/* Subject: lathe bugged glass Galileo Thermometer Date: Thu, 16 Nov 2000 15:45:11 -0600 From: "Bob H." Organization: omniVerse Newsgroups: povray.text.scene-files */ // Persistence of Vision Ray Tracer Scene Description File // File: galileo thermometer.pov // Vers: MegaPov 0.6a // Desc: A Galileo thermometer, with lathe "bug" perhaps as noted by KalleK in p.b.i. group // Date: 2000.87 // Auth: Bob Hughes // Note: checkered plane for floor is speckled for unknown reason. Beware:Slow to render! // #version unofficial MegaPov 0.6; // Plus a few tweaks by M Lomas 05/2001... global_settings { // assumed_gamma 2.4 max_trace_level 66 } light_source { <500,1000,-750> color rgb <1,1.1,1.125>} light_source { <-25,150,50> color rgb <.5,.33,.25> shadowless} camera { location <0,7.5,-30> angle 34 look_at <0,5.75,0> rotate -5*y } // a heat wave effect (not any good) #declare HotWave= //texture {pigment {rgbf 1} normal {wrinkles .8} scale .01} texture {pigment {rgbf 0.97} finish{reflection 0} normal {wrinkles 0.4} scale <0.0011,0.07,0.1>} #declare CoolWave= //texture {pigment {rgbf 1} normal {wrinkles .2} scale .015} texture {pigment {rgbf 0.99} finish{reflection 0} normal {wrinkles 0.1} scale <0.0017,0.05,0.15>} #declare NoWave= //texture {pigment {rgbf 1} normal {wrinkles 0} scale 1} texture {pigment {rgbf 1} finish{reflection 0 ambient 0} normal {wrinkles 0}} // scale <0.013,1.0,1.0>} plane {-z, 0 material { texture {gradient y texture_map { [.00 NoWave] [.02 NoWave] [.11 HotWave] [.23 CoolWave] [.33 CoolWave] [.45 NoWave] } scale <1,55,1> //translate 99*z //translate -1.75*y } interior {ior 1.01} } rotate 66*x translate 7*z translate 44*x } // problem with this part? //plane {y,-0.01 pigment {checker color rgb 0.67 color rgb 0.75 scale 10} // bounded_by {box {<-100,-1,-100>,<100,1,100>}} plane{ y, 0.12 texture{ hexagon texture{ pigment{ color rgb <0.5, 0.2, 0.1> } finish { crand 0.15 ambient .5 phong 0.7 reflection 0.27 } }, texture{ pigment{ color rgb <0.2, 0.2, 0.5> } finish { crand 0.00 ambient .3 phong 0.3 reflection 0.40 } }, texture{ pigment{ color rgb 0.5 } finish { crand 0.05 ambient .50 phong 1 reflection 0.43 } } scale 7.99 } } #include "colors.inc" #include "skies.inc" sky_sphere {S_Cloud2} /* sky_sphere // rain shower clouds { pigment { gradient y color_map { [0 color rgb<.7,.8,.9>] [.1 color rgb<.1,.5,.9>] } } pigment { bozo turbulence .7 color_map { [0.0,0.4 color rgbt<.6,.65,.675,0> color rgbt<.65,.65,.675,.7>] [0.4,0.5 color rgbt<.65,.65,.675,.7> color rgbt<1,1,1,1>] [0.5,0.7 color rgbt<1,1,1,1> color rgbt<1,1,1,1>] [0.7,1 color rgbt<.9,.925,.975,.8> color rgbt<.925,.95,.95,0>] } scale <1,.33,2> } pigment { granite turbulence .1 color_map { [0.0,0.4 color rgbt<.3,.35,.375,0> color rgbt<.35,.325,.375,.9>] [0.4,0.5 color rgbt<1,1,1,1> color rgbt<1,1,1,1>] [0.5,0.7 color rgbt<1,1,1,1> color rgbt<1,1,1,1>] [0.7,1 color rgbt<.55,.525,.6,.8> color rgbt<.5,.525,.55,0>] } scale <1,1.25,2> } pigment { gradient y color_map { [0 color rgbt<.725,.7,.8,.6>] [1 color rgbt<.9,.925,.95,.9>] } } } */ // bright single rainbow rainbow { direction <.1,-.36,.8> angle 30 width 5 distance 15 color_map { // [0.0,0.19 color rgbt<2,0,2,1> color rgbt<0,0,3,.975> ] // [0.19,0.33 color rgbt<0,0,3,.975> color rgbt<0,2,2,.925> ] // [0.33,0.475 color rgbt<0,2,2,.925> color rgbt<0,3,0,.95>] // [0.475,0.6 color rgbt<0,3,0,.95> color rgbt<2,2,0,.925>] // [0.6,0.75 color rgbt<2,2,0,.925> color rgbt<2.5,1.5,0,.9125>] // [0.75,1.0 color rgbt<2.5,1.5,0,.9125> color rgbt<3,0,0,1>] [0.0,0.19 color rgbt<2,0,2,1> color rgbt<0,0,3,.90> ] [0.19,0.33 color rgbt<0,0,3,.90> color rgbt<0,2,2,.80> ] [0.33,0.475 color rgbt<0,2,2,.80> color rgbt<0,3,0,.85>] [0.475,0.6 color rgbt<0,3,0,.85> color