// incoming.pov // // A shaders test file by Mike Andrews (m.c.andrews@reading.ac.uk) // 17th July 2001 // CAN ONLY BE USED WITH THE POVMan VARIANT OF POVRAY #version unofficial MegaPov 0.7; global_settings { max_trace_level 10 assumed_gamma 1 ambient_light 1 #if(0) ini_option "+QR" radiosity { pretrace_start 0.08 pretrace_end 0.01 count 50 nearest_count 5 error_bound 0.25 recursion_limit 2 low_error_factor .02 gray_threshold 0.0 minimum_reuse 0.002 brightness 1 adc_bailout 0.01/2 normal on } #end #if(0) photons { count 1000000 jitter 0.5 } #end } #declare BC = ; background { color rgb BC*0.4 } fog { fog_type 2 colour rgb BC*0.3 distance 100 fog_alt 6 fog_offset -7 } fog { fog_type 2 colour rgb (1-BC)*0.5 distance 500 fog_alt 15 fog_offset -7 } camera { up y right x*image_width/image_height direction 1.4*z location <-1,1,-10>*3 look_at 0 } light_source { 0*x color rgb 1-0.1*BC area_light x, z, 5, 5 circular orient jitter translate 50*vnormalize(<1,2,-2>) scale 400 photons { reflection on refraction on } } #declare swirl = pigment { shader{ shader_file "swirl2.slp" "Rot" 2 "Power" 3 "Dir" y "Steps" 9 "Type" 0 shadow_type shader_shadow } } #declare twirl = pigment { shader{ shader_file "twirl.slp" "Rot" -2 "Power" 3 "Origin" <0,0,0> "Radius" 4 "Dir" y shadow_type shader_shadow } } #declare incoming = pigment { shader{ shader_file "incoming.slp" "falloff" 3 "col1" <1,0.5,0> "col2" <1,0,0.2> shadow_type shader_shadow } } blob { threshold 0.4 sphere {x,1.2,1 rotate 0*z} sphere {x,1.2,1 rotate 120*z} sphere {x,1.2,1 rotate 240*z} pigment { incoming } finish { ambient 0 diffuse 0.3 specular 0.5 metallic } normal { granite -1 scale 0.1 } scale 4 } difference { box { -<8.1,10,8.1>,<8.1,10,8.1> } box { -<8.1,10.1,8.1>,<8.1,10.1,8.1> translate <0.1,0,-0.1> } rotate 50*y texture { pigment { rgb 0.7*<.95,.97,.98> } finish { ambient 0 diffuse 0.1 brilliance 10 specular 0.2 roughness 0.001 reflection 0.7*<.95,.97,.98> } normal { bumps 0.002 } } photons { target refraction off reflection on ignore_photons } } #declare S = seed(1); plane { y, -7 texture{ pigment{ pigment_pattern { spherical pigment_map { [0 rgb 0] [0.5 radial rotate x*90 cubic_wave frequency 5 colour_map {[0 rgb 0][0.5 rgb 1][1 rgb 0]} ] [0.9 rgb 1] } scale 3/2 } pigment_map { [0 rgb 1] [0.7 average pigment_map { [1 bozo colour_map {[0 rgb x][1/3 rgb y][2/3 rgb z][1 rgb x]} rotate *360 translate (-0.5)*200] [1 bozo colour_map {[0 rgb y][1/3 rgb z][2/3 rgb x][1 rgb y]} rotate *360 translate (-0.5)*200] [1 bozo colour_map {[0 rgb z][1/3 rgb x][2/3 rgb y][1 rgb z]} rotate *360 translate (-0.5)*200] } ] } scale 3 scale 1/2 warp { displace { swirl type 0 } } scale 2 warp { displace { twirl type 0 } } scale 1/2 scale 5 warp { displace { swirl type 0 } } scale 2 } finish { diffuse 0.4 ambient 0 } } }