// Persistence of Vision Ray Tracer Scene Description File // File: elf.pov // Vers: 3.1 // Desc: my elf logo // Date: 09/20/99 // Auth: Eric L. Freeman #version unofficial MegaPov 0.5; // ==== Standard POV-Ray Includes ==== #include "kolors.inc" #include "mega_metals.inc" // Lights $LiteDist = 300000; $LiteRad = 0.003; $LiteFall = 0.008; $LiteTite = 5; // E light_source { color rgb <0,0,1> spotlight point_at <0, 0, 0> radius LiteRad tightness LiteTite // lower is softer, higher is tighter falloff LiteFall // intensity falloff radius (outer, in degrees) } // L light_source { <0,0,-LiteDist> color rgb <1,0,0> spotlight point_at <0, 0, 0> radius LiteRad tightness LiteTite // lower is softer, higher is tighter falloff LiteFall // intensity falloff radius (outer, in degrees) } // F light_source { <0,LiteDist,0> color rgb <0,1,0> spotlight point_at <0, 0, 0> radius LiteRad tightness LiteTite // lower is softer, higher is tighter falloff LiteFall // intensity falloff radius (outer, in degrees) } // Walls $WallOffset = -44; /* $WallFin = finish { reflection <0.3,0.17,0.5> ambient 0.08 diffuse 0.92 } $WallTex = texture { pigment {color Gray40} finish {WallFin} } */ $WallMat = material { texture { pigment {color Gray40} // use any pigment you like. finish { ambient 0.08 brilliance 2 diffuse 0.92 metallic reflect_metallic blinn 2.0 facets 0.28 reflection <0.3,0.24,0.44>*2.3 } } interior {MegaMetalInt} } plane { <0,1,0>, WallOffset // texture {WallTex} material {WallMat} } plane { <0,0,-1>, WallOffset // texture {WallTex} material {WallMat} } plane { <1,0,0>, WallOffset // texture {WallTex} material {WallMat} } // WALL CORNERS $CorTex = texture { pigment {color Gray70} finish { reflection 0.0 ambient 0.13 diffuse 0.87 } } $CorRad = 1; cylinder { , CorRad texture {CorTex} } cylinder { , <1000,WallOffset,-WallOffset> CorRad texture {CorTex} } cylinder { , CorRad texture {CorTex} } // THE BLOCK $CutOut = 4.0; $Solid = CutOut*1.9; $BlockX = (CutOut*2)+(Solid*3); $BlockSp = BlockX/2; $BoxFin = finish { reflection 0.0 ambient 0.2 diffuse 0.8 } $BoxTex = texture { pigment {color Gray50} finish {BoxFin} } $BoxMat = material { texture { pigment {color Gray50} finish { ambient 0.2 brilliance 2 diffuse 0.8 metallic reflect_metallic blinn 2.0 facets 0.28 reflection 0.05 } } interior {MegaMetalInt} } $Block = difference { box { <-BlockSp,-BlockSp,-BlockSp>, } // E box {// top cutout <-BlockSp-1,-BlockSp+CutOut+(Solid*2),-BlockSp+Solid>, } box {// bottom cutout <-BlockSp-1,-BlockSp+Solid,-BlockSp+Solid>, } box {// rite cutout <-BlockSp-1,-BlockSp+CutOut+Solid-0.1,-BlockSp+(Solid*2)+(CutOut*2)-0.0001>, } // L box { <-BlockSp+Solid+0.0001,-BlockSp+Solid+0.0001,-BlockSp-1>, } // F box {// top cutout <-BlockSp+Solid,-BlockSp-1,-BlockSp+(Solid*2)+CutOut>, } box {// bottom cutout <-BlockSp+Solid,-BlockSp-1,-BlockSp-1>, } box {// rite cutout <-BlockSp+(Solid*2)+CutOut,-BlockSp-1,-BlockSp+Solid+CutOut-0.0001>, } // texture {BoxTex} material {BoxMat} } object {Block} // set viewer's position in the scene $CamX = 100000; $CamAng = 0.1; //0.06; $CamPos = ; $CamLook = <0,-CamX*0.00005,0>; camera { location CamPos look_at CamLook angle CamAng }