rgbt<2,2,0,.90>] [0.6,0.75 color rgbt<2,2,0,.90> color rgbt<2.5,1.5,0,.88>] [0.75,1.0 color rgbt<2.5,1.5,0,.88> color rgbt<3,0,0,1>] } jitter 0.02 up <0,1,-.2> // 1*y is normal up (any x or z value will tilt) arc_angle 100 falloff_angle 40 } // end sky #declare Outside= lathe { cubic_spline 11, <0, 0>, <1.5, .0125>, <1.1, .05>, <1, .15>, <1, .95>, <.85, 1.075>, <.5, 1.1125>, <.2, 1.133>, <.1, 1.145>, <.005, 1.16>, <0, 1.167> // sturm } #declare Inside= lathe { cubic_spline 12, <0, .067>, <0, .05>, <.9, .03>, <.9, .05>, <.9, .15>, <.9, .9333>, <.775, 1.06>, <.475, 1.09>, <.175, 1.1>, <.08, 1.125>, <.005, 1.133>, <0, 1.15> // sturm } #declare GlassTubeAndLiquid= union { //intersection { difference { object {Outside} object {Inside} texture { pigment {rgbft <.975,.9825,.99,.95,.075>} normal {wrinkles .008 scale .12} finish {ambient 0 diffuse .05 specular .8 roughness .0025 //reflection_type 1 reflection_min .0333 reflection_max .333 //conserve_energy } } interior {ior 1.5 caustics 1 fade_distance .75 fade_power 1 //fade_color <.6,.7,.67> //dispersion 1.1 disp_nelems 9 } scale <1,10,1> } difference { object {Inside scale 1.001} superellipsoid {<1,.15> scale 1.0225 rotate 90*x translate 2.02*y} texture { pigment {rgbft <.99,.99,.99,.925,.125>} finish {ambient 0 diffuse .025 specular .6 roughness .005 //reflection_type 1 reflection_min .005 reflection_max .15 //conserve_energy } } interior {ior 1.35 caustics 1 fade_distance .5 fade_power 1 //fade_color <.67,.67,.6> // dispersion 1.05 disp_nelems 9 } scale <1,10,1> } } object{GlassTubeAndLiquid} #declare tempNosX = -0.168; #declare Temp60Tab= difference { union { torus {.123,.02 rotate 90*z translate -.85*y pigment {rgb <.9,.7,.5>*1.5} } cylinder {-.025*z,.025*z,.234 translate -1.125*y} } text {ttf "arialbd.ttf", "60", .0333, 0 // align_center pigment {rgb <.8,.825,.825>} scale .3 translate // <0,-1.23,-.0251> } pigment {rgb <.9,.9125,.925>*1.5} finish {ambient .05 diffuse .5 specular .75 roughness .025 metallic brilliance 1 reflection .125} } #declare Temp65Tab= union { torus {.123,.02 rotate 90*z translate -.85*y pigment {rgb <.9,.7,.5>*1.5} } difference { cylinder {-.025*z,.025*z,.234} text {ttf "arialbd.ttf", "65", .0333, 0 // align_center pigment {rgb <.8,.825,.825>} scale .3 translate // <0,-.13,-.0251> } rotate -7.5*x translate -1.125*y } pigment {rgb <.9,.9125,.925>*1.5} finish {ambient .05 diffuse .5 specular .75 roughness .025 metallic brilliance 1 reflection .125} } #declare Temp70Tab= union { torus {.123,.02 rotate 90*z translate -.85*y pigment {rgb <.9,.7,.5>*1.5} } difference { cylinder {-.025*z,.025*z,.234} text {ttf "arialbd.ttf", "70", .0333, 0 // align_center pigment {rgb <.8,.825,.825>} scale .3 translate //<0,-.13,-.0251> } rotate 10*x translate -1.125*y } pigment {rgb <.9,.9125,.925>*1.5} finish {ambient .05 diffuse .5 specular .75 roughness .025 metallic brilliance 1 reflection .125} } #declare Temp75Tab= difference { union { torus {.123,.02 rotate 90*z translate -.85*y pigment {rgb <.9,.7,.5>*1.5} } cylinder {-.025*z,.025*z,.234 translate -1.125*y} } text {ttf "arialbd.ttf", "75", .0333, 0 // align_center pigment {rgb <.8,.825,.825>} scale .3 translate //<0,-1.23,-.0251> } pigment {rgb <.9,.9125,.925>*1.5} finish {ambient .05 diffuse .5 specular .75 roughness .025 metallic brilliance 1 reflection .125} } #declare Temp80Tab= difference { union { torus {.123,.02 rotate 90*z translate -.85*y pigment {rgb <.9,.7,.5>*1.5} } cylinder {-.025*z,.025*z,.234 translate -1.125*y} } text {ttf "arialbd.ttf", "80", .0333, 0 // align_center pigment {rgb <.8,.825,.825>} scale .3 translate //<0,-1.23,-.0251> } pigment {rgb <.9,.9125,.925>*1.5} finish {ambient .05 diffuse .5 specular .75 roughness .025 