// Persistence of Vision Ray Tracer Scene Description File // File: .pov // Vers: 3.1 // Desc: none of the macros check for illegal numbers // Date: 22 April 2000 // Auth: S Shonfield // ==== Standard POV-Ray Includes ==== #include "colors.inc" // Standard Color definitions #include "morestuf.inc" // some shapes // Set a color of the background (sky) background { color red 1 green 1 blue 1 } camera { location <0 , 1.5 ,-4.5> right x look_at <0 , .5 , 0> orthographic } light_source {<0,1,-10> color White shadowless} light_source {<0,100,0> color White shadowless} /******** chamfered_box (x,y,z,size of edge) - some of the corners are not complete yet ********/ //#object {chamfered_box (1,1,1,.1) translate <-.5,0,-.5> rotate <0,30,0> translate <-1.5,0,0> pigment {Yellow}} /******** rounded_box (x,y,z,radius of edge) ********/ #object {rounded_box (1,1,1,1/16) translate <-.5,0,-.5> rotate <0,30,0> translate <-1.5,0,0> pigment {Yellow}} #object {rounded_cylinder (1,.25,1/16) translate <0,0,0> rotate <0,30,0> translate <-1.5,1.5,0> pigment {Yellow}} /******** wireframe_box (x,y,z,size of wire) ********/ #object {wireframe_box (1,1,1,1/32) translate <-.5,0,-.5> rotate <0,30,0> translate <0,0,0> pigment{Red}} /******** wireframe_sphere_a (radius,size of wire) , and _b ********/ #object {wireframe_sphere_a (1/2,1/64) rotate <0,30,0> translate <1.5,2,0> pigment {Green}} #object {wireframe_sphere_b (1/2,1/16) rotate <0,30,0> translate <1.5,.5,0> pigment {Green}} /******** wireframe_cone (base radius,highth of cone, size of wire) ********/ #object {wireframe_cone (1,.5,1/32) rotate <0,30,0> translate <1.5,-1.5,0> pigment {Violet}} /******** wireframe_cylinder (cylinder highth,cylinder radius,size of wire) ********/ #object {wireframe_cylinder (1,.25,1/32) rotate <0,30,0> translate <0,1.5,0> pigment {Red}} /******** wireframe_torus (major radius,minor radius,size of wire) , and _a ********/ #object {wireframe_torus (.5,.125,1/64) rotate <45,0,0> translate <0,-1,0> pigment {Blue}} #object {wireframe_torus_a (.5,.125,1/32) rotate <45,0,0> translate <-1.5,-1,0> pigment {Blue}}