// Persistence of Vision Ray Tracer Scene Description File // File:Aftermath.pov // Vers: 3.1 // Date: jan 2000 // Auth: Mick Hazelgrove with thanks to Jaime for his cloud technique #version 3.1; #include "colors.inc" global_settings { assumed_gamma 1.0 max_trace_level 155 } // ---------------------------------------- #declare Image_Length = 480; #declare Image_Height = 640; camera { location <0, 125, -500> direction <0, 0, 1.5> right Image_Length/Image_Height*x look_at <0,100,150> angle 100 } sky_sphere { pigment { gradient y turbulence .3 lambda 3 color_map { [0.0 color rgb <0,.5,.65>] [1.0 color rgb 1] } } rotate x*-20 } light_source{<0, 93000000,0> color rgb<1,1,.875> rotate z*-35 } // ---------------------------------------- #declare Ground_on = 1; #declare Sky_on = 1; #declare Fog_on = 1 ; // ---------------------------------------- #if(Fog_on = 1) fog { fog_type 2 distance 7500 color rgb<.85,.85,.9> turbulence .15 turb_depth 200 fog_offset 2 fog_alt 1000 } fog { fog_type 2 distance 2000 color rgb<.85,.85,.9> turbulence 200 turb_depth 100 fog_offset 2 fog_alt 50 } #end //---------------------------------------- #if(Ground_on = 1) height_field { tga "C:\My Documents\Graphics\PovRay\Pov 3.1\levhfdata\Groundhf.tga" smooth texture{ pigment{rgb<.75,.75,.3>/1.3} normal {granite 50 scale .25} } translate <-.5, 0.000, -.5> rotate x*-10 scale <750, 75, 250> scale 15 translate<0,0,4000> } height_field { tga "C:\My Documents\Graphics\PovRay\Pov 3.1\levhfdata\Groundhf.tga" smooth texture{ pigment{rgb<.75,.75,.6>/1.3} normal {granite 50 scale .25} } translate <-.5, 0.000, -.5> scale <1250, 100, 250> scale 15 rotate y*25 translate<-3500,0,10000> } #declare Rip = function { pigment { marble color_map { [0 color rgb 1] [1 color rgb 0] }//color map turbulence .4 warp{black_hole <0, 0, 0>, 25 repeat<50,0,50> } ramp_wave scale 1 rotate y*30 }//pigment }//function #declare Land3=isosurface { function y+(sin(x/5)+noise3d(.5*x,.5*y,0))+(sin(z/6)+noise3d(.5*x,.5*y,.5*z))+(y-Rip(x,y/2,z)/2) //function y+(sin(x/5)+noise3d(.5*x,.5*y,0))+(sin(z/6)+noise3d(.5*x,.5*y,.5*z))+(-Rip(x,y,z)) bounded_by{ box {<-5000,-20,-5000>,<5000,20,5000>}} sign 2 threshold 2 scale 15 } object{Land3 pigment{Tan}} plane{y,2 texture { //was 10 with other function pigment {color rgbt <0.3,0.3,0.3,.5 >} finish {reflection 0.25} } } #end // ---------------------------------------- #if (Sky_on = 1) #declare Cheight=5000; #declare Pdist=40; #declare Tdist=40; #declare Nplanes=80; #declare Count=1; #declare CldtopCol = color rgb<1,1,.75>; #declare BaseCol = color rgb<.8,.7,.86>*1.5; #while (Count<=Nplanes) #declare FBaseCol=BaseCol*(1-(Count/Nplanes))+CldtopCol*(Count/Nplanes); box{<-100000,-0.0000001,-500><100000,0.0,100000> texture{ pigment{ spotted octaves 9 lambda 3 omega 0.55 turbulence 3 color_map{ [0.45 rgbt 1] [1.0 FBaseCol filter .5*(Count/Nplanes)] } scale 1000000/80 } translate <0,(Cheight+Tdist*Count),0> } translate <0,(Cheight+Pdist*Count),0> finish{ambient .25+(1.25*((Count/Nplanes)/1.875)) specular 1} hollow } #declare Count=Count+1; #end #end