc_bailout //save_file "filename" // save photons to file //load_file "filename" // load photons from file //autostop 0 // photon autostop option //radius 10 // manually specified search radius // (---Adaptive Search Radius---) //steps 1 //expand_thresholds 0.2, 40 } #end #if (Radiosity) radiosity { pretrace_start 0.08 // start pretrace at this size pretrace_end 0.04 // end pretrace at this size #if(HiRad) count 50 // higher -> higher quality (1..1600) [35] error_bound 1.1 // higher -> smoother, less accurate [1.8] recursion_limit 7 // how much interreflections are calculated (1..5+) [3] normal on // take surface normals into account [off] // media on // take media into account [off] #else count 35 // higher -> higher quality (1..1600) [35] error_bound 1.8 // higher -> smoother, less accurate [1.8] recursion_limit 3 // how much interreflections are calculated (1..5+) [3] #end nearest_count 6 // higher -> higher quality (1..10) [5] low_error_factor .5 // reduce error_bound during last pretrace step gray_threshold 0.0 // increase for weakening colors (0..1) [0] minimum_reuse 0.015 // reuse of old radiosity samples [0.015] brightness 1 // brightness of radiosity effects (0..1) [1] adc_bailout 0.01/2 //save_file "file_name" // save radiosity data //load_file "file_name" // load saved radiosity data //always_sample off // turn sampling in final trace off [on] //max_sample 1.0 // maximum brightness of samples } #end } // ---------------------------------------- // camera { location <0, 2.5, -5> // REM <0, 2.5, -5> direction 1.5*z right 4/3*x look_at <0.0, 0.0, 20> } #if (TempLight) // create a regular point light source light_source { 0*x // light's position (translated below) color rgb <1,1,1> // light's color translate <0, 20, -20> } #end #if (Views!=5) background{color rgb<.1,.9,1.1>} #if (Qual) sky_sphere { pigment { gradient y color_map { [0.0 color rgb<.6,.8,.9> ][.1 color rgb<.3,.7,.9>] [1.0 color rgb <.1,.2, 0.6>] } } } plane { y, 1000 pigment { bozo scale 5000 turbulence 1 color_map { [0.0 color rgbt <1,1,1,1>][0.5 color rgbt <1,1,1,1>][1.0 color rgbt <1,2,3,0>] } } hollow on } #end #if (Qual) fog // far { fog_type 2 distance 7000 color rgb <.9,.9,.9> fog_offset 1 fog_alt 100 } #if (Lighting) // An area light (creates soft shadows) // WARNING: This special light can significantly slow down rendering times! light_source { 0*x // light's position (translated below) color rgb <1.125,1.05,.9>//<1.7,1.6,1.5> // light's color area_light <8, 0, 0> <0, 0, 8> // lights spread out across this distance (x * z) 4, 4 // total number of lights in grid (4x*4z = 16 lights) adaptive 0 // 0,1,2,3... jitter // adds random softening of light circular // make the shape of the light circular orient // orient light ///////////////////////// looks_like { #end disc {0,y,1,0 pigment {onion color_map { [.75 rgb <1.125,1.05,1>*3000] [1 rgbt 1] }} finish {ambient <1.125,1.125,1>*2000} scale 20 hollow #if (Lighting) } } #end // media_attenuation on // slow ///////////////////////////// translate <-100, 3000, -100> // position of light } #declare Salt = texture { #if (Radiosity) pigment{color rgbft<1,.9,.8,0,0>} #else pigment { color rgbft <1,1,1,0,0> } #end finish{ roughness 1} normal{crackle scale <.105,.1,.105>} } #declare Salty = texture { #if (Radiosity) pigment{color rgbft<1,.9,.8,1,.5>} #else