// Material Include file. // // This file was generated for POV-Ray V3.1 by // NOTE: Do *NOT* remove the comment lines containing '$MRY$'. // To make Moray not re-export the material, change // the '$MRY$' to '$MRX$'. // // // ******** MATERIALS ******* // // Materials from previous exports [MRY] // Materials exported in this run [MRY] // $MRY$: 'Material1' #declare Material1 = material // Material1 { texture { pigment { color rgbt <1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.9479> } } interior { ior 3.0575 caustics 1.5 } } // $MRY$: 'Material2' #declare Material2 = material // Material2 { texture { pigment { image_map { tga "C:\PROGRAM FILES\MORAY\Maps\tmjr12.tga" } } normal { bump_map { tga "C:\PROGRAM FILES\MORAY\Maps\tmjr12.tga" use_index } } } }