// Persistance of Vision Raytracer V3.1 // World definition file. // // Contains 2 lights, 8 materials and 18 primitives. // // This file was generated for POV-Ray V3.1 by // Moray V3.1 For Windows (c) 1991-1998 Lutz + Kretzschmar // // Date : 08/31/1999 (31.08.1999) // /* The text between these two comments is in MorayPOV.INC and is automatically included in all POV files that Moray exports. */ default { texture { pigment { rgb <1,0,0> } } } /* // Scene Comment This scene was created with Moray For Windows. */ // End Scene Comment #version unofficial megapov .5; global_settings { adc_bailout 0.003922 ambient_light <1.0,1.0,1.0> assumed_gamma 1.9 hf_gray_16 off irid_wavelength <0.247059,0.176471,0.137255> max_intersections 64 max_trace_level 10 number_of_waves 10 radiosity { brightness 3.3 count 100 distance_maximum 0.0 error_bound 0.4 gray_threshold 0.5 low_error_factor 0.8 minimum_reuse 0.015 nearest_count 6 recursion_limit 1 } post_process { overwrite_file //find_edges{10000,.025,1,2,0.5,rgb 0} // soft_glow{1.0, 8} } } background { color <0.000,0.000,0.000> } fog { fog_type 2 // Ground Fog distance 100.0 color <1.0,1.0,0.945098,0.0,0.0> up <0,0,1> fog_offset 0.0 fog_alt 10.0 } camera { // Camera StdCam location < -219.432, -54.003, 32.582> direction < 0.0, 0.0, 0.7945> // Aperture is 1.12 degrees sky < 0.00000, 0.00000, 1.00000> // Use right handed-system up < 0.0, 0.0, 1.0> // Where Z is up right < 1.33333, 0.0, 0.0> // Aspect ratio look_at < -85.628, -0.353, 74.100> } // Other cameras are commented out. /* camera { // Camera Camera01 location < 116.801, -88.839, 582.411> direction < 0.0, 0.0, 1.1547> // Aperture is 0.82 degrees sky < 0.00000, 0.00000, 1.00000> // Use right handed-system up < 0.0, 0.0, 1.0> // Where Z is up right < 1.33333, 0.0, 0.0> // Aspect ratio look_at < 55.984, 65.837, 122.368> } */ // // ******* L I G H T S ******* // light_source { // Light001 <-224.492, -55.404, 31.854> color rgb <1.000, 1.000, 1.000> fade_distance 5.0 fade_power 1.0 } light_source { // Sol <31619.310, -30498.178, 83891.701> color rgb <1.000, 1.000, 0.914>*1.2000 } // // ******** MATERIALS ******* // #include "fluffy_s_cloud.inc" // // ******** REFERENCED OBJECTS ******* // // // ******** OBJECTS ******* // #declare HgtFld003 = object { height_field { tga "D:\PROGRAM FILES\MORAY FOR WINDOWS\Maps\Farawaycloud.tga" water_level 0.0 smooth } rotate <-90, 0, 0> // Turn onto XY plane. Now points along -Z scale < 2, 2,-2> // Scale to Cube size. Now points along +Z translate < -1,-1,-1> // Center around origin hollow scale <100.0, 100.0, 35.0> } #declare HgtFld004 = object { height_field { tga "D:\PROGRAM FILES\MORAY FOR WINDOWS\Maps\Farawaycloudi.tga" water_level 0.0 smooth } rotate <-90, 0, 0> // Turn onto XY plane. Now points along -Z scale < 2, 2,-2> // Scale to Cube size. Now points along +Z translate < -1,-1,-1> // Center around origin hollow scale <100.0, 100.0, 5.0> rotate <180.0, 0.0, 180.0> translate -37.895577*z } intersection { // Misc_clouds1 object { HgtFld003 } object { HgtFld004 } material { Media1_1 } hollow scale <4.75, 4.75, 3.5> translate <433.930045, 649.676573, 291.93458> } sphere { // Marking_Sphere_Comment_me_Out <0,0,0>,1 material { Rocky } translate <-112.788257, 101.395414, 40.778614> } text { // Stay_HappyX ttf "C:\WINDOWS\Fonts\Gilsanub.ttf", "StayHappy", 