pigment { color rgbft <1,1,1,1,.5> } #end finish{ roughness 1} normal{facets coords 1 scale <.01,.001,.01>} } #else #declare Salt = texture { pigment { color rgb .9 }//normal {checker 1 scale<1,.001,1>} } /* light_source { 0*x // light's position (translated below) color rgb <2.2,2.1,2> // light's color translate <-100, 3000, -100> } */ #end // ---------------------------------------- plane { y, -1 texture {Salt} #if (Qual) texture {Salty}#end} #end //>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> /* Colours: 1 Cyan 2 Turquoise 3 Electric Blue 4 Neon Cyan 5 Magenta 6 metallic White 7 metallic Black 8 Red 9 Neon Yellow 10 Neon Magenta 11 Gold 12 Old Gold */ // VIEWS: 1=front-left; 2=side; 3=front; 4=back; 5=top; 6=left-back; 7=front-right; 8= back-right; 9=two-cars; 10=all-views; 11=Ten CarF15 //REM Cars (Colour, Angle, Position, angle of front wheel, open lights, DarkWindows) #if (Views=1) CarF15 (1, y*-50 , <1.5,1.2,15>, -20,1,1) // main REM : CarF15 (1, y*-50 , <1.5,1.2,15>, -20) #end #if (Views=2) //CarF15 (1, x*15, <1,5,7>, 0 ,0,1) // side close-up of door //CarF15 (1, 0, <0,1,17>, 0 ,0,1) // side Stegasus (1, 0, <-1.5,1,25>, 0 ,0,1) // side #end #if (Views=3) //CarF15 (1, y*-90, <0,1,13>, 0 ,0,1) // front //CarF15 (1, y*-90, <0,8,5>, 0 ,0,1) // zoom logo CarF15 (1, y*-90, <0,1,20>, 0 ,0,1) // front lights #end #if (Views=4) CarF15 (1, y*90, <0,1,20>, 0 ,0,1) // back #end #if (Views=5) CarF15 (1, x*-90, <0,1,17>, 0 ,0,1) // top #end #if (Views=6) CarF15 (1, y*45, <0,1,17>, 0 ,0,1) // side - rear // CarF15 (1, y*120 , <1,1,17>, -20) // rear #end #if (Views=7) CarF15 (1, y*-130 , <-1.5,1,15>, -20,0,1) // main mirrored #end #if (Views=8) CarF15 (1, y*225, <0,1,17>, 0 ,0,1) // side - rear // CarF15 (1, y*120 , <1,1,17>, -20) // rear #end #if (Views=9) //CarF15 (8, y*-50 , <1.5,1,15>, 0,0,1) // blue nearer //CarF15 (1, y*120, <-7,1,30>, 0,0,1) //CarF15 (5, y*105 , <-7.5,1,30>, 0,0,1) // next to each other //CarF15 (1, y*-130, <6,1,30>, 20,0,1) CarF16 (4, y*-50 , <2,1,17>, -20,0,1) // CarF16 (9, y*45 , <-9,1,31>, 0,0,1) // camera { location <0, 7, -5> // REM <0, 2.5, -5> direction 1.5*z right 4/3*x look_at <0.0, 0.0, 20> } #end //* //views //----------------------------------- #if (Views=10) camera { //orthographic location <0, 5, -5> // REM <0, 5, -5> direction 1.5*z right 4/3*x look_at <0.0, 5, 20> } CarF15 (1, y*-60 , <-10,1.2,40>, -20,0,1) // perspective CarF15 (1, 0, <10,1,40>, 0,0,1 ) // side CarF15 (1, x*-90, <10,11,40>, 0 ,0,1) // top CarF15 (1, <45,-110,-45>, <-10,13,40>, 0 ,0,1) // front CarF15 (1, <-25,70,-25><-10,7,40>, 0 ,0,1) // back #end //*/ //--------------------------------- #if (Views=11) CarF15 (2, y*90 , <-50,1,0>, -0,0,1) CarF15 (3, y*0 , <-40,1,0>, -0) CarF15 (4, y*-90 , <-30,1,0>, -0,0,1) CarF15 (5, y*180 , <-20,1,0>, -0,0,1) CarF15 (6, y*90 , <-10,1,0>, -0,0,1) CarF15 (7, y*0 , <0,1,-10>, -0,0,1) CarF15 (8, y*-90 , <10,1,0>, -0,0,1) CarF15 (9, y*180 , <20,1,0>, -0,0,1) CarF15 (10, y*90 , <30,1,0>, -0,0,1) CarF15 (11, y*0 , <40,1,0>, -0,0,1) #end #if (Views=12) //Animation CarF15 (1, 0 , <0,1.2,0>, -20,0,1) // main REM : CarF15 (1, y*-50 , <1.5,1.2,15>, -20) camera { location <0, 7, 25> // REM <0, 2.5, -5> //rotate <0,5*clock+225,10> rotate <-5,5*clock,20> //scale z*.6 //direction 1.5*z //right 4/3*x look_at <0,0,0> } #end