// Persistence of Vision Ray Tracer Scene Description File // File: Library.pov // Vers: 3.1 // Desc: Mystical Library // Date: 6 June 2000 // Auth: Gail Shaw // NB 1 unit = 1 metre!! #version unofficial megapov 0.5; #include "colors.inc" #declare Final=0; // Light coffee marble with darker patches. #declare Stone7 = texture { pigment { colour rgb<0.431,0.259,0.259> } } texture { pigment { granite turbulence 0.6 color_map { [0.00 color rgbf<0.537, 0.376, 0.341, 0.729>] [0.15 color rgbf<0.584, 0.475, 0.329, 0.737>] [0.40 color rgbf<0.675, 0.475, 0.404, 0.541>] [0.56 color rgbf<0.757, 0.631, 0.522, 0.380>] [0.73 color rgbf<0.659, 0.545, 0.439, 0.675>] [1.00 color rgbf<0.541, 0.376, 0.341, 0.729>] } } rotate <0.0, 0.0, 40.0> scale <1.0, 3.0, 2.0> } texture { pigment { granite turbulence 0.6 color_map { [0.00 color rgbf<0.808, 0.812, 0.812, 0.831>] [0.22 color rgbf<0.741, 0.839, 0.831, 0.843>] [0.24 color rgbf<0.404, 0.333, 0.333, 0.463>] [0.62 color rgbf<0.584, 0.588, 0.631, 0.651>] [0.76 color rgbf<0.914, 0.839, 0.722, 0.620>] [0.78 color rgbf<0.153, 0.129, 0.208, 0.435>] [0.81 color rgbf<0.812, 0.812, 0.812, 0.831>] [1.00 color rgbf<0.812, 0.812, 0.812, 0.831>] } } finish { phong 0.1 phong_size 90 } rotate <0.0, 0.0, 60.0> scale <3.5, 5.0, 4.0> } background {Blue} camera { location <0.5,2,-10> look_at <0,1,0> angle 40 } /*light_source { <-5,10,-50> White }*/ light_source { <-8,0.72,-10> rgb <0.9,0.9,1>*0.4 //fade_distance 8 //fade_power 1 } light_source { <-2,0.72,-10> rgb <0.9,0.9,1>*0.4 //fade_distance 8 //fade_power 1 } light_source { <-5,30,0> White } // floating boxes box { <0,0,0>,<1.9,-1,1.5> translate <-0.8,0,-4> texture {Stone7 scale 0.25} } // other boxes commented out for clarity /* box { <0,0,0>,<2.5,-1.2,2> translate <-0.8,-0.15,2> texture {Stone7 scale 0.25} } box { <0,0,0>,<1.1,-1,1.1> translate <-3.4,-0.1,-1.5> texture {Stone7 scale 0.25} } box { <0,0,0>,<1.2,-1.1,1.2> translate <1.6,0,-3.2> texture {Stone7 scale 0.25} } box { <0,0,0>,<1.9,-1,1.5> translate <-1.1,-0.1,-1.3> texture {Stone7 scale 0.25} } box { <0,0,0>,<1.4,-1,1.4> translate <-3.35,0.15,-0.2> texture {Stone7 scale 0.25} } box { <0,0,0>,<1.2,-1,1.2> translate <0.8,0,-0.9> texture {Stone7 scale 0.25} } box { <0,0,0>,<1.4,-1,1.3> translate <2.8,0,0.5> texture {Stone7 scale 0.25} } */ // side wall union { box { <7,-2.6,-6>,<8,0.4,21> texture {Stone7 scale 0.25} } box { <7.95,0,-6>,<8.1,12,21> pigment {LightWood} } rotate y*-20 translate z*-0.5 } // horizontal blocks and back wall. union { box { <-6,-1.6,9.5>,<1.5,0.4,10.5> } box { <-6,-1.6,14.5>,<4,0.4,15.5> } box { <-6,-1.6,4.5>,<-1.5,0.4,5.5> } box { <-6,-2.6,18.5>,<7.5,0.4,19.5> } box { <7.935,0,19.4>,<-10,6.5,19.6> pigment {LightWood} } texture {Stone7 scale 0.25} rotate y*-20 translate z*-0.5 } // ceiling and floor box { <-20,6.5,-20>,<8,7,41> pigment {LightWood} finish {ambient 0.7} no_shadow hollow rotate y*-20 translate z*-0.5 } box { <-20,-2.5,-20>,<9,-3,41> pigment {LightWood} finish {ambient 0.7} no_shadow hollow rotate y*-20 translate z*-0.5 } // ground fog #if (Final=0) fog { fog_type 2 distance 0.3 color rgb 0.7 // gray fog_offset -0.7 fog_alt 0.15 turbulence 1.5 turb_depth 0.8 } #else box { <-15,-3,-15>,<15,-0.3,45> pigment { rgbf 1 } hollow interior { media { absorption 0.7 emission 0.7 scattering {2, rgb<.25,.25,.25> extinction 1 } intervals 1 samples 1 confidence 0.8 variance 1/32 method 3 density { gradient y color_map { [0 rgb 1] [1 rgb 1] } } } } } #end