// Sigmund Kyrre Ås (c) 2000 sigmund@kyrre.net #version unofficial MegaPov 0.5; global_settings { #if(0) photons { gather 20,100 spacing .001 autostop 0 max_trace_level 16 } #end max_trace_level 140 } camera { direction 1 location <-2,2,-2> look_at <-.1,.35,0> angle 60 } light_source {<5,4,-7>*2 color rgb <.4,.4,.5> spotlight point_at y*.1 radius 7 falloff 15 } light_source {<-5,1.5,0>*2 color rgb <.6,.5,.5> spotlight point_at -x*.2 radius 10 falloff 18 } light_source {<3,20,3> color <.7,.8,.8> spotlight point_at z*.3 radius 6 falloff 10 } $DiamondScale = .8; $TotalHeight = 1.5; $GirdleHeight = .40; $CrownShape = .35; // percent of GirdleHeight $PavilionShape = .60; // percent of pavilion height $Facets = 8; $Radius = 1; #include "brilliant2.inc" #macro RenderVector(V,n) #render concat( "<",str(V.x,n,n),", ",str(V.y,n,n),", ",str(V.z,n,n),">\n" ) #end object {Diamond $A=atan2( R3,(Y5-Y3) ) ; rotate degrees(A)*z rotate 90*z rotate -y*20 translate y*(sin(A)*TotalHeight) pigment {color rgb <.91,.94,1> filter .5 } interior { ior 2.417 fade_power 1000 fade_distance 25 dispersion 1.07 disp_nelems 40 } finish { reflection .4 conserve_energy // reflection_min .03 reflection_max .5 reflection_falloff .5 } photons{ target refraction on reflection on ignore_photons } } plane {y,-.001 pigment{ rgb .9 } finish{diffuse .7 brilliance 1.2} } box{-20,20 pigment { bozo color_map { [0 rgb <232,239,249>/255] [.1 rgb <195,213,238>/255] [.3 rgb <173,199,231>/255] [1 rgb <232,239,249>/255] } turbulence .1 scale 6 } finish {diffuse 1 ambient .1} no_shadow hollow } #if(1) global_settings { ini_option "+QR" ini_option "Preview_Start_Size=16" ini_option "Preview_End_Size=8" radiosity{ count 25 nearest_count 4 error_bound 2.5 recursion_limit 2 low_error_factor .5 gray_threshold 0.0 minimum_reuse 0.015 brightness 1 adc_bailout 0.01/(18*2) } } #end