// polyhedra_demo.pov // POV-Ray version 3.1 scene file // Dan Johnson zapob@hotmail.com // This is a scene file that should effectively demonstrate polyhedra.inc version 1 #include "polyhedra.inc" #include "colors.inc" #include "finish.inc" light_source {<0,68,-200> color Gray80} light_source {<-5,18,-200> color Gray50} camera {location <.5,1,-50> look_at 0 angle 35} background {color CornflowerBlue} //plane {-y, 0 pigment {checker color Green color Blue rotate 45*z rotate -(Angle_between_vectors(<1,1,2>,<-1,-1,2>)/2)*x translate .5*TetrahedronFaceLength*y} translate -15*y rotate -90*x} /* tried to make this a macro #macro Tessalate_triangles (Color1,Color2) pigment {checker color Color1 color Color2 rotate 45*z rotate -(Angle_between_vectors(<1,1,2>,<-1,-1,2>)/2)*x} #end macro doesn't work, and I don't know why */ #macro Arrange (N) (Arrange_3d(5,5,1,N)*<5.5,4.5,1>) #end union { object {Tetrahedron_faces} text {ttf "timrom.ttf" "Tetrahedron_faces" .5,0 scale .6 translate <-2.3,-1.8,-2.5>} texture {pigment {Red} finish {Dull}} translate Arrange (1) } union { object {Octahedron_faces} text {ttf "timrom.ttf" "Octahedron_faces" .5,0 scale .6 translate <-2.3,-1.8,-2.5>} texture {pigment {Red} finish {Dull}} translate Arrange (2) } union { object {Cube_faces} text {ttf "timrom.ttf" "Cube_faces" .5,0 scale .6 translate <-2.3,-1.8,-2.5>} texture {pigment {Red} finish {Dull}} translate Arrange (3) } union { object {Icosahedron_faces scale Golden} text {ttf "timrom.ttf" "Icosahedron_faces" .5,0 scale .6 translate <-2.3,-1.8,-2.5>} texture {pigment {Red} finish {Dull}} translate Arrange (4) } union { object {Dodecahedron_faces scale Golden2} text {ttf "timrom.ttf" "Dodecahedron_faces" .5,0 scale .6 translate <-2.3,-1.8,-2.5>} texture {pigment {Red} finish {Dull}} translate Arrange (5) } union { object {Tetrahedron_vertexes(1,.5)} text {ttf "timrom.ttf" "Tetrahedron_vertexes" .5,0 scale .6 translate <-2.3,-2.2,-2.5>} texture {pigment {Red} finish {Dull}} translate Arrange (6) } union { object {Octahedron_vertexes(1,.5)} text {ttf "timrom.ttf" "Octahedron_vertexes" .5,0 scale .6 translate <-2.3,-2.2,-2.5>} texture {pigment {Red} finish {Dull}} translate Arrange (7) } union { object {Cube_vertexes(1,.5)} text {ttf "timrom.ttf" "Cube_vertexes" .5,0 scale .6 translate <-2.3,-2.2,-2.5>} texture {pigment {Red} finish {Dull}} translate Arrange (8) } union { object {Icosahedron_vertexes(Golden,.5)} text {ttf "timrom.ttf" "Icosahedron_vertexes" .5,0 scale .6 translate <-2.3,-2.2,-2.5>} texture {pigment {Red} finish {Dull}} translate Arrange (9) } union { object {Dodecahedron_vertexes(Golden2,.5)} text {ttf "timrom.ttf" "Dodecahedron_vertexes" .5,0 scale .6 translate <-2.3,-2.2,-2.5>} texture {pigment {Red} finish {Dull}} translate Arrange (10) } union { object {Tetrahedron_edges(1,.2)} text {ttf "timrom.ttf" "Tetrahedron_edges" .5,0 scale .6 translate <-2.3,-2.2,-2.5>} texture {pigment {Red} finish {Dull}} translate Arrange (11) } union { object {Octahedron_edges(1,.2)} text {ttf "timrom.ttf" "Octahedron_edges" .5,0 scale .6 translate <-2.3,-2.2,-2.5>} texture {pigment {Red} finish {Dull}} translate Arrange (12) } union { object {Cube_edges(1,.2)} text {ttf "timrom.ttf" "Cube_edges" .5,0 scale .6 translate <-2.3,-2.2,-2.5>} texture {pigment {Red} finish {Dull}} translate Arrange (13) } union { object {Icosahedron_edges(Golden,.2)} text {ttf "timrom.ttf" "Icosahedron_edges" .5,0 scale .6 translate <-2.3,-2.2,-2.5>} texture {pigment {Red} finish {Dull}} translate Arrange (14) } union { object {Dodecahedron_edges(Golden2,.2)} text {ttf "timrom.ttf" "Dodecahedron_edges" .5,0 scale .6 translate <-2.3,-2.2,-2.5>} texture {pigment {Red} finish {Dull}} translate Arrange (15) } union { object {Cube_loops(1,.1)} text {ttf "timrom.ttf" "Cube_loops" .5,0 scale .6 translate <-2.3,-2.2,-2.5>} texture {pigment {Red} finish {Dull}} translate Arrange (18) } union { object {Octahedron_loops(1,.1)} text {ttf "timrom.ttf" "Octahedron_loops" .5,0 scale .6 translate <-2.3,-2.2,-2.5>} texture {pigment {Red} finish {Dull}} translate Arrange (17) } union { object {Icosahedron_loops(1,.1)} text {ttf "timrom.ttf" "Icosahedron_loops" .5,0 scale .6 translate <-2.3,-2.2,-2.5>} texture {pigment {Red} finish {Dull}} translate Arrange (19) } union { object {Dodecahedron_loops(1,.1)} text {ttf "timrom.ttf" "Dodecahedron_loops" .5,0 scale .6 translate <-2.3,-2.2,-2.5>} texture {pigment {Red} finish {Dull}} translate Arrange (20) } //nested Polyhedra union { union { union { object {Dodecahedron_vertexes(1.2,.06)} object {Dodecahedron_edges(1.2,.06)} pigment {White} } object {Cube_edges(1.2,.06) pigment {Green}} object {Tetrahedron_edges(1.2,.06) pigment {Red}} object {Octahedron_edges(1.2,.06) pigment {Yellow}} object {Icosahedron_edges(1.2,.06) pigment {Blue}} } text {ttf "timrom.ttf" "Nested Polyhedra" .5,0 scale .6 translate <-2.3,-2.2,-2.5> texture {pigment {Red}} finish {Dull}} translate Arrange (16) } union { object {Cuboctahedron} text {ttf "timrom.ttf" "Cuboctahedron" .5,0 scale .6 translate <-2.3,-2.2,-2.5>} texture {pigment {Red} finish {Dull}} translate Arrange (21) } union { object {Icosidodecahedron} text {ttf "timrom.ttf" "Icosidodecahedron" .5,0 scale .6 translate <-2.3,-2.2,-2.5>} texture {pigment {Red} finish {Dull}} translate Arrange (22) } union { object {Pentagram(1,.1)} text {ttf "timrom.ttf" "Pentagram" .5,0 scale .6 translate <-2.3,-2.2,-2.5>} texture {pigment {Red} finish {Dull}} translate Arrange (23) } union { object {Pentagram(1,.1)} text {ttf "timrom.ttf" "Pentagram" .5,0 scale .6 translate <-2.3,-2.2,-2.5>} texture {pigment {Red} finish {Dull}} translate Arrange (23) }