//#version unofficial MegaPov 0.4; #include "colors.inc" global_settings { assumed_gamma 2.2 max_trace_level 70 ambient_light 0.100 } #declare Cm1= camera { location <0,90, -75> direction <0, 0, 1> up <0, 1, 0> right <4/3, 0, 0> look_at <0,40,0> } camera {Cm1} light_source {<50, 150, -50> color rgb 0.6}// fade_distance 50 fade_power 1.5} light_source {<-50, 150, -50> color rgb 0.6}// fade_distance 50 fade_power 1.5} light_source {<0, 10, -150> color rgb 0.6}// fade_distance 50 fade_power 1.5} plane {y,-1 pigment {White} } #declare Original= blob { threshold .3 sphere {0,1,-2 translate 3.2*y scale <1.5,1,1.5> } sphere {0,1,0.6 translate 3*y scale <3,1,3> } sphere {0,1,0.6 translate 3*y scale <1.5,1,1.5> } sphere {0,1,0.6 translate 2.15*y scale <1.4,1,1.4> } sphere {0,1,0.6 translate 1.2*y } sphere {0,1,0.6 translate 0.2*y scale <0.90,1,0.90> } sphere {0,1,0.6 translate -0.8*y scale <0.85,1,0.85> } sphere {0,1,0.6 translate -1.8*y scale <0.8,1,0.8> } sphere {0,1,0.6 translate -2.8*y scale <0.75,1,0.75> } sphere {0,1,0.6 translate -3.8*y scale <0.7,1,0.7> } sphere {0,1,0.6 translate -4.8*y scale <0.65,1,0.65> } sphere {0,1,0.6 translate -5.8*y scale <0.6,1,0.6> } sphere {0,1,0.6 translate -7*y scale <0.8,1,0.8> } texture { pigment {rgb <.60, .75, .60>} finish { phong .4 phong_size .9 ambient .15 metallic .6 diffuse .6 brilliance .8 } } } // O.K., you have very specific placement and scaling of each component, // rather than having an incrimented scaling and translation. It's interesting // that you scale after translation. I try to avoid that whereever possible, // as objects not at the origin point will move as well as resize when you scale them. // // So, I'm going to try loops of ten components between each original component location. // For the two major components at the top, I kept their original radius and strength. // FOr all the rest, as I was going to use 10 components for each of the originals, // I reduced each one's strength by a factor of 10. #declare Smoothed= blob { threshold .3 sphere {0,1,-2 translate 3.2*y scale <1.5,1,1.5> } sphere {0,1,0.6 translate 3*y scale <3,1,3> } //// #declare Mv1=3; #declare Sc1=1.5; #while (Mv1 >=2.15) sphere {0,1,0.06 translate Mv1*y scale } #declare Mv1=Mv1-0.085; #declare Sc1=Sc1-0.01; #end //// #declare Mv2=2.15; #while (Mv2 >=1.2) sphere {0,1,0.06 translate Mv2*y } #declare Mv2=Mv2-0.095; #end //// #declare Mv3=1.2; #declare Sc3=1; #while (Mv3 >=0.2) sphere {0,1,0.06 translate Mv3*y scale } #declare Mv3=Mv3-0.1; #declare Sc3=Sc3-0.01; #end //// #declare Mv4=0.2; #declare Sc4=0.9; #while (Mv4 >= -5.8) sphere {0,1,0.06 translate Mv4*y scale } #declare Mv4=Mv4-0.1; #declare Sc4=Sc4-0.005; #end //// #declare Mv4=-5.2; #declare Sc4=0.6; #while (Mv4 >= -7) sphere {0,1,0.06 translate Mv4*y scale } #declare Mv4=Mv4-0.18; #declare Sc4=Sc4+0.02; #end //// texture { pigment {rgb <.60, .75, .60>} finish { phong .4 phong_size .9 ambient .15 metallic .6 diffuse .6 brilliance .8 } } } #declare Colortone= blob { threshold .3 sphere {0,1,-2 translate 3.2*y scale <1.5,1,1.5> texture {pigment {Coral} finish {phong .4 phong_size .9 ambient .15 metallic .6 diffuse .6 brilliance .8}} } sphere {0,1,0.6 translate 3*y scale <3,1,3> texture {pigment {Yellow} finish {phong .4 phong_size .9 ambient .15 metallic .6 diffuse .6 brilliance .8}} } //// #declare Mv1=3; #declare Sc1=1.5; #while (Mv1 >=2.15) sphere {0,1,0.06 translate Mv1*y scale texture {pigment {MidnightBlue} finish {phong .4 phong_size .9 ambient .15 metallic .6 diffuse .6 brilliance .8}} } #declare Mv1=Mv1-0.085; #declare Sc1=Sc1-0.01; #end //// #declare Mv2=2.15; #while (Mv2 >=1.2) sphere {0,1,0.06 translate Mv2*y texture {pigment {SpicyPink} finish {phong .4 phong_size .9 ambient .15 metallic .6 diffuse .6 brilliance .8}} } #declare Mv2=Mv2-0.095; #end //// #declare Mv3=1.2; #declare Sc3=1; #while (Mv3 >=0.2) sphere {0,1,0.06 translate Mv3*y scale texture {pigment {Scarlet} finish {phong .4 phong_size .9 ambient .15 metallic .6 diffuse .6 brilliance .8}} } #declare Mv3=Mv3-0.1; #declare Sc3=Sc3-0.01; #end //// #declare Mv4=0.2; #declare Sc4=0.9; #while (Mv4 >= -5.8) sphere {0,1,0.06 translate Mv4*y scale texture {pigment {Wheat} finish {phong .4 phong_size .9 ambient .15 metallic .6 diffuse .6 brilliance .8}} } #declare Mv4=Mv4-0.1; #declare Sc4=Sc4-0.005; #end //// #declare Mv4=-5.2; #declare Sc4=0.6; #while (Mv4 >= -7) sphere {0,1,0.06 translate Mv4*y scale texture {pigment {Black} finish {phong .4 phong_size .9 ambient .15 metallic .6 diffuse .6 brilliance .8}} } #declare Mv4=Mv4-0.18; #declare Sc4=Sc4+0.02; #end //// } object {Smoothed scale 5 translate <35,40,0>} object {Original scale 5 translate <-35,40,0>} object {Colortone scale 5 translate <0,40,0>}