// ************************************************************************ // BLob_SHIP 3.POV // Michael Brendan Hurley for ShadowDancer Enterprizes, LTD. // Odds and Ends Tester ... b-series // Blobby Space Ship ver. A, beauty shot 6 Oct 97 // // REVISED FOR ver 3.1g... July 2001 // Galaxy effects from C. Colfax as seen in Gini_07.pov // // ************************************************************************ // ************************************************************************ // Global Definitions // ************************************************************************ #include "brendan.inc" // Lights Cameras Simple objects #declare ShowDetails = true; #declare FullTexture = true; #declare ShowGalaxy = true; #declare ShowPlanet = true; // ************************************************************************ // Scene Definitions // ************************************************************************ // ************************************************************************ // Define Sky // ************************************************************************ //background { color LightBlue } //sky_sphere { pigment { LightBlue } } // day //background { color Black } //sky_sphere { pigment { Black } } // day // ************************************************************************ // LIGHTS! // ************************************************************************ /* #declare FloodSE1 = light_source { < 1000 500 -1000 > color White } //end light Flood SE 1 #declare FloodSE2 = light_source { < 500 700 -500 > color White } //end of SE 2 #declare FloodSW1 = light_source { < -1000 500 -1000 > color White } //end light Flood SW 1 #declare FloodSW2 = light_source { < -500 700 -500 > color White } //end light Flood SW 2 #declare FloodNE1 = light_source { < 1000 500 1000 > color White } //end of NE 1 #declare FloodNE2 = light_source { < 500 700 500 > color White } //end of NE 2 #declare FloodNW1 = light_source { < -1000 500 1000 > color White } //end of NW 1 #declare FloodNW2 = light_source { < -500 700 500 > color White } //end of NW 2 #declare FloodRear = light_source { < -100 1000 1000 > color White } //end light FloodRear #declare FloodSouth = light_source { < 0 100 -1000 > color White } //end light SouthFlood */ //object { FloodRear } //object { FloodSouth } //object { FloodSE1 } //object { FloodSW2 } // ******************************************************************* // ******************************************************************* // Define Ambient Lights light_source { < 0, 0, 1100 > color LightBlue } // galaxy glow light_source { < 180, -30, 450 > color White } // planet's sun // ************************************************************************ // CAMERA! // ************************************************************************ #declare TestView = camera { direction < 0, 0, 8 > location < 7, 0, -65 > // due south // location < 25, 5, -35 > // near SE look_at < 7, 0, 0 > // scene center } //end of camera Test View #declare Narrow = camera { location < 0, 0, -400 > look_at < 0, 0, 1 > angle 30 // NARROW TO PREVENT DISTORTION } // end camera //camera { TestView } camera { Narrow } // ************************************************************************ // DEFINE OBJECTS! // ************************************************************************ #declare mbh_Metal = finish { metallic ambient 0.7 diffuse 0.7 brilliance 3 reflection 0.85 phong 0.2 phong_size 4 }//end finish #declare Silver_Texture = texture { pigment { rgb < 0.90, 0.91, 0.98 > } finish { mbh_Metal } } #declare Silver_Metal = texture { Silver_Texture } // ******************************************************************* // DECLARE TEXTURE ***** Green surface #declare Green_World = texture { pigment { wood turbulence 1.25 color_map { [ 0.0 0.6 color LimeGreen color ForestGreen ] [ 0.1 0.6 color Yellow color LimeGreen ] [ 0.6 1.0 color LimeGreen color Clear ] } //end color map scale < 3.5, 1.0, 1.0 > quick_color Green }// end pigment finish { diffuse 0.55 brilliance 0.2 reflection 0.1 }// end finish } //end texture Green World // ******************************************************************* // ******************************************************************* // DEFINE a pod-shape: symetrical lumpy masses #declare BigBlob_2 = blob { threshold .08 sphere { < 0, 4.80, 0 >, 2.2, 0.9 } sphere { < 0, 1.55, 0 >, 3.9, 1.0 } sphere { < 0, -1.55, 0 >, 3.9, 1.0 } sphere { < 0, -4.80, 0 >, 2.2, 0.9 } hollow #if ( FullTexture = true ) texture { Silver_Metal } #else texture { Blue_Tex } #end } //end big blob 2 // ******************************************************************* // DEFINE Elliptical tube ***** #declare Fin_A = object { superellipsoid { < 1, 0.2 > scale < 0.7, 7.5, 0.7 > hollow #if ( FullTexture = true ) texture { Silver_Metal } #else texture { Green_Tex } #end }//end ellip. } // end obj Fin // ******************************************************************* // DEFINE Elliptical sauser ***** #declare Disk_A = object { difference { object { Ellipsoid scale < 1.0, 3.5, 3.5 > } object { Ellipsoid scale < 0.5, 4.0, 4.0 > } }// end difference disk A hollow #if ( FullTexture = true ) texture { Silver_Metal } #else texture { Red_Tex } #end } // end obj Disk A // ******************************************************************* // DEFINE Elliptical glass pod #declare Disk_B = object { Ellipsoid hollow scale < 0.5, 4, 4 > #if ( FullTexture = true ) texture { T_Glass1 } #else texture { Yellow_Tex } #end } // end obj Window Section // ******************************************************************* // DEFINE elliptical light source #declare Disk_C = light_source { < 0, 0, 0 > color Yellow looks_like { Disk_B } fade_distance 40 fade_power 2 } // end light source // ******************************************************************* // ******************************************************************* // DEFINE Chubby space ship standing on tail #declare BlobShip_A = union{ object { BigBlob_2 } object { Disk_A translate < 0.0, 4.8, 0.0 > } // object { Disk_B translate < 0.0, 5.0, 0.0 > } object { Disk_C translate < 0.0, 5.0, 0.0 > } object { Fin_A translate < -2.5, 0.0, 2.5 > } object { Fin_A translate < 2.5, 0.0, 2.5 > } object { Fin_A translate < 2.5, 0.0, -2.5 > } object { Fin_A translate < -2.5, 0.0, -2.5 > } } // end Blobby Ship A // ************************************************************************ // ACTION! // ************************************************************************ //object { Check_Floor translate < 0, -200, 0 > } // ******************************************************************* #if ( ShowPlanet = true ) object { Sphere //planet texture { Green_World } scale 30 translate < 90, 55, 440 > } // end sphere object { Sphere //moon texture { Gray25_Tex } scale 7 translate < 35, 60, 400 > } // end sphere #end // of Show Planet // *********************************************************************** #if ( ShowGalaxy = true ) // COMMON GALAXY OPTIONS // #declare debug_options = true; #declare options_only = true; #declare galaxy_seed = 9696; #declare galaxy_colour1 = < 1.1, 1.0, 1.7 >; #declare galaxy_colour2 = < 0.5, 0.4, 0.8 >; #declare galaxy_colour2 = < 0.4, 0.4, 0.7 >; // GALAXY OBJECTS #declare galaxy_object_scale = 2.5; #declare galaxy_object_position = < 0, 0, -200 >; #declare galaxy_object_rotate = 33; #declare galaxy_object_flatten = 0.6; #declare galaxy_pattern_origin = x * 1; #declare galaxy_turb_origin = x * 1; #declare galaxy_pattern_scale = 1.330; #declare galaxy_star_colouration = 0.450; #declare galaxy_cluster_objects = 4; #declare galaxy_object_name = "Galaxy5" #include "GALAXY.OBJ"; // GALAXY STAR FIELD #declare star_count = 6000; #declare star_colour = < 0.75, 0.75, 0.90 >; #declare star_distribution = 0.3; #declare star_brightness_turb = 0.6; #declare star_colour_turb = 0.8; #include "GALAXY.SF"; // GALAXY BACKGROUND #declare galaxy_bgstars = 2; #declare galaxy_bgnebula = 1; //default #declare galaxy_nebula_ambient = < 0.29, 0.25, 0.34 >; #include "GALAXY.BG"; #end //of Show Galaxy // ******************************************************************* // ******************************************************************* object { BlobShip_A // rotate < 0, 0, 0 > // stands on its tail rotate < -30, 20, 270 > // faces S beauty shot // rotate < 0, 0, -90 > // faces E // rotate < 0, 0, 90 > // faces W // rotate < 0, 40, 0 > // rotates on its tail // rotate < 90, 0, 90 > // faces N on its side // rotate < -90, 0, 90 > // faces S on its side translate < -10, 0, -320 > // relocate ship } // end Blob Ship A // ************************************************************************ // END BL_SHIP2 FILE // ************************************************************************