metallic brilliance 1 reflection .125} } #declare Temp85Tab= difference { union { torus {.123,.02 rotate 90*z translate -.85*y pigment {rgb <.9,.7,.5>*1.5} } cylinder {-.025*z,.025*z,.234 translate -1.125*y} } text {ttf "arialbd.ttf", "85", .0333, 0 // align_center pigment {rgb <.8,.825,.825>} scale .3 translate //<0,-1.23,-.0251> } pigment {rgb <.9,.9125,.925>*1.5} finish {ambient .05 diffuse .5 specular .75 roughness .025 metallic brilliance 1 reflection .125} } #declare FloatOutside= lathe { cubic_spline 11, <0, 0>, <.001, .001>, <.125, .0225>, <.275, .067>, <.5125, .225>, <.59, .4>, <.567, .475>, <.45, .67>, <.15, .825>, <.1, 1>, <0, 1.1> // sturm } #declare FloatInside= lathe { cubic_spline 11, <0, 0>, <.001, .0025>, <.1125, .025>, <.25, .075>, <.5, .25>, <.55, .4>, <.525, .425>, <.4, .6>, <.125, .67>, <.05, .75>, <0, .8> // sturm } #declare GlassFloatAndLiquid= union { difference { object {FloatOutside} object {FloatInside} texture { pigment {rgbft <.975,.9825,.99,.875,.075>} normal {wrinkles .008 scale .12} finish {ambient .5 diffuse 1.1 specular .8 roughness .0025 //reflection_type 1 reflection_min .0333 reflection_max .333 //conserve_energy } } interior {ior 1.5 caustics 1 fade_distance .25 fade_power 1 //fade_color <.6,.67,.67> // dispersion 1.1 disp_nelems 9 } } difference { object {FloatInside scale 1.001} superellipsoid {<1,.15> scale 1.025/2 rotate 90*x translate -.375*y} } scale <1,1.25,1>*.67 rotate 180*z } union { object {GlassFloatAndLiquid texture { pigment {rgbft <.099,.099,.99,.9,.05>} finish {ambient 0 diffuse .3 specular .6 roughness .005 //reflection_type 1 reflection_min .0025 reflection_max .125 // conserve_energy } } interior {ior 1.3 caustics 1 fade_distance .25 fade_power 1 //fade_color<.1,.1,.8> } } object {Temp60Tab} rotate 10*y translate <.25,9,.25> } union { object {GlassFloatAndLiquid texture { pigment {rgbft <.099,.99,.99,.9,.05>} finish {ambient 0 diffuse .3 specular .6 roughness .005 //reflection_type 1 reflection_min .0025 reflection_max .125 //conserve_energy } } interior {ior 1.3 caustics 1 fade_distance .25 fade_power 1 //fade_color<.1,.8,.8> } } object {Temp65Tab} rotate 5*y translate <.125,7.25,-.25> } union { object {GlassFloatAndLiquid texture { pigment {rgbft <.099,.99,.099,.9,.05>} finish {ambient 0 diffuse .3 specular .6 roughness .005 //reflection_type 1 reflection_min .0025 reflection_max .125 //conserve_energy } } interior {ior 1.3 caustics 1 fade_distance .25 fade_power 1 //fade_color<.1,.8,.1> } } object {Temp70Tab} rotate -45*y translate <.125,6,-.125> } union { object {GlassFloatAndLiquid texture { pigment {rgbft <.99,.99,.099,.9,.05>} finish {ambient 0 diffuse .3 specular .6 roughness .005 //reflection_type 1 reflection_min .0025 reflection_max .125 // conserve_energy } } interior {ior 1.3 caustics 1 fade_distance .25 fade_power 1 //fade_color<.8,.8,.1> } } object {Temp75Tab} rotate 50*y translate <-.25,5,.125> } union { object {GlassFloatAndLiquid texture { pigment {rgbft <.99,.099,.099,.9,.05>} finish {ambient 0 diffuse .3 specular .6 roughness .005 // reflection_type 1 reflection_min .0025 reflection_max .125 // conserve_energy } } interior {ior 1.3 caustics 1 fade_distance .25 fade_power 1 //fade_color<.8,.1,.1> } } object {Temp80Tab} rotate -40*y translate <-.125,3,-.25> } union { object {GlassFloatAndLiquid texture { pigment {rgbft <.99,.099,.99,.9,.05>} finish {ambient 0 diffuse .3 specular .6 roughness .005 //reflection_type 1 reflection_min .0025 reflection_max .125 //conserve_energy } } interior {ior 1.3 caustics 1 fade_distance .25 fade_power 1 //fade_color<.8,.1,.8> } } object {Temp85Tab} rotate 20*y translate <.25,1.5,-.125> } // omniVerse http://users.aol.com/persistenceofv/all.htm