1.0, // Depth <0.0, 0.0, 0.0> // Offset material { HappyYellow } scale 0.033689 rotate <90.0, 0.0, -83.734261> translate <-219.046478, -53.876707, 32.543344> } sphere { // Tree_Hill <0,0,0>,1 scale <-57.182541, 85.489883, 22.019186> translate <-106.385696, 100.859167, 19.19143> material { Grasstemp // Transform to world space } } sphere { // Camera_Hill <0,0,0>,1 scale <154.226654, 87.481346, 9.47333> rotate -62.378544*z translate <-232.437032, -65.19952, 19.418049> material { Grasstemp // Transform to world space } } #declare HgtFld001 = object { height_field { tga "D:\PROGRAM FILES\MORAY FOR WINDOWS\Maps\fluffysmiley.tga" water_level 0.0 smooth } rotate <-90, 0, 0> // Turn onto XY plane. Now points along -Z scale < 2, 2,-2> // Scale to Cube size. Now points along +Z translate < -1,-1,-1> // Center around origin hollow scale <100.0, 100.0, 10.0> } #declare HgtFld002 = object { height_field { tga "D:\PROGRAM FILES\MORAY FOR WINDOWS\Maps\fluffysmileyi.tga" water_level 0.0 smooth } rotate <-90, 0, 0> // Turn onto XY plane. Now points along -Z scale < 2, 2,-2> // Scale to Cube size. Now points along +Z translate < -1,-1,-1> // Center around origin hollow scale <100.0, 100.0, 10.0> rotate -180.0*y translate -18.638312*z } intersection { // Smiley_Cloud object { HgtFld001 } object { HgtFld002 } material { Media1 } hollow rotate <17.890299, -4.964496, 105.99205> translate <-16.756921, 24.168595, 165.109023> } plane { // Ground_Patch_Filler z,0 material { Grasstemp // Transform to world space } } sphere { // SkyDome <0,0,0>,1 material { Skyfade } no_shadow hollow scale <4960.583984, 4629.798828, 1000.121399> } sphere { // Middle_Hill <0,0,0>,1 scale <-57.182541, 85.489883, 22.019186> rotate 29.927526*z translate <-75.11896, -12.88412, 14.881719> material { Grasstemp // Transform to world space } } sphere { // Tweeney_Hill <0,0,0>,1 scale <-57.182541, 85.489883, 22.019186> rotate 27.398674*z translate <-17.796611, 82.620237, 19.19143> material { Grasstemp // Transform to world space } } sphere { // Right_Hill <0,0,0>,1 scale <-57.182541, 85.489883, 22.019186> rotate 27.398674*z translate <135.931507, -132.563925, 12.726863> material { Grasstemp // Transform to world space } } sphere { // Middle_Distance_Right_Hill <0,0,0>,1 scale <-57.182541, 85.489883, 22.019186> translate <-98.042642, -87.455482, 7.339724> material { Grasstemp // Transform to world space } } #declare HgtFld005 = object { height_field { tga "D:\PROGRAM FILES\MORAY FOR WINDOWS\Maps\Farawaycloud.tga" water_level 0.0 smooth } rotate <-90, 0, 0> // Turn onto XY plane. Now points along -Z scale < 2, 2,-2> // Scale to Cube size. Now points along +Z translate < -1,-1,-1> // Center around origin hollow scale <100.0, 100.0, 35.0> } #declare HgtFld006 = object { height_field { tga "D:\PROGRAM FILES\MORAY FOR WINDOWS\Maps\Farawaycloudi.tga" water_level 0.0 smooth } rotate <-90, 0, 0> // Turn onto XY plane. Now points along -Z scale < 2, 2,-2> // Scale to Cube size. Now points along +Z translate < -1,-1,-1> // Center around origin hollow scale <100.0, 100.0, 5.0> rotate <180.0, 0.0, 180.0> translate -37.895577*z } intersection { // Misc_clouds2 object { HgtFld005 } object { HgtFld006 } material { Media1_1 } hollow scale <4.75, 7.75, 3.5> rotate -62.116684*z translate <975.010903, -134.870383, 291.93458> }