// Test tube macro. February 2000, Paul Daniel Jones
// This macro is for the generation of an array of testtubes,
// each filled with a liquid at various heights.
// This macro needs a few variables, liquid_color, liquid_height
// and dotest.
#macro test_tubes( liquid_height, dotest,row,col)
#declare l1=seed(45681);
#declare empty_tube=
merge {
sphere {<0,1,0> 1.0}
cylinder {<0,1,0> <0,15,0> 1.0}
torus {1.0,0.15 translate <0,14.9,0>}
merge {
sphere {<0,1,0>0.96}
cylinder {<0,1,0> <0,16,0> 0.96}
#declare liquid=
merge {
sphere {<0,1,0> 0.989999999990}
cylinder {<0,1,0> <0,liquid_height*rand(l1),0> 0.959999999990}
#declare hole =
union { sphere {<0,1,0>1.1}
cylinder {<0,1,0><0,5,0> 1.1}
torus {1.1,.2 translate <0,3,0>}}
#declare wooden_rack =
superellipsoid {<0.1, 0.1> scale
translate <0,2,0> }
#declare counter=0;
#while (counter }
#declare counter2=counter2+1 ;
#declare counter=counter+1;
object {
wooden_rack texture{ T_Wood5 rotate <45,45,45> scale 6} normal{dents 6 scale 2}}
#declare counter3=0;
#while (counter3 } finish {phong 1}}
texture{ pigment {color rgbt<1,1,1,1>}
finish {ambient 0 diffuse 0.4 reflection 0.05 phong 0.9 phong_size 100}}
interior {ior 1.6 fade_distance 1 fade_power 4 caustics 4}
object {
#if (dotest=on)
merge {
sphere {<0,1,0> 0.989999999990}
cylinder {<0,1,0> <0,liquid_height+rand(l1),0> 0.959999999990}}
texture {pigment {color rgbf <.9,rand(l1),1-rand(l1),1>} finish {phong 1}}
merge {
sphere {<0,1,0> 0.989999999990}
cylinder {<0,1,0> <0,liquid_height*rand(l1),0> 0.959999999990}}
texture{ pigment {color rgbf }
finish {ambient 0.1 diffuse 0.6 reflection 0.1 phong 0.9 phong_size 100}}
interior {ior 1.33 caustics 4}
translate <(col*1.7)-3*counter4-2,0,(row*1.7)-3*counter3-2 >}
#declare counter4=counter4+1 ;
#declare counter3=counter3+1;